CAC District 6 Commissioner Vacancy – Open Call for Candidates

During the August session of the Clintonville Area Commission (Thursday August 5th), a vacancy was declared for the District 6 commissioner position due to the resignation of the current elected official.  With this opening now official, the process now begins to fill the open role with a goal to appoint the new commissioner at the September meeting

  • Candidate will fulfill the remainder of the term that runs through June 2022.

Any current resident within the District 6 boundaries is eligible to run for the position.  Here are the boundaries of District 6 (roughly south of Graceland to Park of Roses on the west side of High Street):

  • Bounded on the south by the center line of Hollenback Drive and its westward projection, on the east by the center line of High Street, on the north by the south line of Sharon Township and its eastward projection and on the west by the Olentangy River.

CAC Special Appointment Timeline – 2021

  • Friday, August 6:  Candidate Packets Made Available at the Whetstone Library and on the CAC website
    • You may either pickup at the Whetstone Library or download from the website.
    • If you download electronically, notify Ann Henkener, Chair, CAC Elections committee (, that you are interested in being a candidate and submit it with your petition.
  • Thursday, August 26 (by 4pm):  Deadline for Submission of Cover Sheets, Candidate Petitions and Notarized Petition Affidavits and Candidate Statements to the Whetstone Library
  • Tuesday, August 31 @ 6:30pm: Election Committee Certifies Candidates
  • Thursday, September 2: Election Committee Presents Certified Candidates to the CAC.
    • CAC selects candidate to fill position for Commissioner from District 6

Document Package (zip file): CAC Appointment 2021

CAC District 6 Map

CAC – Thursday August 5th Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – August 2021 (IN PERSON)

  • Thursday, August 5th, 2021 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
  • Meeting is being held in person at Whetstone Library in the Community Room (3909 N. High St.)
  • Detailed Agenda: August 2021 CAC Agenda

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping Remarks, Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Vottero, Chair

  • Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:10 Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Garrison, Secretary

Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer

  • 2021-2022 Budget

7:20 Announcement of 2021-2022 Committee Chairpersons – Commissioner Vottero

  • Acceptance of Committee Rosters
  • Appointment of Election Committee members & Commission Liaison
  • Declaration of a vacancy in District 6
  • Discussion of appointment process to fill the vacancy -Ann Henkener, Election Committee Chair

7:30 Neighborhood Update – Katherine Cull, Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:45 Zoning & Variance Report- Stephen Hardwick , Zoning & Variance Committee Chair

  1. BZA21-087, 52 Breevort Rd. The applicant seeks to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15’ to 21’8”. CC3332.38(G).
  2. GC21-030, 5385 N. High St. The applicant seeks a variance to permit automatic changeable copy signs. CC3372.706(B).
  3. Z21-059, 4910 N. High St. The applicant seeks approval of the commercial planned development described in the application.

New Business – Commissioner Vottero, Chair

  • Community Meeting framework
  • Standing Rules Task Force

Public Comment

The next meeting will be at 7pm, on September 2nd in the Whetstone Community Meeting Room of the Whetstone Library

8:30 Adjourn

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday July 28th at 7pm (In Person)

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee (IN PERSON)
Wednesday July 28th at 7pm


  • The Committee & guests will be meeting in person at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave.)
  • People who are unvaccinated are requested to wear masks.

Agenda PDF: CACZandVDraftAgenda20210728


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  4. Variance agenda:
    1. BZA21-087, 52 Breevort Rd. The applicant seeks to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15’ to 21’8”. CC3332.38(G).
    2. GC21-030, 5385 N. High St. The applicant seeks a variance to permit automatic changeable copy signs. CC3372.706(B).
    3. Z21-059, 4910 N. High St. The applicant seeks approval of the commercial planned development described in the application.
  5. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on August 4, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. (location TBA), and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be August 25, 2021.

