CAC – Thursday May 6th Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – May 2021

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:25 p.m. Neighborhood Update – Katherine Cull, Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:30 p.m. CAC Election Committee Chair – Ann Henkener

7:35 p.m. CAC Chair, B.J. White, introduces the Clintonville Homeless Community Task Force

  • The concerns expressed by the Clintonville community at large regarding the increasingly more visible homeless population in our community has been an escalating concern for the residents and business owners in our neighborhood. After discussions with our Community Police Liaison Chris Riley, our Neighborhood Community Liaison Katherine Cull, and our own District 5 Area Commissioner Brittany Boulton, we will devise a strategy to help manage this dynamic between the homeless population and the Clintonville Community through proactive engagement and resources. Commissioner Brittany Boulton will Chair this task force for education, information, and outreach for assisting those concerned and those within the homeless community.
  • Mission Statement: Proposal for CAC Community Conversations Series

7:45 p.m. Stephen Hardwick – CAC Zoning & Variance Chair

  • Discussion of the proposed Zoning and Variance Committee bylaws changes as presented by CAC Z & V Chair Stephen Hardwick.
  • Proposed Update: CACBylawsProposedAmendment

8:00 p.m. Stephen Hardwick – CAC Zoning & Variance Chair (Z&V Meeting minutes with further detail: 20210428CACZoningDraftMinutes)

  1. CV21-030, 54-56 E Kanawha Ave
  2. BZA21-044, 23 Arden Rd
  3. BZA21-030, 364 E Tulane Rd

8:55 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


Columbus Blueprint Construction Projects – Sign up to receive text or email alerts about Blueprint Construction or find more information about whether you qualify for a new sump pump installation, please visit:

Climate Action Plan – Resident Engagement
The City of Columbus is drafting a Climate Action Plan to serve as a roadmap to community-wide carbon neutrality. We want your input! Community feedback is essential to help define how we will reach our goal. We want to center and invest in our historically disenfranchised communities and envision an inclusive, prosperous, sustainable future together. Learn more about this initiative here:

2021 CAC Uncertified Election Results

Hello everyone,

Sharing the update from our Election chair on the uncertified results of the 2021 CAC Election – barring any challenges or other issues, the results should stand.

Uncertified results:

District 4 – Hugh Crowell – 11 votes

District 5 – Brittany Boulton – 6 votes

District 7 – Mike Weinman – 2 votes

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the committee!

Election Voting Next Week – Early Voting (Tuesday 4/27) & Election Day (Saturday 5/1)

Check out the recent write-up in This Week’s latest postings to read up on what a couple candidates had to say out the three districts up for election (4, 5, & 7).

Despite unopposed races, Clintonville Area Commission voting will proceed May 1

The yearly CAC election voting is next week with the following times available:

Tuesday, April 27: Early Voting Day: 6:00pm – 8:00 pm

  • Parking Lot outside the Whetstone Recreation Center, 3923 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43214

Saturday, May 1: Election Day: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00p.m.

  • Parking Lot outside the Whetstone Recreation Center, 3923 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43214

2:15 p.m. Election Committee Holds Counting Session After Polls Close & Committee Announces Uncertified Results of the Election


Check if you live in one of the 3 districts:

  • 4. Center line of Arden Road and its eastward project (east of High Street) and by the center line of Hollenback Drive, center line of Orchard Lane (west of High Street) and by the center line of Oakland Park Avenue (east of High street),railroad tracks just east of Indianola, Olentangy River
  • 5. Center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, center line of Arden Road, railroad tracks just east of Indianola, center line of High Street
  • 7. Center line of Garden Road, center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, railroad tracks just east of Indianola, center line of High Street

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday April 28th at 7:30pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday April 28, 2021 at 7:30 p.m (instead of the usual 7pm)


Agenda PDF:20210428CACZ&VDraftAgenda



  1. Call to order.
  2. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  3. Variance agenda:
    1. CV21-030, 54-56 Kanawha. Owner Gerald Sutton, in order to satisfy the requirements to obtain a mortgage on the property, asks for a variance to use the duplex as a duplex, which is what it has been since it was built in 1949.
    2. BZA21-044, 23 Arden. Homeowner Bonnie Smelser seek a variance to reduce the minimum side yard from 5’ to 4’ 3”.
  4. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on May 6, 2020, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be May 26, 2021.

