Update on BluePrint Columbus

Blueprint Columbus has adjusted the overall project schedule to ensure a thoughtful and efficient Blueprint design and implementation process. The goal of these schedule adjustments are to:

  • Engage residents earlier and more frequently in the solution development for their neighborhood. The green infrastructure constructed in our neighborhoods is intended to be a neighborhood amenity and to truly be an amenity we need residents to be partners in our process. While this process can be very labor intensive, it is critical to develop the best solutions possible for a neighborhood.
  • Assess strategies for existing neighborhood flooding concerns. While Blueprint Columbus is focused on mitigating sanitary sewer overflows, we will also conduct storm sewer assessments and evaluate improvements to address high density flooding complaints in our neighborhoods.
  • Minimize gaps between design and construction phases. We recognize it is important for these projects to be designed and completed in a timely manner, so there are not large gaps between design and construction. This ensures that data collected during the surveying stage is recent and accurate for construction.

As a result of these schedule adjustments, most neighborhoods will now begin the Blueprint process later than previously projected. The Ohio EPA approved these adjustments in December 2018. Please note that these schedule adjustments do not change the communication process with the community, or the use of the Blueprint “4 Pillars” (green infrastructure, sump pumps, lateral lining, roof water redirection). We are still committed to our newly implemented design process, which includes connecting with the community at all 5 major milestones of the design process.

Clintonville area updates:

  • The southern Clintonville Blueprint project area (known as “Clintonville 3”) will have a “30% Design” meeting (where we review initial proposals from the engineering team) in the first quarter of 2021. During this interim, data collections/assessments will continue within the Walhalla Ravine (i.e. bank erosion inventory, etc.).
  • The northern Clintonville Blueprint project area (known as “Clintonville 2”) will begin initial surveying in 2025.

o   A small subsection of Clintonville 2, the Old Beechwold neighborhood, will proceed with green infrastructure, storm sewer enhancements, and road work in 2019. The private property pillars of Blueprint (lateral lining, roof water redirection, and sump pumps) for this area will commence on schedule with the overall Clintonville 2 project area.

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