CAC Election 2019!

CAC Election 2019- Election process in the phase where POTENTIAL candidates pick up petitions and election packets and are gathering their 50 or more nominating signatures. After the petitions are in and are certified we will have candidates- so far- two packets/petitions out for District 3 and two out for…

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Tree Protection and Mitigation

In light of the loss of trees in the recent past, present and future we are publishing the City of Columbus Executive Order adopted in 2015 regarding Tree Protection and Mitigation. We have seen numerous trees lost in the process of updating aging utility infrastructure and hope to encourage the…

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Update on BluePrint Columbus

Blueprint Columbus has adjusted the overall project schedule to ensure a thoughtful and efficient Blueprint design and implementation process. The goal of these schedule adjustments are to: Engage residents earlier and more frequently in the solution development for their neighborhood. The green infrastructure constructed in our neighborhoods is intended to be…

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