Aquatics Capital Improvement Plan

Many of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department’s aquatics facilities – eight outdoor pools, one indoor pool and seven spray parks and fountains – need improvements to better serve residents. To make sure these facilities meet the needs of residents, we are kicking off the Aquatics Capital Improvement Plan to see what you, our community, need and want to see in our aquatics facilities and programs! Columbus Recreation and Parks Department will hold public meetings in the coming months to map out a long-term plan that can be implemented immediately as we begin to look at renovating the Glenwood and Windsor pools.

All residents are asked to fill out an online survey through Saturday, May 15, sharing their thoughts about the current aquatics facilities. Fill out the survey here:

Clintonville Area First Responders Appreciation Day

Today we’re sharing a message from our CAC Chair B.J. White on the “Clintonville Area First Responders Appreciation Day”:

Please join me this day, April 12th, 2021 as it signifies the 5th anniversary of fallen Columbus Police SWAT Officer, Stephen M. Smith. It was 5 years ago today when an armed man barricaded inside a Clintonville apartment located near California Ave and N High St fired upon Columbus SWAT team members. They were working to take the man into custody after he had set his estranged wife’s house on fire. The standoff lasted all night, with the suspect firing off shots. A round struck 54-year-old Officer Steven Smith, who was in the open turret of an armored vehicle providing cover for his fellow SWAT team members.

Officer Smith responded to the call of duty in the spirit of public safety and selflessly laid down his life for the protection of our community. The Clintonville Area Commission will honor his service and other first responders with the development of a Clintonville first responders memorial tree grove to be located at Como Park. Three years ago, this initiative was born into discussion in the CAC’s Planning & Development Committee under the leadership of Andrew Overbeck at the prompting of then CAC Chair Libby Wetherholt. I recall being part of that discussion attending those meetings early in my role as an Area Commissioner. Answering the question, “How do we create an appropriate memorial in a way that uniquely says ‘Clintonville thanks first responders for their service.’ ” A living memorial utilizing trees in a public park seemed appropriate. We left those discussions whereas a tree grove would be planted at Como Park. Today, I call upon each and every one of you to renew the commitment to bring this first responders memorial tree grove into fruition. After consulting Chair Overbeck, he agreed that the work of his committee has laid the foundation making it possible for the CAC to conclude this work with the city’s Parks & Recreation with a little more effort. I have asked District 7 Area Commissioner Mike Weinman to work in tandem with me to carry this initiative forward. I call upon each of you to contribute in every way possible to continue the work of the CAC P&D Committee’s groundwork for the first responders memorial tree grove at Como Park.

Steven M. Smith was not only an honorable police officer, he was a husband to wife Lisa of 32 years and father of two, Brittany and Jesse. Today, his son Jesse serves with the CPD wearing his father’s badge number. While we can only honor and give thanks, the time has come. The time is now.

Give pause for remembrance and give back in the effort it will take to bring this initiative to fruition.


CAC Resolution for the Clintonville Area First Responders Appreciation Day

PDF Copy: CAC 1st Responders Resolution

CAC – Thursday April 1st Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – April 2021

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:25 p.m. Neighborhood Update – Katherine Cull, Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:30 p.m. CAC Election Committee Chair – Ann Henkener

7:45 p.m. MORPC – Rolanda Hampton, Diversity, Inclusion & Engagement Officer

  • Joint initiative with Franklin County Board of Health Clean Air Presentation

7:55 p.m. CCS Facilities Master Plan Regional Community Conversations – Stephen Hardwick, Region 4 Co-Chair

  • In order to provide ample opportunity for community involvement, the upcoming Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Regional Community Conversations will not be held next week, as Columbus City Schools redesigns the timeline for these virtual engagement sessions.
  • The survey will remain open for stakeholders to register to participate in the sessions or provide feedback at the onset of the FMP process. Registrants and the Columbus community will be notified of the updated Community Conversation schedule when it is available.

