May 2, 2024 CAC Agenda

Agenda: DRAFT May 2024 Meeting
May 2, 2024
Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting.

A recording will be available on YouTube Channel Clintonville after the meeting.

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair Boulton
7:05 District Updates – all commissioners
7:15 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary
7:20 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller
7:20 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods,
City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s
Office may be in attendance.
7:30 Zoning Code Update– James A. Lewis, Department of Building and Zoning Services
7:45 Election Committee Update – Chair Melissa Doll
7:50 AEP Ohio: Discussion of recent outages and tree-trimming program – Nala N. Kovach
8:05 CAC Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. BZA24-037, 581 Crestview Rd. In order to split the lot and build a second single-family
home, the applicant seeks the following variances:
1. 3332.13, Decrease the required R-3 lot size from 5,000 square feet to 4,511 sq. feet.
2. 3332.05(A)(4), Decrease the required lot size from 50′ to 40′.
3. 3332.19: Variance for the north lot to not have frontage on a Public Street.
2. BZA24-038. 116 W. Lakeview. In order to facilitate a lot split, the applicant seeks the
following variance: 3332.05(4) to permit the west lot to have a width of 28.576’ at the
property line and the east lot to have a width of 43.24’ in lieu of the required 50′.
3. CV24-035, 171 E. Pacemont Rd. The applicant seeks the following variances:
1. 3332.035 R-3 residential district, to allow two single-family dwelling units on the
same lot.

One Comment

  1. I am not sure if I will be able to attend the meeting tonight and would like the following addressed. My concerns are; where are the construction crews going to park and put their materials during this build? We do not have driveways and thus park on the street; Will the fire and refuse trucks be able to make the turn on the alley with the houses so close to the road? How will the alley be maintained given the sump pump from the other build is already destroying the road with the discharge? One question I have asked in the past but never got an answer to is how did the zoning for this lot change without our knowledge? I know for a fact previous owners were denied building a shed and a garage; How and when did it get zoned for housing? Is there any concern on how close these houses are to the power lines? Finally, I would also like to inquire about losing more green space given that Columbus is already a heat island. I know the plan is to create more affordable housing (I am sure this property is not included in that plan), but we also need to counteract climate change. Does the zoning commission take this into account? I have lived here for 32 years and am extremely disappointed in how all of this was handled. The neighborhood now has an extremely crowded feel to it and I feel the developer and zoning commission is only interested in money and not the benefit of the neighborhood.

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