CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday December 18th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday December 18th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Variance agenda:
    1. BZA24-148, 262-264 Broad Meadows Blvd. To provide a dumpster with an enclosure for a multi-unit apartment property, the applicant seeks variances from
      1. CC3321.01(A), Dumpster area – to reduce the required setback for the dumpster and enclosure from 25 feet to 10 feet from the right-of-way
      2. CC3312.25, Maneuvering – to reduce the maneuvering area for a garbage truck from 20 feet to 14.78 feet.
  5. The current committee serves through the January 29, 2025 meeting. Discussion of the 2025 committee selection process.
  6. A discussion of screening forms.
  7. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be January 9, 2025, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library (subject to confirmation), and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be January 29, 2025, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.


  1. I would like to part of the next meeting. I am resident of Clintonville

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