CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday March 29th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday March 29th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Welcome and introduction of new committee members.
  4. Recommendation to Commission of Vice-Chairperson
    1. Discussion and vote
  5. Consider minutes from previous meeting. (noted correction: The size of the lot is .13 acres- rather than 1.3 acres).
  6. Variance Agenda:
    1. BZA23-018, 217 Erie Rd. To construct a second story cold storage attic above an existing detached garage, the applicant seeks a variance to increase the maximum allowable height for a detached garage from 15 feet to 24 feet-10 inches. CC3332.38(G).
    2. BZA23-019, 3494 N. High St. To expand an existing eating and dining establishment into a neighboring property, the applicant seeks a variance to reduce the minimum numbers of parking spaces from 9 to 0. CC3312.49.
  7.  Proposed committee rules for next year. Discussion and vote to recommend rules to the CAC.
  8. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be April 6, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be April 26, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

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