Please see the attached: 20250129ZoningVarianceDraftAgenda
Draft Agenda – Clintonville Area Commission Zoning & Variance Committee
Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights Ave.
January 29, 2025, 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to order.
2. Approve agenda.
3. A discussion of next year’s committee.
4. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
5. Variance agenda: BZA24-168, 235 Webster Park Ave. Application. Staff report. To allow for a
two-story addition with an extra bedroom and as two-car garage, the applicant seeks
a variance to reduce the required rear yard from 25% to 17.0% of the total lot area (1,720 SF to
1,232 SF). CC3332.27. Existing rear yard: 1,408 SF, 20.5%.
6. A discussion of screening forms.
7. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be February 6, 2025,
7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library (subject to confirmation), and the next meeting of the
Zoning & Variance Committee will be February 26, 2025, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights
Lutheran Church.
I’d like to thank all the persons who volunteer for these committees.