8:00 p.m. Stephen Hardwick – CAC Zoning & Variance Chair

  1. BZA21-017, 111 W. Dunedin. Homeowner Michael Reeves asks for variances to:
    1. Increase the height of a garage from 15′ to 24′. CC3332.38(G)
    2. Reduce the minimum side yard for a garage from 3′ to 0’., CC3332.26.
    3. Reduce the minimum side yard for the house from 5’ to 2.9’, where it currently is. CC3332.26
    4. Presentation by homeowner
      1. Back of garage has hole so cars can stick through
      2. Neighbor wants garage on property line to avoid fence maintenance
      3. Wants second floor, no water
      4. Needs the space he’ll gain by keeping the garage at the property line for a proper turning ration into the garage. His husband has hit the current garage twice trying to get in. To move it off the property line would make the second bay inaccessible.
      5. Has joint maintenance agreement. Easement recorded for maintenance
      6. City said would support if the architecture compares with house.
      7. Will have one full ground level story and dormers on the second floor.
    5. No comments from the committee or the pubic
    6. Commissioner Judy Minister reported no feedback from the neighbors
    7. Motion to approve passed 7-1 (Michael Haugh voted no because he’s concerned that a second floor could be turned into a separate dwelling
  2. CV21-022, 306 Leland Ave. Homeowner Kurt Mortensen, asks for variances to:
    1. Allow 2 separate 1-unit dwellings to be constructed on a single parcel to allow a 1-bedroom carriage house over the garage (property was originally 3 lots). CC3332.033.
    2. Allow the carriage house to front on a public alley. CC3332.19.
    3. City Planning Comment: “Planning is generally supportive of this proposal but requests additional information in the form of building elevations. The Clintonville Neighborhood Plan (2009) recommends this location for single family, however it also states that the continued development of multifamily projects that will help to fill the gap for housing needs for young professionals and seniors, provide support for retail revitalization, and to support pedestrian activity (pg.4). The addition of a carriage house is generally consistent with this recommendation. Staff requests building elevations to review for consistency with the plan’s design guidelines.”
    4. Presentation from homeowner:
      1. The neighborhood was plotted after his current house built. There are three distinct lots, although they are treated as one by the city. One lot is vacant. One has the house. The third has the garage lot. The homeowner also owns the lot to the north of the garage.
      2. This was on the local Facebook page.
    5. Committee comment:
      1. Andrew Miller says it’s a strange lot. Sits a bit off Leland,
      2. Michael Haugh said we are usually OK with height variance assuming they match the architecture of the house, but here the house is one story. He’s worried that a carriage house would set a precedent. Without elevation drawings, there’s not enough information to say yes or no.
      3. Judy Minister, wants to see Commissioner Carpenter’s report. Asked whether the City suggest attaching it to the house. The homeowner said there was a reason that was rejected, but he couldn’t remember whether it was a City objection, foundation issues, or other cost.
      4. Chair Hardwick said the was an eclectic area and there was a large 2-3 story house being built across the street.
    6. Vote, Motion to approve passed 5-2-1.
      1. Michael Haugh wants higher scrutiny because it’s a Council Variance.
      2. Mike McLaughlin said that even thought this does fall outside what we usually do, given the lot’s location and size, he votes yes.
      3. Diane Hayford is concerned about precedent. This is a big departure from what we normally approve. He can put another dwelling on the other lot he owns. No.
      4. Kelly Thiel agrees with MM that it’s a unique area and a unique property. Yes.
      5. Judy Minister said she doesn’t have enough information. She wants to see the Commissioner’s report. Abstain.
      6. Andrew Miller: Yes. It’s an irregular property based on its location and size.
      7. Sharon Groves: Yes
      8. Chair Hardwick: Yes

8:30 CAC Zoning & Variance Committee Proposed Rules

  • Distributed February 4th via email to the CAC and published with the March meeting agenda.

