Traffic Signal Box Art Installation – Thursday September 10th

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow (Thursday September 10th), the Traffic Signal Box Artwork will be installed throughout the day at 5 different locations along High Street (see end of message for schedule).  Without the support of the community & participation in deciding the chosen artwork, this project would have never see an end.  That support is on top of the work performed by the CAC Planning & Development Committee with Andrew as the chair & Megan heading up the fundraising effort.  This will help to provide some wonderful images representative of the community at the selected intersections.

What started as an idea from a community working in 2013 will finally be a reality.  Megan worked with the city & the Greater Columbus Arts Council to get the necessary approval & putting out the call for artists to submit their designs.  This led to a survey select the designs that garnered almost 800 responses.  With some assistance from Clintonville Inc. & over 40 community members, there was nearly $4,500 raised to support the installation efforts.  There was also partnership wit the University District to help split travel costs for the installer to take the community partnership to the next level!

Installation will work its way north on the following High Street intersections – here is the planned schedule by location:

  • Como – 7:30-11 AM
  • Oakland Park – 7:30-11 AM
  • Hollenback – 12-2:30 PM
  • Henderson – 12-3:30 PM
  • Kanawha – 3:30-6 PM (dedicated to the memory of Nancy Stewart)

These installations will have further promotion via the social media outlets along with Booster & Spotlight write-ups.  We will also be sharing artist videos for each of the locations.  These will be shared online & have a QR code place on the respective boxes on these are live.  Videos courtesy of Amanda form the Planning & Development team – more information will be posted here within the CAC website:

With that – if you are out tomorrow, feel free to come by any of the locations to see work in action. This was all made possible even while facing the unprecedented times that we have seen throughout much of 2020.  Again – thanks to everyone in the Clintonville community for your continued support because these types of initiatives can’t happen without you!

2nd Annual Pollinator Field Day – Saturday September 19th at Whetstone Prairie

We want to make you aware of an event occurring in Whetstone Prairie on Saturday September 19 – The 2nd annual Pollinator Field Day! Like last year, we offered habitat tours of the prairie as well as volunteer opportunities.

Volunteers or neighbors who may be interested in attending the event. Links to the pre-registration forms are:

Event Information:

Columbus Recreation & Parks is  hosting the second annual Pollinator Field Day at Whetstone Park, socially-distancing style! We will be located at the prairie on Saturday, Sept. 19. Volunteering starts at 9 a.m., and habitat tours run from 10 a.m.- noon. Explore the prairie in search of native wildflowers and pollinators. See how many species we can find using the @inaturalistorg app during a guided tour. We will also catch and release butterflies and figure out what makes the prairie a great pollinator habitat. Volunteers can help collect wildflower seed or weed the prairie.

We will be performing no-touch temperature checks for everyone who will be participating. Participants must wear a mask and maintain six feet of social distancing from other people. Everyone must pre-register to attend since there are a limited number of spots available. Pre-register for a habitat tour here:  Pre-register to volunteer here:

For those not familiar with the Prairie Area, it is the area south of Adena Brook just to the left as you take the bend in Hollenback Rd. I have attached a zoned Whetstone Prairie map.

We will also be sharing our content virtually! Make sure to follow along on Saturday, Sept. 19, at Columbus Recreation and Parks Department on Facebook and @colsrecparks on Twitter and Instagram. We are excited to explore the Whetstone prairie with you!

CAC – Thursday September 3rd Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Good News! Clintonville GreenSpot Neighborhood

7:06 p.m. Tabled from the August Meeting, vote for slates submitted by Committee Chairs:

  • Clintonville GreenSpot Committee (See attached)
  • Election Committee – Jan Patton, Melissa Doll, Janice Countaway
  • Historic Building Committee – Jim Garrison

7:15 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:24 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Chair White for Commissioner Boulton

7:25 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:30 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:35 p.m. Nick Bankston and Erin Beck – The City of Columbus

  • Electric Aggregation and the Civilian Review Board

7:45 p.m. Justin Goodwin – LinkUS: Northwest Corridor Workshop

8:00 p.m. Stephen Hardwick, Chair of the CAC Zoning & Variance Committee

Variance agenda:

