CAC election results

The uncertified results of today’s election are:

District 4
Judy Minister – 11 votes

District 5
Dana Bagwell – 40 votes

District 7
John Eichenbrenner – 8 votes
Michael Weinman – 7 votes

One vote for John Eichenbrenner was cast under provisions of Election Rules VI. C. (4) which permit a voter who does not have identification indicating current address and age to vote by presenting a statement that he is 18 years of age or older and currently resides at a stated address within the election district in which he is voting. Any candidate may review the residency statement and dispute the veracity of the statement. Election complaints must be submitted to the Election Committee Chair in writing and delivered to the Whetstone Library no later than the close of business on May 10, 2018.

Submitted by
Ann Henkener
Chair, CAC Elections Committee

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