Blueprint Construction Update (Week of August 26th)


Construction Update – Week of August 26th
Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

Reference this Construction MAP to view the impacted construction areas for next week.

Unsure about which is your area? Visit the Blueprint map and type in your address to find out!

General Updates

  • Several streets are slated for repaving in conjunction with Department of Public Service. Repaving schedules are currently being finalized with the contractor in most areas.
  • Inlet protections for storm sewer inlets will remain until construction has ended and disturbed sites are stabilized. Please do not tamper with or remove them, they are required construction site controls to keep sediment and debris from the construction activities out of the storm sewer. Newly constructed rain garden inlets are also initially blocked with straw waddles to allow the plants to get established and stabilized before becoming fully functional. All inlet protections will be removed by the contractor when allowed.
  • The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to
  • Just like a normal storm drain, the rain gardens can’t do their job if leaves/debris are piling up and blocking water from entering the inlet. Our crews will clear these inlets during regular maintenance, but if you see leaves piling up and blocking the rain garden inlets, feel free to push them aside to allow rainwater to enter. And, as always, remember to keep leaves and yard waste out of the streets as much as possible.

Schreyer Springs

  • Facemyer has completed all project work within the project work zone. Rain gardens will continue to have a monthly cleanout/maintenance performed on them.
  • Downspout installations have begun and are being scheduled with the homeowners. You will receive a door notice 5 days prior to work taking place.

Weisheimer Indian Springs

  • Igel has completed all their downspout installations.
  • BLD will not be onsite.

Blenheim Glencoe

  • Eramo will continue to conduct routine maintenance on the rain gardens.
  •  Additional evaluations are being conducted in conjunction with repaving plans. Schedules are being finalized with the repaving contractor.
  • Glencoe Rd. Resurfacing Update:  Glencoe Rd. is part of the Dept of Public Service’ 2019 resurfacing list.  Columbia Gas has gas line work that must be completed as well.  Both are collaborating to complete this work.  AFTER Columbia Gas performs their gas line work, DPS will proceed with street stabilization and resurfacing work, including curb.  Timeline for resurfacing work is by the end of this construction season. As more detailed schedules become available, we will provide that information in these updates.
  • Private property investigations for downspout redirection and lateral lining for this area will begin late 2019. Residents will receive a letter when this area is “activated”.

Overbrook Chatham

  • Additional plantings will be added to the basins on the slopes later this month.
  • Private property investigations for downspout redirection and lateral lining for this area have begun.
    • Two Crews will be conducting cleanings of the laterals throughout the project area. Residents have been mailed a letter with more information regarding the process and what to expect.
  • Ohio Basement Authority will be conducting downspout investigations on Yaronia and Overbrook Dr. Once investigations have been completed, they will send the residents notices to schedule a homeowner meeting to discuss any proposed work for their property. Please be on the look out for this notice.

Cooke Glenmont

  • Private property investigations for downspout redirection and lateral lining for this area have begun.
    • Crews are scheduling homeowner meetings with residents at this time in preparation of the installations. Please take action and schedule these appointments if you have received notices to do so.
      • There will be installations being performed on Glenmont Ave.
    • Musson Brothers, the contractor conducting the lateral lining will be working on Glenmont Ave. and Canyon Dr. to install cleanouts for the laterals as well as televising the laterals in preparation of lining.

Morse Dominion

  • Shelly & Sands will not be onsite this week.
  • BLD Inc., the crew that is conducting the lateral lining and inspections, will not have any crews cleaning laterals this week.
    • BLD will conduct actual linings in the easement between Wetmore/Beaumont, Beaumont/Garden, Garden/Weisheimer and E Dominion.
  • Ohio Basement Authority will be in the area working on downspouts this week. They will be working on installations on E Jeffrey and Morse Rd. as well as any restorations needed.

Please contact 614-645-1253 or with any questions you may have. If you have an emergency, please call 614-645-8276 for Water or 614-645-7102 for Sewers.  

Sump Pump installations will resume this summer. Contact our outreach team if you are interested in learning more about our free sump pump program!

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