Letter from SWACO

This letter was broadly distributed in the community.  We are adding it here to ease continued distribution.  SWACO’s Director of Innovation and Programs Kyle O’Keefe (the signer) will attend the July 6 CAC meeting to speak about the changing Drop-Off Recycling Program which he oversees. Drop-Off Recycling Program Update Letter…

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Special Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m.                   Call to order by Chair & introduction of commissioners NEW BUSINESS   7:05 p.m.                  REORGANIZATION DISCUSSION                     Willingness to serve in officer capacity                     Any goals to work toward?   8:30 p.m.                                     ADJOURN

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Input Invitation

The City of Columbus hosted two open houses on May 22nd to provide the community with an overview of public improvements in the vicinity of North Broadway and Olentangy River Road. As a follow-up to the open houses and for those who were unable to attend, project information related to…

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Council Community Meeting

Council Holds June 22nd Community Meeting at Centennial High School We are on the move, eager to understand the issues important to residents and discuss opportunities to build strong, safe and healthy neighborhoods. On Thursday, June 22, Centennial High School, 1441 Bethel Rd., will host the third of the 2017 Columbus City…

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Indianola Road Work

The city of Columbus anticipates that night-time work on the Indianola Road Diet Project will begin later this week. The city expects to have lane restrictions on an as-needed basis, but two-lanes of traffic will be maintained at all times. The city expects that work will wrap up by Aug.…

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CAC Special Meeting Called

At its June 1 meeting The Clintonville Area Commission approved the call for a special meeting to be held on June 15 at 7:00 pm at the Whetstone branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.  The purpose of the meeting will be reorganizing for the 2017-18 year.  It is possible that much…

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Final Agenda for June 1 CAC Meeting

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, June 1, 2017, 7-9 pm Whetstone Library Community Meeting Room 7:00 p.m.             Call to order by Chair & introduction of commissioners 7:01 p.m            Call for Special Meeting, June 15, 7 p.m. Whetstone Branch of                                                 Columbus Metropolitan Library 7:03 p.m.…

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