CAC 2019 Election!

Be sure to check our new CAC Election  section for details for the coming CAC election will be regularly updated. Check here for documents, district maps and candidate information! Have you thought about getting more involved in your Clintonville neighborhood? We ARE looking for candidates for districts 3, 6 &…

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MLK day observance

For Immediate Release January 20, 2019 Contact: Robin Davis, Office of the Mayor, 614-645-2425 (office); 614-369-5613 (cell) Todd Dieffenderfer, Department of Neighborhoods, (614) 783-7212 (cell) CITY OF COLUMBUS CHANGES PROGRAM FOR ANNUAL REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY March Canceled, Program Featuring Keynote Speaker Reverend Marissa R. Farrow Still…

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1.03 Billion Bond package up for a vote In May

Digital Media Coordinator Jon TolbertDigital Media Coordinator Jon Tolbert, City of Columbus: Columbus Announces Proposed $1.03 Billion in Voted Bond Package To Finance Capital Improvements The City of Columbus is asking voters to approve a $1.03 billion voted bond package to finance capital improvements in neighborhoods across the city. Community…

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2019 CAC Election

Seeking Candidates! Ann Henkener, Chair of the CAC election committee, announced preparations for the coming May election for representatives in districts 3, 6 & 8. If you or anyone you know would like to serve as a representative for one of the areas noted election packets will be available for…

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Rest in Peace, Nancy Stewart

The Sharon Heights neighborhood (District 9, Clintonville) suffered a tremendous loss this past week. Beloved friend, neighbor, and community advocate Nancy Stewart passed away suddenly at her home this past weekend. Nancy was a regular attender at CAC meetings and participated in numerous committees over the years. She was a…

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