CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday February 24th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 7:00 p.m


Agenda PDF: 20210224ZoningRevisedDraftAgenda


  1. Call to order.
  2. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  3. Variance agenda:
    1. BZA21-008, 494 Dunedin. Application. Staff Review Results. Capital Construction seeks variances for the homeowner to:
      1. Reduce the minimum side yard for a garage from 3′ to 0′, CC3332.26.
      2. Increase the height of a garage from 15′ to 18′. CC3332.38(G)
    2. GC21-003, 5455 N. High St.. Aldi seeks a variances to increase the allowable graphic area for a side wall sign from 16 square feet to 75.07 square feet. CC3377.24(D).
    3. BZA21-018, 5455 IN. High St. Aldi asks for variances to:
      1. Decrease the shade trees required from 9 to 7, CC3312.21(A).
      2. Increase the setback from the primary street ROW from 25’ to 125.1 ft from entrance canopy and 134.4 ft from front façade. CC3372.704(A)
      3. Decrease the maximum building setback from interior lot line at front building setback from 50′ to 46′ from corner of front façade to north property line. CC3372.704(C)
      4. Increase the maximum building setback from interior lot line at front building setback from 50′ to 60.90′ from canopy and 69.5 ft from wall to south property line.CC3372.704(C).
      5. Decrease parking lot setback along primary street from 25′ to 10′ from the High St right-of-way. CC3372.704(D).
      6. Decrease the required width of building along primary building frontage from 60% to 50.7% of the lot width. CC3372.705(B).
      7. Change the dumpster location from behind the principal building to the north side of the building. CC33707(F).
      8. Allow parking and circulation in the area between the building and the High St. right-of-way. CC3372.709(A).
  4. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on March 3, 2020, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be March 24, 2021. Both meetings will be at 7:00 p.m.

One Comment

  1. Thank you for considering adding an aldi!!

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