  1. 3389 Calumet Street, BZA20-068. Application. Screening Form. In order to attach an existing garage to their house, homeowners Jeff and Rebecca Henderson ask for a variance at 3389 Calumet Street to reduce the side yard setback from 5’ to 4. CC3332.26(C)(2). This will allow them to connect the existing garage in the existing location to the rest of the house. Recommended approval 9-0.
  2. 516 Arden Road, BZA 20-061. Application. Screening Form. Homeowners John & Gail Kelley ask for variances to; 1) decrease the rear yard setback from 25% to 23.4%, CC3332.27; 2) increase the allowed garage height from 15’ to 21’, CC3332.38(G); and 3) decrease the side yard setback for a detached garage from 3’ to 0.3’, which maintains the existing setback, CC3332.26(E).
  3. 3369 Indianola, BZA20-06. Application. Staff Report. Business owner Erion Permeti asks for a variance at 3369 Indianola Avenue to reduce the required parking from 26 spaces to 17 spaces. CC3312.49.
  4. 395-397 Crestview Road. David Hodge, Underhill & Hodge LLC Application, BZA20-046, Statement in Support, Statement in Support (showing changes), Screening Form. 397 R LLC asks, in order to build a 1,560 sq. ft. greenhouse, variances to 1) reduce the required parking spaces from 62 to 17 (21 spaces for the greenhouse), CC3312.49; and reduce the minimum building setbacks for the greenhouse from 25’ to 1’ along Indianola as shown on the site plan, CC3356.11.

8:30 p.m. Rachelle Martin – Executive Director, NAMI Franklin County

  • This November, the ADAMH Board of Franklin County will have a levy on the ballot.

8:40 p.m. Erin Prosser – The Ohio State University, Director of Community Development

8:50 p.m. Public Comments and Open Discussion

9:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday August 26th at 7pm

• The Committee members will meet via Zoom.
• The meeting will be live-streamed on the CAC’s YouTube Channel.
• Here is the registration link that the public may use. Questions or comments can be made via email to I will check that email address shortly before the meeting and during the public comment period for each item on the variance agenda.

Agenda PDF: 20200826ZoningAgenda

1. Call to order.

2. Approve agenda.

3. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be September 23, 2020.

4. Consider the previous meeting’s minutes.

5. Variance agenda

  1. 3389 Calumet Street, BZA20-068. In order to attach an existing garage to their house, homeowners Jeff and Rebecca Henderson ask for a variance at 3389 Calumet Street to reduce the side yard setback from 5’ to 4. CC3332.26(C)(2).
  2. 516 Arden Road, BZA 20-061. Homeowners John & Gail Kelley ask for variances to; 1) decrease the rear yard setback from 25% to 23.4%, CC3332.27; 2) increase the allowed garage height from 15’ to 21’, CC3332.38(G); and 3) decrease the side yard setback for a detached garage from 3’ to 0.3’, which maintains the existing setback, CC3332.26(E).
  3. 3369 Indianola, BZA20-06. Business owner Erion Permeti asks for a variance at 3369 Indianola Avenue to reduce the required parking from 26 spaces to 17 spaces. CC3312.49.

6. Announcement: After Committee consideration, the variance applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission via video conference on Thursday, September 3, 2020, 7:00 p.m.

7. Adjournment.

Positive West Nile Virus Mosquito Pool – Upcoming Treatment

A Positive mosquito pool for West Nile Virus was collected from a trap near Colerain Elementary School and a trap near W. Como Ave.  The test was confirmed on August 20th by our staff. Due to this positive West Nile Virus mosquito pool, our Vector Control Program will be treating in Clintonville on Friday, August 28, 2020 from 3:30 am- 7:00 am.

The boundaries for the first treatment are as follows:

  • Wetmore Rd. to the North
  • Cooke Rd. to the South
  • The railroad tracks to the East
  • High St. to the West

The boundaries for the second treatment are as follows:

  • North Broadway to the North
  • Neil Ave. and Tulane Rd. to the South
  • High St. to the East
  • The Olentangy River to the West

A press release and spray map was issued Friday, August 21, 2020 it is attached here and the link to the on-line treatment map is attached to that. At this moment all requests to opt out of mosquito treatment will be honored that have already been filed.

The positive West Nile Virus pool does serve as a reminder for us to continue protecting ourselves from mosquito bites and to eliminate stagnant water from our properties including places such as gutters, rain barrels, and bird baths. One can also protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellents and by minimizing their time spent outside during the late evening and early morning hours. Please let Ryan Younge, RS, the Vector Control Program Manager, know if you would like to discuss in further detail our mosquito reduction activities planned in Clintonville this week. His e-mail address is and his phone number is 614.645.6153.

Clintonville – Blueprint Construction Update

August 6, 2020

Leslie Westerfelt,
This update is to provide a general overview of the current status of Blueprint Clintonville projects. More detailed
information can still be found in our weekly construction updates.

PDF Copy: Clintonville Blueprint Update 2020-08-06

Clintonville 1 (“Central” Clintonville) Updates

• OSU researchers and grad students will be in the neighborhood throughout the summer and fall collecting
water samples and installing new monitoring equipment as part of their Blueprint Evaluation and
Monitoring project.
• Sump Pump installations will be available through 2021. We still have ~70 available spots on the waiting list
to reach our goal. (Initial inspection is “no obligation” – so it doesn’t hurt to have us come out and see if a
sump pump is right for you!)
• Blueprint is not doing any additional paving in Clintonville. Questions regarding current paving activities, or
requests for re-paving, should be directed to the Department of Public Service.