CAC – Thursday July 1st Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Bleu & Fig)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – July 2021 (IN PERSON)

  • Thursday, July 1st, 2021 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Meeting is being held in person at Bleu & Fig (4622 N. High St.)
    • Parking is available at Eagle Candy & Beechwold Bicycles
    • There are 3 spaces directly behind the venue reserved for those requiring accessible parking.
  • Public attendees and viewers may email their questions or comments to:
  • Detailed Agenda: CAC July 2021 Mtg Agenda Revised

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Standing in for Kendra Carpenter will be Chair White

7:25 p.m. Neighborhood Update – Katherine Cull, Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:30 p.m. The Honorable Stephanie Mingo, Judge for Environmental Court and Kellie Carson, Bailiff to Judge Mingo

  • The Environmental Judge is responsible for hearing cases involving nuisance properties in violation of housing, zoning, building, safety and health codes. This includes cases where properties are being used for illegal activities such as drug, gun, and human trafficking. The Court is also responsible for adjudicating criminal cases involving illegal dumping and littering. These cases end up having a real time impact on our neighborhoods and communities.

8:00 p.m. Election of Officers for 2021-2022 Term

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

8:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be on July 1st.

  • Discussion on virtual meetings concurrent with in-person setup & where to host meetings that meeting accessibility requirements and the ability to host the CAC public meetings

8:55 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


Columbus Blueprint Construction Projects – Sign up to receive text or email alerts about Blueprint Construction or find more information about whether you qualify for a new sump pump installation, please visit:

Climate Action Plan – Resident Engagement
The City of Columbus is drafting a Climate Action Plan to serve as a roadmap to community-wide carbon neutrality. We want your input! Community feedback is essential to help define how we will reach our goal. We want to center and invest in our historically disenfranchised communities and envision an inclusive, prosperous, sustainable future together. Learn more about this initiative here:

Mosquito Spray: Friday June 25th between 3:30-6am

Notification from the city on mosquito spray happening Friday morning 6/25 between 3:30-6am:
Vector Control program encountered a mosquito pool from Clintonville that tested positive for West Nile virus and was confirmed by our staff on June 19th. Mosquito traps have been set throughout Clintonville and mosquitoes found carrying disease were identified in Clintonville near Webster Park. Due to this positive West Nile Virus mosquito pool, our Vector Control Program will be treating part of Clintonville on Friday, June 25, 2021 between 3:30 – 6:00 am, weather permitting. At this moment all requests to opt out of mosquito spraying will be honored that have already been filed.
The following represents the boundaries to the areas being treated
  • Hollenback Rd to the North
  • Montrose Way and Northmoor Pl to the South
  • Olentangy River to the West
  • High St. to the East
To see the boundaries of the treatment, please visit our online map at:—Insects/Mosquito-Spraying-Map/
The positive West Nile Virus pool does serve as a reminder for us to continue protecting ourselves from mosquito bites and to eliminate stagnant water from our properties including places such as gutters and bird baths. One can also protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellents and by minimizing their time spent outside during the late evening and early morning hours.
Please let Ryan Younge, REHS, the Vector Control Program Manager, know if you would like to discuss in further detail our mosquito reduction activities planned in Clintonville this week. His e-mail address is and his phone number is 614.645.6153

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday June 23rd at 7pm (In Person)

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday June 23rd at 7pm


  • The Committee & guests will be meeting in person at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave.)
  • People who are unvaccinated are requested to wear masks.
  • Questions or comments can be sent to the chair before the meeting via email to

Agenda PDF:20210623CACZoningAgenda


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  4. Demolition Permit Waiting Period Waiver, 604 Acton.
  5. Variance agenda:
    1. Old business: CV21-049, 3632 Indianola. The Avenue Apartments, LLC, seeks variances to:
      1. CC3309.14: Height Districts: To permit the height district of 40 feet and not H-35 feet in the portion of the property zoned C-3.
      2. CC3372.705(B): Building Design Standards: To permit the width of a principal building along the primary building frontage to be less than the minimum of 60 percent of the lot width and to be 43%.
      3. CC3355.09(A)(2): C-3 District Setback Lines: To permit the buildings to be setback 15’ from the right-of-way line and not 25’.
      4. CC3363.01: M-Manufacturing District: To permit residential units to be located in the “M” manufacturing district.
      5. CC3363.01: M-Manufacturing District: To permit an extended stay hotel to be located in the “M” manufacturing district.
      6. CC3355.05(C): C-3 District Development Limitations: To permit dwelling units on the first floor of a building.
    2. New business:  CV21-062, 3013-3021 North High Street. Applicant Brian Higgins on behalf of Attainable Luxury, in order to build a mixed-use, multi-family building, seeks variances to:
      1. CC3309.14, Height districts, to allow for the building height district to be H-60 (60’).
      2. CC3312.21, Landscaping and screening, to waive interior landscaping requirement.
      3. CC3312.49, Minimum Numbers of Parking Spaces required, to reduce on-site parking from 49 spaces (43 DU @1.5 spaces/DU*.25 reduction) to 34 spaces.
      4. CC3321.05(A)(1), Vision Clearance, to provide a reduced vision triangle at the High Street entrance on the south end of 8’-9” x 8’-9”
      5. CC3356.03, C-4 permitted uses, to allow for (2) 1-bedroom dwelling units and (1) 2-bedroom dwelling units on the ground floor.
  6. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on July 1, 2021, at Bleu & Fig, 4622 N High St., and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be July 28, 2021.

