CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Thursday February 1st at 6pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Thursday February 1st at 6pm

Whetstone Library prior to the regular CAC Monthly meeting at 7pm in the same location
  • Rescheduled from the prior week & confirmed for this date/time/location
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Note that the order of proceeding for variances is as follows:
    1. Applicant presentation.
    2. Optional commissioner report(s).
    3. Committee questions.
    4. Public comment (everyone who wants to speak will be able to speak, but depending on how many wish to speak, time per speaker may be limited to 3 minutes).
    5. Applicant response.
    6. Optional commissioner response(s).
    7. Motion
    8. Committee discussion and vote. Committee members may ask questions to anyone present.
    9. Vote.
  5. Variance agenda: BZA23-153, 3070 N. High St. Revised application. Site plan. Screening form. The applicant seeks a variance to reduce the required parking spaces from 44 to the existing 12, CC3312.49.
  6. Discussion of next year’s committee.
  7. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be February 1, 2024, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be February 28, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

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