Graceland Apartment Development

UPDATE 2019.7.11: We are in contact with the Casto Corporation and have discussed some of our concerns with some departments of the city.  The Casto Corp. does not AT THIS TIME have financial backing for the development; however, THAT CAN CHANGE ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS.  It appears there will be some changes soon to some parts of Kenney Park.  We are trying to schedule a meeting regarding those changes for next week.  Again, we will keep you updated.


The CAC has just become aware that an apartment development at Graceland Shopping Center is now going forward.  We know that building permits have been pulled and that some plans or concepts have been obtained by the Delawanda Resident Association.  We are working to find out more details as quickly as we can and will keep all residents apprised as soon and as often as we can.  Since we have not been contacted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment we have to assume that no variances are needed.

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