Call for CAC Committee Members – July 15th Deadline for Submission of Interest

Clintonville Area Commission
P.O. Box 14297 Columbus, OH 43214

Press Release June 2, 2021:

CAC Chair is asking for community participants to serve on the 6 CAC committees

Dear Member of the Press,
In accordance with the CAC Bylaws and as Chairperson of the Clintonville Area Commission, it is my duty to inform the public and the residents of Clintonville that the CAC is currently seeking interested parties to serve on its various committees. It is the function of the CAC Chairperson, in consultation with the other Commission members, to appoint chairpersons of standing and special committees of the Commission.

Those committees are:

  • The Election Committee – The Election Committee shall conduct the CAC elections pursuant to the CAC election rules and shall meet as often as necessary to fulfill its duties as specified in the CAC election rules
  • The Planning and Development Committee – The committee will explore what Federal, State, and local funds may be available to implement plans in the Clintonville area. The committee will provide arenas for interested parties and the general population to participate and discuss all such issues affecting Clintonville. The committee will work pro-actively with other community based organizations to forward the development and promotion of Clintonville in a manner consistent with the Commission’s mission statement.
  • The Zoning and Variance Committee – The committee shall regularly receive, review and make recommendations on all applications for rezoning, variances, graphics and other zoning adjustment appeals and special permits located wholly or partially in the Clintonville area.
  • The Historic Buildings Committee – The committee will pursue a process to catalogue buildings in Clintonville, with an emphasis on all buildings along High Street and Indianola Avenue. The purpose of having an up-to-date database for historic buildings in the CAC districts is to provide a basic understanding of which properties are deemed architecturally or historically significant.
  • The Technology and Public Relations Committee – CAC will maintain and update a website to aid in communicating with the community at large. CAC will hold domain names as the responsible entity.
    • Depending on what is required, the commission chair and treasurer shall act as agents for the commission to hold the domain names. When officers change the agents must be changed within 30 days of the verification of the election of CAC officers. The CAC will form a technology committee that includes the chair and treasurer and at least one other person.
    • The committee will: Formulate and present to the entire commission for approval rules for use and content of the website and other commission platforms; Oversee the maintenance, updating and payment for website hosting, domain names and any other needs for a workable public website and other official public communications platforms.
  • The Clintonville GreenSpot Neighborhood Committee – The mission of the Clintonville GreenSpot Neighborhood Committee, as part of the Clintonville Area Commission, will encourage green practices and sustainability in the community of Clintonville. This effort is open to all community residents, businesses and organizations.

“As we cross through the COVID pandemic threshold and return to normalcy, it is with enthusiasm and encouragement that we collectively breathe new life into the commission and its committees. Clintonville has an evolving shift in demographic dynamics but preserves its values through community participation in its representation of that dynamic. Everyone is welcome to participate on a committee and all CAC meetings are publicly available online at” B.J. White, CAC Chairperson.

Interested parties shall submit their letters of interest to the Clintonville Area Commission at the contact information cited at the heading of this press release. If you have additional interest in leading a committee, please provide a brief summary conveying your leadership abilities to chair a committee specific to that particular committee’s purpose and function. The deadline for your expressed participation is July 15th, 2021. After consultation with other Commission members during the August 5th, 2021 CAC Meeting, the newly elected Chairperson of the CAC will announce the committee members and committee chairpersons.

