Clintonville GreenSpot Committee Meeting – Tuesday 8/9 @ 7pm

You are invited to an outdoor evening meeting at Fire Station 19 Tuesday Aug 9th, 7-8pm.

Tuesday Aug 9th (8/9/2022), 7-8pm
Fire Station 19, on the Front Steps
3601 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214

Please add this to your calendar right this moment if you’d like to come!

We will be touring the new pollinator gardens, announcing the creation of a new volunteer group “Friends of Station 19 Garden Club”, and putting out a call for leaders of the new volunteer club.

This is a call to volunteers and emerging neighborhood leaders to take on and expand the work that has been done at Fire Station 19 since the summer of 2021.  Clintonville GreenSpot will continue to support this project administratively and with muscle power!  Do you have a vision for expanding on the work done so far, and a desire to help our first responders by taking grounds maintenance off of their worry list?  Are you interested in taking charge of an innovative neighborhood project and supporting the station at the same time?

We will also hear from guest speakers toward the end of the meeting:

  • Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Clintonville Area Commission

We hope that you’ll join us for a fun and informative evening on Tues Aug 9th, 7-8pm.

Ryan Foshee
Co-Chair Clintonville GreenSpot


Full Agenda: Clintonville GreenSpot Quarterly Meeting Agenda 20220809

Facebook Event Link: Clintonville GreenSpot Committee Meeting

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday July 27th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday July 27th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meeting’s minutes.
  4. Variance Agenda:
    1. BZA22-072, 42 Garden Rd. The homeowner seeks a variance to decrease the side setback from 5′ to 2.2’ for the existing western side setback. CC3332.26.
    2. BZA22-084, 64 Overbrook. The homeowners seek a variance to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 24′ 6″. CC3332.38(G).
    3. BZA22-085, 233 Erie, The homeowners seek a variance to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 25′ 5″. CC3332.38(G).
    4. BZA22-089, 44 W. Torrence,  The homeowners seek variance to 1) increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 22′ 3″, CC3332.38(G); and 2) decrease the required side side yard from 3′ to 1′, to maintain the building line of the original garage. CC3332.26(E).
    5. BZA22-092, 130 W. Henderson, Application, The homeowner seeks variances from the rules requiring that:
      1. Every “parking and loading space shall have sufficient access and maneuvering area (and that the) maneuvering area for a parking space may occur anywhere on a lot except in the area between the street right-of-way line and the parking setback line.” CC3312.25;
      2. “Where a required building setback line is less than 25 feet, the parking setback line shall follow the building setback line or the established parking setback, whichever is less, but in no case shall the parking setback line be less than ten feet from the street right-of-way line,” CC3312.27(3);
      3. The building setback be 20′. CC3332.21.
  5. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on August 4, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of this committee will be on August 24, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

CAC – Thursday July 7th Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – July 7th (IN PERSON)


  • 7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Boulton, Vice Chair
  •  Commissioner Introductions and District Updates
  • 7:15  Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton
  •  Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer
  • 7:30 Neighborhood Update – Beth Fairman Kinney, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council
  • Zoning and Variance

    1. Demolition – Request to waive 60-day waiting period to demolish the structure at 4910 N. High Street to make way for proposed Chick-fil-A

    2. Variance (GC22-019) – Request at 4910 N. High Street to allow for installation of signage for a new fast-food restaurant and an oil change shop including menu board signs, a monument sign, clearance bars, and ground signs; to allow for two changeable copy menu board signs in a drive thru; to reduce the setback for a ground sign from 15’ to 0’; to allow two off-premises ground signs for two separate uses; and, to allow for off-premises clearance bars


  • By-Laws Update – Commissioner Boulton


  • 8:00 Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health (ADAMH) Board Presentation on new Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Center – Meg Griffing, CRC, CWIC, Senior Director of Provider Relations, ADAMH


  • Planning and Development Committee Presentation on Urban Infrastructure Recovery Funds – Chair Andrew Overbeck


  • Aldrich Road Parking – Commissioner Motil


  • Public Comment


  • Announcement of August Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on August 4th, in the Whetstone Community Meeting Room of the Whetstone Library


  • Adjourn

REMINDER: 2022 Election – CAC Commissioner Positions for Districts 3, 6, & 8

Elections for seats on the Clintonville Area Commission will be held August 27, 2022. Elections had previously been held on the first Saturday in May but the CAC decided to join in a City-wide project to have area commission elections on the same day each year.  The Election will be held in the Whetstone Library’s Meeting Room.  Districts on the ballot this year are numbers 3, 6, and 8 for seats currently held by Libby Wetherholt, Joe Motil and Jim Garrison.  Boundaries for these districts are:

District 3: Bounded on the south by the center line of Weber Road, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the center line of Oakland Park Avenue, and on the west by the center line of High Street.

District 6: Bounded on the south by the center line of Hollenback Drive and its westward projection, on the east by the center line of High Street, on the north by the south line of Sharon Township and its eastward projection and on the west by the Olentangy River.

District 8: Bounded on the south by the center line of Garden Road, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the south line of the State Schools for the Deaf and Blind and the center line of Georgetown Drive and its westward projection, and on the west by the center line of High Street.

