West Nile Alert!!

A Positive mosquito pool for West Nile Virus was collected from a trap near Webster Park.  The test from Webster Park was confirmed on August 9th by the Ohio Department of Health Laboratory. Due to this positive West Nile Virus mosquito pool, our Vector Control Program will be treating in Clintonville…

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Kenney Park Improvements

On July 16, 2019 at 8:30 am a private meeting facilitated by the Department of Recreation and Parks was attended by invitation only by a group of folks representing Casto, Delawanda community, Clintonville Area Commission, Our Lady of Peace and Columbus Recreation and Parks Department.  The main subject of the…

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Utility Box Art Work Survey

The Planning & Development Committee thanks everyone who submitted entries for artwork to cover utility boxes.  The committee whittled down the entries and is now seeking input on the finalists.  To express your opinion on the entries please complete our survey by going to:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/L2G6L5P We look forward to hearing…

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CAC Meetings this Week

The Zoning & Variance Meeting meets July 9th at 7 pm at Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church. (Agenda in file) The CAC monthly meeting is July 11th at 7 pm at the Whetstone Library Meeting Room. (Agenda in file) These are public meetings, all are welcome to attend!

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Graceland Apartment Development

UPDATE 2019.7.11: We are in contact with the Casto Corporation and have discussed some of our concerns with some departments of the city.  The Casto Corp. does not AT THIS TIME have financial backing for the development; however, THAT CAN CHANGE ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS.  It appears there will be…

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