Election Cancellation for Districts 4, 5, and 7

Hello Neighbors,

Sharing the update from our Election Committee Chair.  Elections for the position of CAC Commissioner for Districts 4, 5, and 7 are cancelled. Each of the districts had one applicant for the position of Commissioner and all of the applicants were certified as qualified. No one applied to be a Write-In Candidate in any of the open districts. Under the CAC Election Rules, if there is only one candidate for a single district, and there are no Write-In Candidates for that district, the candidate will be declared the winner.

Commissioners for the term beginning in 2025 are:

Hanna VanKuiken  – District 4

Brittany Boulton – District 5

Michael Weinman  – District 7

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the Election Committee!

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