CAC Chair, B.J. White, released the following statement:
In 2013, the CAC Planning and Development Committee began discussions on how to bring into fruition the implementation of the utility box artwork that would be an “of, for, and by” the community of Clintonville. Under the direction of Andrew Overbeck, CAC Planning and Development Chair, and the fundraising efforts led by Megan Valentine, the CAC would eventually complete the first phase of this project in September 2020. A total of $4,500 was raised with 42 donations from the Clintonville community. In May of 2019, an official “Call to Artists” promoted by Commissioner Libby Wetherholt, promoted the initiative by seeking local artists who would submit their artwork. Several submissions were received and then were presented to the Clintonville community at large for voting for the top picks. After tabulating 800 survey responses from the Clintonville Community, those selections were presented to a graphic designer with the specifications of the utility boxes to create a graphic wrap that would be applied to the utility box. There were enough funds raised to complete the installation of 5 utility box artwork. In September 2019, the CAC presented a letter of support to the City of Columbus for the initiative. One year later, we have beautified our High Street streetscape with the work of local artists selected and funded by the community of Clintonville. We still have several utility boxes to cover and hope to raise funds to cover the remaining boxes. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution in your name or honor else at A special thank you to Mike McLaughlin and Clintonville Inc for their continued cooperation in these efforts.
Currently Installed Locations:
High & Como

High & Oakland Park

High & Hollenback

High & W Henderson

High & E Kanawha