Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – January 6th (IN PERSON)
- Thursday, January 6th, 2022 at 7:00 PM
- Meeting is being held in person at Whetstone Library in the Community Room (3909 N. High St.) – Please note masks are required.
- Detailed Agenda: DRAFT Jan 2021 CAC Agenda
7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping Remarks, Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Vottero, Chair
- Commissioner Introductions and District Updates
- Introduction of Columbus City Council Member Nick Bankston
7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Garrison, Secretary
Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer
7:20 Elections Committee Update – Ann Henkener, Committee Chair
7:25 Neighborhood Update – Lynne LaCour, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku, Columbus City Council
7:35 Zoning & Variance Report- Stephen Hardwick , Zoning & Variance Committee Chair
- BZA21-152, 450 E. Tulane. In order to build an 18′ x 20′ garage on the same footprint as the current garage, the homeowners seek a variance to increase the maximum height from 15’ to 24’, CC3333.28(G).
- BZA21-158, 162 East North Broadway. The homeowners seek to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15’ to 22’ 3 3/4”. CC3332.38(G).
- BZA21-162, 181 Glencoe.
- CV21-126, 61 West North Broadway. The homeowner seeks variances to 1) increase the allowable height of a detached garage from 15’ to 22’ CC3332.38(G), and 2) allow habitable space in the second story of a detached garage. CC3332.37(A).
- BZA21-167, 2864 N. High St. The applicant seeks variances to:
- Reduce the minimum driveway width from 20’ foot 17’-10” due to existing site constraint (retaining wall holding back driveway). CC3312.13.
- Reduce the solid area for parking lot tree from 145 sf to 127 sf & reduce the minimum 4’ radius to 2.5’ due to existing site constraint (small parking lot size). CC3312.21.
- Reduce the minimum required parking spaces from 18 to 10 spaces given this is what physically fits and is an existing condition. CC3312.49.
- Locate trash enclosure in parking area (farthest from street view) given there is no room behind existing building due to zero lot line condition. CC3321.01.
8:00 Public Comment
The next meeting will be at 7pm on February 3rd in the Whetstone Community Meeting Room of the Whetstone Library