Tulip Trees & Dogwoods will be given away at various Clintonville locations to commemorate Earth Day! Help green-up the neighborhood for future generations by nurturing a seedling tree in your yard! Thank you to Green Columbus for donating these trees!
I am happy to include my name and address as one of the locations to pick up a tree.
I’ll try to do an alternate list as soon as I hear from the volunteers who haven’t responded- there were two who did not wish to be named.
It’s really unclear what the times are in the attachment. Is it both evenings of Thu/Fri?
The locations are personal residences – the residents/ volunteers will be at home and will have an area set up in their front yard or drive for the give-away Thursday & Friday or until they run out of trees. The Whetstone Park location is 9-12 Saturday only- we’ll have a table set up near the Prairie at the end of Hollenback.
Thank you, that clarifies things.
Do I need to go to my district, or can I go to a neighboring one?