Residents interested in running for a seat on the commission must pick up a Candidate Petition which will be available at Whetstone Library beginning June 18, 2022.  Interested residents will have to submit a completed petition by July 23 including signatures of 25 people in their district wishing to nominate the resident for a seat on the commission.

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday June 29th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday June 29th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
1. Call to order.
2. Approve agenda.
3. Consider previous meeting’s minutes.
4. Demolition agenda: A request to waive the 60-day waiting period to demolish the structure at 4910 N. High St. to make way for the proposed Chick-fil-A. 
5. Variance Agenda:
4910 N. High St., GC22-019. Chick-Fil-A asks for variances to allow for the installation of signage for a new fast food restaurant and an oil change shop including menu board signs, a monument sign, wall signs, and ground signs. Variances from
  • 3372.706(B) – to allow for two changeable copy menu board signs in a drive thru (H1 and H2).
  • 3377.17(A) – to reduce the setback for a ground sign from 15’ to0’ (A2). 3378.01(D) – special permits to allow for 2 off-premises ground signs for 2 separate uses (signs A2 and A3).
6. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on July 7, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of this committee will be on July 27, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

June 28th: Community Backyard Gardens Workshop

Help be part of the solution to stormwater pollution! By taking the online course or attending an in-person (free) 90 minute workshop on June 28th at 6:30 PM at Whetstone Library, you can get a rebate for purchasing a rain barrel, compost bin or native plants. Learn more about how what we do in our yards affects clean water and participate in the rebate program at
Video to learn more:

CAC – Thursday June 2nd Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – June 2nd (IN PERSON)

  • Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 at 7:00 PM
  • Meeting is being held in person at Whetstone Library in the Community Room (3909 N. High St.) 
  • Detailed Agenda: DRAFT June 2022 CAC Agenda
7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Vottero, Chair


  Commissioner Introductions and District Updates


7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Garrison, Secretary


  Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer


7:30 Neighborhood Update – Beth Fairman Kinney, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council


  By-Laws Update – Commissioner Wetherholt


  Election Committee Rules – Election Committee Chair Henkener


  CoGo Bike Share Presentation – Chet Ridenour, CoGo




Consideration of Vote to Reaffirm Support of UIRF Funding for Beechwold Connector –

Luis Teba, Senior Planner at City of Columbus


  Public Comment


  The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, July 7th, in the Whetstone Community Meeting Room of the Whetstone Library




2022 Election – CAC Commissioner Positions for Districts 3, 6, & 8

Elections for seats on the Clintonville Area Commission will be held August 27, 2022. Elections had previously been held on the first Saturday in May but the CAC decided to join in a City-wide project to have area commission elections on the same day each year.  The Election will be held in the Whetstone Library’s Meeting Room.  Districts on the ballot this year are numbers 3, 6, and 8 for seats currently held by Libby Wetherholt, Joe Motil and Jim Garrison.  Boundaries for these districts are:

District 3: Bounded on the south by the center line of Weber Road, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the center line of Oakland Park Avenue, and on the west by the center line of High Street.

District 6: Bounded on the south by the center line of Hollenback Drive and its westward projection, on the east by the center line of High Street, on the north by the south line of Sharon Township and its eastward projection and on the west by the Olentangy River.

District 8: Bounded on the south by the center line of Garden Road, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the south line of the State Schools for the Deaf and Blind and the center line of Georgetown Drive and its westward projection, and on the west by the center line of High Street.

Residents interested in running for a seat on the commission must pick up a Candidate Petition which will be available at Whetstone Library beginning June 18, 2022.  Interested residents will have to submit a completed petition by July 23 including signatures of 25 people in their district wishing to nominate the resident for a seat on the commission.

CAC – Thursday May 5th Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – May 5th (IN PERSON)

  • Thursday, May 5th 2022 at 7:00 PM
  • Meeting is being held in person at Whetstone Library in the Community Room (3909 N. High St.) 
  • Detailed Agenda: DRAFT May 2022 CAC Agenda
7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Vottero, Chair


  Commissioner Introductions and District Updates


7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Garrison, Secretary


  Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer


7:25 Neighborhood Update – Beth Fairman Kinney, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council


  Introduction of Council Member Barroso de Padilla


  Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center Presentation on Dementia-Friendly Community Initiative + Events – Phoebe Allebach, Assistant Director of Village in the Ville


  Zoning and Variance Agenda – Committee Chair Stephen Hardwick

1.     225 Tibet, BZA22-019. To legitimize an existing retaining wall, the homeowner seeks a variance to increase the maximum height of a wall within the vision clearance triangle from 2.5’ to 4’ above the centerline grade adjacent streets.

2.     583 Tulane, BZA22-038. The homeowner requests a variance to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15’ to 22’.

3.     209 DeSantis, BZA 22-037. To construct a rear room addition, the homeowner requests a variance to reduce the minimum side yard setback from 5’ to 3’.


  Sidewalk Seating for High Street Businesses – Commissioner Garrison, District 8


  Public Comment


  The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, June 2nd, in the Whetstone Community Meeting Room of the Whetstone Library

