2020 CAC Elections!

At the Feburary 26th Special Meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission a vacancy was officially declared in District 5. Commissioner Dana Bagwell had resigned due to a work schedule that conflicts with CAC regular monthly meeting. Therefore there will be four of the nine CAC seats up for election this…

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Election Committee – Recruiting New Members

With the upcoming special election in District 7 (January 2020) & regular yearly election process (May 2020), the Clintonville Area Commission (CAC) Election committee is looking to add a few new members to assist with the election activities. Potential committee duties include: Drafting election communications Designing promotional material Interacting with…

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CAC Election- 2019 Candidate statments

Learn about the 2019 CAC Candidates here; CAC D8 Candidate Statement – Ty Hulbert District 8 – Candidate Statement – Ty Hulbert CAC D8 Candidate Statement – Jim Garrison District 8 Candidate Statement- Jim Garrison CAC D6 Candidate Statement – Mary B Relotto  CANDIDATE HAS WITHDRAWN District 6- Candidate Statement-…

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CAC District 8

CAC thanks District 8 Commission Christopher Allwein for his service and wishes him well on his future endeavors. Commissioner Allwein resigned due to a job relocation. The April 4th meeting was Commissioner Allwein’s last meeting. District 8 is up for election next week along with district 3 & 6. Winning…

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