Warm regards,
B.J. White, CAC Chairperson – District 9 Area Commissioner


PDF Version: CAC Press Release for committee members 2June21

CAC – Thursday June 3rd Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – June 2021

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Standing in for Kendra Carpenter will be Chair White

7:25 p.m. Neighborhood Update – Katherine Cull, Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:30 p.m. Stephen Hardwick – CAC Zoning & Variance Chair

7:50 p.m. The Honorable Stephanie Mingo, Judge for Environmental Court and Kellie Carson, Bailiff to Judge Mingo

  • The Environmental Judge is responsible for hearing cases involving nuisance properties in violation of housing, zoning, building, safety and health codes. This includes cases where properties are being used for illegal activities such as drug, gun, and human trafficking. The Court is also responsible for adjudicating criminal cases involving illegal dumping and littering. These cases end up having a real time impact on our neighborhoods and communities.

8:00 p.m. Stephen Hardwick – CAC Zoning & Variance Chair

8:20 p.m. Larry Price – Representing the City of Columbus

  • Mr. Price is seeking community input on the re-use of the former Columbus Crew Soccer Stadium into the Columbus Community Sports Park.
  • Sports Park Presentation final

8:50 p.m. Our next meeting will be on July 1st.

  • We are unable to reserve the Whetstone Community Meeting Room at this time. Plan to attend via Zoom until such time that the Whetstone Library has the Community Meeting Room available for reservations.

8:55 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


Columbus City Council Residential Districting Commission – Community Survey

City of Columbus is hosting a community workshop. Provide your input and learn about Community Development Block Grant funding opportunities. You can join as an attendee:

Columbus Blueprint Construction Projects – Sign up to receive text or email alerts about Blueprint Construction or find more information about whether you qualify for a new sump pump installation, please visit:

Climate Action Plan – Resident Engagement
The City of Columbus is drafting a Climate Action Plan to serve as a roadmap to community-wide carbon neutrality. We want your input! Community feedback is essential to help define how we will reach our goal. We want to center and invest in our historically disenfranchised communities and envision an inclusive, prosperous, sustainable future together. Learn more about this initiative here:

Columbus Fire Pit Regulations

As the weather warms up & people start gathering again around their homes, please remember these regulations in place for the city of Columbus around “open burning” ala backyard fire pits.

In the City of Columbus, fire pits will be allowed with the following stipulations:

  • Must be a commercial fire pit with a screen top or a chiminea, like those that can be purchased at Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc.
  • Build your own fire pits may be used but must meet the same qualifications as the commercial fire pit.
  • Use only clean, seasoned firewood or equivalent.
  • Recommend a water source and/or fire extinguisher located near and readily available for immediate use.
  • Must be supervised at all times. Be certain that the fire is completely extinguished before leaving it unattended.
  • Fire must be contained within the appliance, with no part of the flames extending outside the appliance or screen.
  • No less than ten (10) feet from any combustible structure (house, fence, shed, etc). Apartment Buildings may require twenty five (25) feet.
  • Fire Pits cannot be used during “Air Quality Alert” days.
  • Any other “Open Burning” (trash, brush, etc) must be approved by the Division of Fire, Fire Prevention Bureau and must have a permit.

Link to the city page with these same rules: Columbus – Open Burning Guidelines

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday May 26th at 7:30pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday May 26, 2021 at 7:30 p.m (instead of the usual 7pm)


Agenda PDF:20210526DraftZoningAgenda



  1. Call to order.
  2. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  3. Variance agenda:
    1. CV21-049, 3632 Indianola. The Avenue Apartments, LLC, seeks to permit dwelling units on the first floor of a building in a C-3 district. CC3355.05(C). Note: Due to an error that City Staff has acknowledged, two City-created maps included in the original packet were incorrect. To avoid confusion, the chair deleted them from the application. City Staff sent the two maps linked to in this agenda to replace the deleted pages.
    2. CV21-051, 636 Chase Road. Owner Whistle Stop Holding, LLC, in order to allow use of the property “as a studio for individual health, wellness, learning and enrichment through various activities and techniques, including but not necessarily limited to yoga and similar motion-based therapies, meditation, counseling, and other activities related to individual well-being and self-awareness,” seeks a variance from the provisions of Section CC3332.033, R-2, Residential District use; CC3321.07, Landscaping; CC3321.09, Aisle; and CC3312.27, Parking setback line….”
  4. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on June 3, 2021, and the next
    meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be June 23, 2021.