CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday September 25th @ 7pm

The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday September 25th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202)

Agenda is filed under CAC Agendas – amended agenda has been posted to update previous information within the file.

This is public meeting & all are welcome to attend!

Facebook Event Link: CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Facebook


  1. Can we just get the agenda posted in these updates? Too often CAC relies on posting PDF files. In this case, I can’t even find the file. Why do I need to go elsewhere to find the agenda, when this post would be a great place to add it.

    • Hi Adam – I am newly running items on the site for posting so following past process. I will take this back to the group & committee chair to ensure change in process wouldn’t case any issues & will update accordingly.

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