Weisheimer-Indian Springs:
• All Roofwater Redirection and Lateral Lining is complete for this area.
• Rain Gardens are currently being maintained under the city’s maintenance contract.

Cooke Glenmont:
• Roofwater Redirection and Lateral Lining is currently in progress (residents should look out for door hanger
notifications for dates specific to their property).
• Rain Gardens are currently being maintained under the city’s maintenance contract.

• Roofwater Redirection and Lateral Lining is currently in progress (residents should look out for door hanger
notifications for dates specific to their property). This work should be wrapped up in ~2 months.
• Rain Gardens are currently being maintained under the city’s maintenance contract.

• Roofwater Redirection and Lateral Lining is complete for this area.
• A neighborhood forum for this project area ONLY will be scheduled for late August to review and gather
feedback on the solutions developed to address resident concerns with this particular design. This date has
been pushed back to gather additional data and ensure preliminary department approval of options being
presented to the residents.

• Roofwater Redirection is complete for this area.
• Lateral Lining has begun in this area (residents should look out for door hanger notifications for dates
specific to their property).
• Rain Gardens are currently being maintained under the city’s maintenance contract.

• Lateral Lining is currently in progress (residents should look out for door hanger notifications for dates
specific to their property).
• Roofwater Redirection will begin this fall. Residents can expect a mailed letter when the contract is
“activated”. All residents will be offered an opportunity to participate in a “homeowner’s meeting” with the
team to review proposed work.
• Rain Gardens are currently being maintained by the contractor, will transition to the city’s maintenance
contract in November.

Clintonville 3 (“Southern” Clintonville) Updates
• Blueprint will hold the preliminary design meeting (“30% Design”) in the first quarter of 2021. Residents will
be notified by mail and notification will be provided to the commission. Residents directly adjacent to
proposed green infrastructure locations will also receive a postcard to further encourage their participation
in the design process.
• Soil sample collection and monitoring in the Walhalla Ravine will be completed by October 2020. A
presentation of the data results and potential solutions for the ravine will be shared early next year.
• A subsequent “60% Design” meeting will be scheduled later in 2021 to gather feedback on the next iteration
of plans.
• Sump Pump installations in this project area will begin in 2021/2022. Individuals can request to be added to
the waiting list at this time by emailing

Clintonville 2 (“Northern” Clintonville) Updates
• Initial surveying/data collection will begin in this area in 2025.
• Sump Pump installations will begin in 2028.

Old Beechwold Storm & Roadway Improvements Project
• Final design is in progress. Though there are a couple green infrastructure features planned, the scope of
this project is beyond “traditional” Blueprint. Questions regarding this project should be directed to George
• Blueprint private property improvements (sump pumps, roofwater redirection, lateral lining) will begin in
2028 to coincide with the larger Clintonville 2 project area.

CAC – Thursday August 6th Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Paying Tribute and a moment of silence for John Ivanic – Assistant Director of The City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities

7:10 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:20 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Brittany Boulton, Secretary

7:25 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:30 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:40 p.m. Michael Stinziano – Franklin County Auditor

  • Trending topics with Auditor Stinziano and talking points like the proposed legislation to cap real estate taxes or upcoming triennial.

7:50 p.m. Tony Celebrezze – Director of Department of Building and Zoning Services

  • Trending topics with Director Celebrezze and discussion surrounding accessible parking in our development of the Clintonville commercial corridors or how to enthusiastically promote the preliminary commercial and residential site plan reviews.

8:00 p.m. Tech Enhancement Program – From Councilmember Rob Dorans

8:15 p.m. Clintonville Area Commission – Welcome Letter Brochure Revision

8:40 p.m. Public Comments and Open Discussion

8:50 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

General Neighborhood & City Updates and Opportunities

Here to provide another round of general neighborhood & city related updates across a variety of topics & opportunities – take a look through the list below for items of interest:

  1. Free COVID 19 Care Kits: The Department of Neighborhoods will be providing free PPE/Cleaning Supplies (while supplies last) on July 23rd at Marion Franklin Community Center and on July 30th at Barnett Community Center. (graphic attached)

  1. The City of Columbus is hiring:Current job postings include Legislative Assistant, Outreach Worker, Police Officer, Recreation and Parks Aides, Social Worker and Wastewater Plant Supervisor.  Apply today at:

  1. Father Figure Class:Online and free beginning August 4.  Learn fatherhood skills, resources and support.  Contact Julie DiCarlo at (flier attached)

  1. Grants:City announces $15 million for Health and Human Services providers.   Request for Proposals is now available on the City’s website at The City has streamlined the application process, making it possible for organizations to access funding quickly through a single electronic application that will be managed by United Way of Central Ohio.  Grant applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. July 27, 2020, and will be announced August 31, 2020.