8:35 CAC Planning & Development Committee Chair – Andrew Overbeck

  • Committee Update and Community Survey Update March meeting was cancelled. February’s meeting may be viewed here:

8:45 District 6 Area Commissioner, Kendra Carpenter

  • Discussion of Bishop Watterson traffic and parking concerns.

Columbus Blueprint Construction Projects – Sign up to receive text or email alerts about Blueprint Construction or find more information about whether you qualify for a new sump pump installation, please visit:

Climate Action Plan – Resident Engagement
The City of Columbus is drafting a Climate Action Plan to serve as a roadmap to community-wide carbon neutrality. We want your input! Community feedback is essential to help define how we will reach our goal. We want to center and invest in our historically disenfranchised communities and envision an inclusive, prosperous, sustainable future together. Learn more about this initiative here:

Eviction Prevention Workshop – April 8, 2021 (8:30am-12pm)

Due to the ongoing effects of the Covid Pandemic, increasing rates of eviction continue to be a significant problem in Franklin County and throughout Ohio. To help address this situation, CMS is offering its first Eviction Prevention Workshop for Professionals this year on Thursday, April 8. This session will include numerous tips for how best to effectively help vulnerable tenants and their landlords address this situation before, during, and after they may become involved in an eviction proceeding.
You may register on-line (…/eviction…/328466) or download our 2021 training brochure and a faxable/mailable registration form via the website. To register by phone call 614 228-7191 ext 10.
Critical education for those who want to empower vulnerable tenants to maintain stable housing.
  • Presents a detailed overview of the top 10 mistakes by tenants that often lead to eviction and how to link tenants in need with a host of critical Central Ohio community resources that will allow them to weather a housing crisis.

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday March 24th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday March 24, 2021 at 7:00 p.m

Updated 3/22/21


Agenda PDF:20210324ZoningFinalAgenda



  1. Call to order.
  2. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  3. Variance agenda
    1. BZA21-017, 111 W. Dunedin. Homeowner Michael Reeves asks for variances to:
      1. Increase the height of a garage from 15′ to 24′. CC3332.38(G)
      2. Reduce the minimum side yard for a garage from 3′ to 0′, CC3332.26.
      3. Reduce the minimum side yard for the house from 5’ to 2.9’, where it currently is. CC3332.26
    2. CV21-022, 306 Leland Ave. Homeowner Kurt Mortensen, asks for variances to:
      1. Allow 2 separate 1-unit dwellings to be constructed on a single parcel to allow a 1-bedroom carriage house over the garage (property was originally 3 lots). CC3332.033.
      2. Allow the carriage house to front on a public alley. CC3332.19
      3. City Planning Comment: “Planning is generally supportive of this proposal but requests additional information in the form of building elevations. The Clintonville Neighborhood Plan (2009) recommends this location for single family, however it also states that the continued development of multifamily projects that will help to fill the gap for housing needs for young professionals and seniors, provide support for retail revitalization, and to support pedestrian activity(pg.4). The addition of a carriage house is generally consistent with this recommendation. Staff requests building elevations to review for consistency with the plan’s design guidelines.”
  4. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on April 1, 2020, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be April 28, 2021. Both meetings will be at 7:00 p.m.

CAC 2021 Elections – Candidates’ Night (Monday 3/8 @ 6:30pm)

With candidate packets available for pickup at the Whetstone Library, the first main event for prospective candidates is coming up on Monday night (March 8th) for the candidates’ night in order for those interested in running to ask questions and get more information.

If you live Districts 4, 5, or 7 – the commissioner position in your part of the neighborhood is up for election.  Boundaries for these districts:

4. Center line of Arden Road and its eastward project (east of High Street) and by the center line of Hollenback Drive, center line of Orchard Lane (west of High Street) and by the center line of Oakland Park Avenue (east of High street),railroad tracks just east of Indianola, Olentangy River

5. Center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, center line of Arden Road, railroad tracks just east of Indianola, center line of High Street

7. Center line of Garden Road, center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, railroad tracks just east of Indianola, center line of High Street

Following the 2021 election page here on the website covering all dates & ongoing updates as election gets closer: