CAC Candidate Statements- Election 2019

Learn about the 2019 CAC Candidates here! CAC D8 Candidate Statement – Ty Hulbert District 8 – Candidate Statement – Ty Hulbert CAC D8 Candidate Statement – Jim Garrison District 8 Candidate Statement- Jim Garrison CAC D6 Candidate Statement – Mary B Relotto District 6- Candidate Statement- Mary B. Relotto…

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CAC Election Update

  District 3: One candidate will be on the ballot for District 3. Libby Wetherholt completed her election packet and will run for a third term for District 3. Chad Wells also took out a candidate package for District 3. Packet not completed District 6, where Commissioner Randy Ketcham opted…

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CAC Election 2019!

CAC Election 2019- Election process in the phase where POTENTIAL candidates pick up petitions and election packets and are gathering their 50 or more nominating signatures. After the petitions are in and are certified we will have candidates- so far- two packets/petitions out for District 3 and two out for…

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CAC 2019 Election!

Be sure to check our new CAC Election  section for details for the coming CAC election will be regularly updated. Check here for documents, district maps and candidate information! Have you thought about getting more involved in your Clintonville neighborhood? We ARE looking for candidates for districts 3, 6 &…

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2019 CAC Election

Seeking Candidates! Ann Henkener, Chair of the CAC election committee, announced preparations for the coming May election for representatives in districts 3, 6 & 8. If you or anyone you know would like to serve as a representative for one of the areas noted election packets will be available for…

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