CAC September 5 Meeting

Agenda PDF here: DRAFT September 2024 Meeting

7:00 Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair Boulton
7:05 District Updates – all commissioners
7:20 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary
7:25 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller
Note: Area Commission Treasurer’s duties are suspended City-wide until further notice
from the Department of Neighborhoods.
7:30 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods,
City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s
Office may be in attendance.
7:45 Election Committee – Chair Melissa Doll
Election results, and CAC recognition of election results.
7:55 Greenspot Committee – Co-chairs Ryan Foshee and Annaliese Kern
Report on the first Columbus ArborFest, August 24, 2024.
8:05 Zoning and Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick
Demolition agenda:
1. 480 E. Weber 2. 204 W. Weber 3. 476 E. Weber
Variance agenda:
1. BZA24-090, 2950 N. High. Harvest of Ohio requests a special permit for a nonmedical marijuana dispensary. CC3389.151
2. CV24-__, 625 E North Broadway. To permit a cat shelter in an Institutional Zone.
3. Discussion of screening forms.
8:40 Public Comment
8:50 Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be 7 PM – 8:50 PM on
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at the Whetstone Library Community Room.
8:50 Adjourn

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