Zoning & Variance Meeting: May 27th- 7pm
Here is the Zoom registration link for Wednesday’s meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84403378131?pwd=Z2RxQzFwUndKMTNMbTRXVzV4dW8zdz09.
Here is the Zoom registration link for Wednesday’s meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84403378131?pwd=Z2RxQzFwUndKMTNMbTRXVzV4dW8zdz09.
CAC Zoning & Variance Committee Meeting When: May 27th- 7pm Committee will be meeting via Zoom (Meeting Link) Watch live stream on the CAC YouTube Channel! Agenda PDF: 20200527RevisedDraftAgenda Agenda: Call to order. Approve agenda. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be May 27, 2020. Consider the previous…
Clintonville Area Commission May Meeting Agenda Date: Thursday, May 7th, 2020 Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm Locations Zoom Online Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYof-CurD4rHNVH_b4CFA0Pyt8KHvYcNfr5 Streaming Live on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAplkFzOFEw_JtLAURddEg/ Agenda (PDF): UPDATED CAC Agenda for May All times are approximate. 7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White 7:05…
All, Due to the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, the CAC is taking a precautionary step by canceling the following upcoming meetings: Zoning & Variance Committee that had been scheduled for Wednesday March 25th. CAC General Meeting that was to be held on Thursday April 2nd. We find it to be…
Clintonville Area Commission – March Meeting Agenda Thursday, March 5th, 2019, 7-8:55 pm Whetstone Library Meeting Room Agenda: CAC Agenda March 5th, 2020 All times are approximate. 7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White 7:05 p.m. Introduction of commissioners and district reports 7:15 p.m. Dana Bagwell announced…
The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday February 26th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202) Note: We will take about a five-minute break around 7:45 to accommodate a CAC special meeting to declare a vacancy in District 5…
Article link: Clintonville’s new parking task force aims for holistic tack By JIM FISCHER THISWEEKNEWS.COM Article Write-up: Sometimes, development is about more than just construction or renovation of buildings. And sometimes, parking is about more than where you leave your car. That’s why Clintonville Area Commission chairwoman B.J. White, in…
Stephen Hardwick summarizes what he does as Zoning Chair for CAC’s Zoning & Variance Committee:cac zoning practices draft-20191206-3 (1)
The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday November 20th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202) Agenda is available here & also filed under CAC Agendas. 20191120 Revised Agenda Planned Agenda (Updated with revised items): Call to order. Approve…
The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday October 30th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202) Agenda is available here & also filed under CAC Agendas – amended agenda has been posted to update previous information within the file.…