  1. Racism, Where Do We Go From Here?:  If you missed this week’s Columbus Metropolitan Club,  Watch here:


  1. Lunch and Learn: Save the date – Wednesday, July 29 at 1pm. Watch at the Department of Neighborhoods Facebook Page. Topic: The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Women. Join Megan N. Kilgore, Elizabeth C. Brown, Maylin Sambois, Barbara Smoot, and Davia Stevenson as we explore and brainstorm solutions to the effect that COVID-19 is having on women in our community.


  1. Vision Zero:  Protecting human life takes priority over all other objectives of our transportation system.  Vision Zero is a Global initiative to eliminate all roadway related deaths and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all. Please take a moment to take a survey or mark up the map.


  1. For more COVID 19 resources: For testing sites, questions, resources, factsheets and more, visit:
  1. There will be no CAC Zoning & Variance meeting on July 28th- there were no building or zoning permits requiring variances to review.
  1. Looking for Volunteer opportunities? Like to garden? The Park of Roses is in steady need of tending. There is a nice core group of volunteers, but more help is certainly needed in this huge beautiful garden! Contact: Glenna Major at 614-804-9652 (cell)

ICYMI – Clintonville Area News: Bike Trail & Chamber of Commerce

Sharing some local news from the past week in case you missed it (ICYMI):

  1. Clintonville leaders clamor for North Broadway bridge work to join bike-trail project: Catch the latest on the project to bring the pedestrian/bike bridge to help connect the trail along the Olentangy as part of ongoing neighborhood improvements
  2. Clintonville Chamber of Commerce Ceasing Operations:  After 25 years in operation, the group is ending its work as currently constructed.  It leaves open the possibility for another group to be assume the work that has been done by the chamber over the last few decades.

General Neighborhood Updates

Hello everyone – sharing a group of updates from our Community Liaison that cover a wide variety of topics.  Please see the list below:

  1. City of Columbus Mask Ordinance: All individuals in Columbus are required to wear masks in indoor areas accessible to the public and within the confines of public or private transportation regulated by the City of Columbus. When you are outdoors and cannot maintain 6 feet of distance, you also must wear a mask.  Attached is the mask requirement FAQ translated into the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Kinyarwanda, Maay Maay, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili and Tigrinya.  Please note that guidance and directives continue to evolve.  For more information about the mask ordinance, visit:
  2. Beat the Heat: LifeCare Alliance’s The Beat the Heat Fan Campaign benefits central Ohio’s most vulnerable residents during extreme heat emergencies. Last year, LifeCare Alliance collected and distributed more than 2,000 fans!  To inquire about how to get a fan, or how to donate a new fan, call 614-437-2870 or visit
  3. Live calls to 311 are back! : Call 311 and speak to a customer service representative Monday to Friday from 8AM to 5PM.  Requests for service can also be submitted online at, or use the My Columbus mobile app, and by e-mail to
  4. Rental Assistance: As July rent comes due, this is a reminder that South Side Thrive is assisting residents from 43206 & 43207 in applying for financial assistance from Impact’s Hope Fund. Contact: (614) 722-6539 (leave voicemail) or
  5. Walk in Recovery: Walk In Wednesdays are being provided to assist people with immediate linkage to medical detox for alcohol and/or drug addiction, or an assessment for outpatient treatment.  During the process individuals will be provided health screenings, basic wound care, HIV/EIS testing and HepA vaccinations if they choose.  There will also be a meal provide and assistance with obtain a copy of your birth certificate and a state identification card.  For further information, please call 614-645-6843.—Summer-2020/
  6. How to Speak at Council:  Until further notice, Columbus City Council meetings will be held in a teleconference format, with members attending via WebEx.  Follow this link for the toolkit on how to testify at Council during COVID-19.
  7. Utility Aggregation:  Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther announced in mid-February that he would pursue a community-choice energy-aggregation program to reach 100% green power by 2022. City Council is voting on July 20 to file the paperwork for a November ballot issue that would “fundamentally change the way that the community addresses energy and climate change”.  Watch the hearing Councilmember Dorans held earlier this week:
  8. CARES Act Grants: The City of Columbus announced that $15 million CARES Act funding is available to nonprofit human services providers to ease the impact of COVID-19. The Request for Proposals is now available on the City’s website at  The City has streamlined the application process, making it possible for organizations to access funding quickly through a single electronic application that will be managed by United Way of Central Ohio. Grant applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. July 27, 2020, and will be announced August 31, 2020.
  9. Columbus Library: Visit the website for up to date information and links to the summer reading challenge, ebook downloads and more.
  10. Press Releases:  For the latest Press Releases from Mayor Ginther, or follow:
  11. For more COVID 19 resources: For testing sites, questions, resources, factsheets and more, visit: