Can You Recycle Christmas Lights? The Real Answer (GreenCitizen)

In a question that many folks may be pondering as the holiday season wraps and we move further into 2021…CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! – when they are no longer working (or you just don’t want them anymore), what can you do with them?
  • Do you you put them in trash?
  • Can you actually recycle them?
  • Do you keep hanging them with half the lights working & overlap to look like a full strand?
Well here’s an article for you to find out more:

Columbus City Council Accepting Applications for the Council Residential Districting Commission


Columbus City Council News Release 

Council Accepting Applications for the Council Residential Districting Commission

Commission to Draw Residential Maps Creating Council Districts

[COLUMBUS-OH] The foundation of a strong city is its neighborhoods. In support of amplifying community voices, Columbus City Council today opened applications for the Council Residential Districting Commission (CRDC). The members of this commission will draw the residential district maps of Council.

“As both a neighborhood leader and member of Council, I am thankful to champion this process,” said Councilmember Emmanuel V. Remy. “Creation of the Council Residential Districting Commission represents the first step in accommodating our City’s future of more growth, more inclusion, and greater representation for the Columbus community.”

The application to serve on the commission opened on December 15, 2020, and is available at Candidates must use the online application and applicants may (but are not required to) submit a resume. Submissions must be received by noon on Thursday, January 21, 2021. Email questions to

Council will not review applications from Columbus residents who are elected officials (except precinct committee members), lobbyists registered with the City of Columbus, current candidates for elected office or City of Columbus employees. Please note, submissions are considered public records once accepted.

In accordance with the Charter requirements, the CRDC will consist of five members, four of whom will be appointed by Council through an application process. The Mayor and Council President will select the final member who will serve as commission chair. The commission members will be selected in February.

“Serving on the Council Residential Districting Commission is an opportunity to ensure geographic diversity on Council while maintaining neighborhood cohesion,” said Council President Shannon G. Hardin. “We need smart, passionate neighborhood advocates on this commission to help set the foundation for the future of the City’s legislature.”

The commission will be seated no later than March 1, 2021.

The recommendations made by the CRDC will require a vote of Council. However, Council cannot make any changes to the maps except as necessary to ensure compliance with the Charter.

CAC – Thursday January 7th Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – January 2021

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:35 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:40 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:45 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:50 p.m. Ann Henkener – CAC Election Committee Chair

8:00 p.m. Olentangy Trail Completion – Stephanie Tress with MURPHYepson

  • The project team led by American Structurepoint, the City of Columbus and its partners are starting the completion of the .6 mile gap on the Olentangy Trail, which also is central Ohio’s busiest trail.

8:15 p.m. Blueprint Columbus Updates

8:20 p.m. Franklin County Auditor – The NEW Property Tax Assessments are in effect for 2021

  • Learn how your property tax is assessed and how to dispute it with the Board of Revision.

8:25 p.m. CAC Planning & Development – Infrastructure Survey

  • Please participate in assisting the Clintonville Area Commission with prioritizing your concerns about the community’s infrastructure by participating in the survey below:

8:30 p.m. Urban Deer Discussion

  • Commissioners Wetherholt (District 3) and White (District 9) attended The Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference on November 19th and will report on their experience and perspectives.

8:45 p.m. Public Comments

8:50 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

Clintonville Area Blueprint Update – Week of January 4th, 2021

Construction Update
Week of January 4th

Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc. Reference this construction MAP to view the impacted construction areas for next week. Unsure about which is your area? Visit the Blueprint map and type in your address to find out!

Sump pump installations are offered for a limited time only! We have a few spots left on our list! If you are interested, contact us ASAP and we’ll schedule your no-obligation assessment to see if a sump pump is right for you!

New Updates

COVID-19 Update: Due to the outdoor nature of the work, lateral lining and downspout redirection crews will continue to work in the field, supervised by an independent inspection firm. Sump pump installations are continuing at this time. Some staff are working remotely to address emerging issues. Please be patient as it may take longer to respond to your questions or concerns.

#MasksEqualKindness For yourself. For others. For Columbus. Show your neighbors you care and wear a face covering to #StopTheSpread! Learn more at

Reminder: If you have a basement backup (sewer water coming up from your floor drain), please report this to the City by calling 614-645-7102. Please note that crews are working diligently to investigate issues throughout the city, and so we may not be able to respond immediately. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you had your lateral lined and are experiencing the smell of the resin material used during the lateral process do not be alarmed. The material is not hazardous, please open your windows and flush out your floor drains and traps with a galloon of water to help push out any excess material that is causing the smell. The smell is temporary and will go away.

The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to or 311.

Project Status

Schreyer Springs

  • BLD is the contractor who will be conducting lateral lining in the area.
    • Lateral lining will be conducted on E. Schreyer Pl.
    • Cleaning of sanitary laterals in various areas of the project area
  • Facemyer has completed all project work within the project work zone. Rain gardens will continue to have a monthly cleanout/maintenance performed on them.
  • Downspout installations are complete.

Overbrook Chatham 

  • There will be no work taking place in this area this week.

Weisheimer Indian Springs

  • Rain gardens will continue to have monthly cleanout/maintenance performed.

Cooke Glenmont

  • MCSP, the crew that is conducting downspout work in the area will not be working this week.
  • Mussun Brothers, the crew that is conducting the lateral line work will not be working this week.

Blenheim Glencoe

  • Private Property work in this area has now begun. BLD will be in the area prepping lateral line work, this work will include cleaning and getting pictures and videos of the laterals before and after cleaning. The following streets will have crews in the area cleaning laterals and installing liners.
    • Acton Rd. – installing liners
    • Blenheim Rd. – installing liners
    • Cleaning of sanitary laterals in various areas of the project area
  • Downspout redirection investigations have begun and will take place on the following streets:
    • No downspout work will take place this week
  • Eramo will continue to conduct routine maintenance on the rain gardens..

Morse Dominion

  • BLD and OBA have both completed their private property work(lateral lining and downspout work).
  • Shelly and Sands, the company who is modifying the interior of the rain gardens for those who opted in, will be on site this week working on modifications. They will begin on Dominion Blvd. and continue moving North street by street.
General Notices

  • Just like a normal storm drain, the rain gardens can’t do their job if leaves/debris are piling up and blocking water from entering the inlet. Our crews will clear these inlets during regular maintenance, but if you see leaves piling up and blocking the rain garden inlets, feel free to push them aside to allow rainwater to enter. And, as always, remember to keep leaves and yard waste out of the streets as much as possible.

Please contact 614-645-1253 or with any questions you may have. If you have an emergency, please call 614-645-8276 for Water or 614-645-7102 for Sewers. 

Completion of Olentangy Trail – Online Public Meeting (Thursday January 21st from 6-7:30pm)

You are Invited to Attend the Olentangy Trail Completion Online Public Meeting

Public Meeting held on Thursday, Jan. 21, from 6-7:30 p.m.

The City of Columbus and its partners are evaluating options to complete the Olentangy Trail by connecting Clinton-Como and Northmoor parks with a dedicated, 0.6 mile shared use path.

Learn more at an online public meeting on Thursday, Jan. 21, from 6-7:30 p.m.

Pre-registration is required, sign up here:

If you have any specialized communications needs for the online public meeting, please contact us by Thursday, Jan. 14, at or 614-221-2885 x15. 

CAC – Thursday December 3rd Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:35 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:40 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:45 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:50 p.m. Ann Henkener – CAC Election Committee Chair

7:55 p.m. Area Commission Technology Enhancement Program Application

8:00 p.m. Zoning & Variance Agenda – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  • BZA20-095, 3721 Weston Place. In order to build a 1 to 2 story addition to the rear and west side of the existing house, as well as to enclose and expand the existing rear porch, homeowners Thomas Decker and Suzanne Scholl ask for variances to 1) reduce the required rear yard from 25% to 15.6%, and 2) reduce the minimum rear-yard set back to 3′ (while honoring previous commitment to plant screening along the specified rear yard). CC3332.27.

8:30 p.m. Proposed Bylaws change as presented by Commissioner Mike Weinman

  • MAKER OF THE MOTION: Commissioner Mike Weinman for District 7 proposed a CAC Bylaws change on October 1st, 2020 CAC meeting, then tabled until the November 5th, 2020 CAC meeting, and then tabled until the December 3rd, 2020 CAC meeting. Commissioner Weinman moved to amend Article “V” Section “B”.

8:40 p.m. Urban Deer Discussion

  • Commissioners Wetherholt (District 3) and White (District 9) attended The Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference on November 19th and will report on their experience and perspectives.

8:45 p.m. Public Comments and Open Discussion

8:50 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

Virtual Landlord Education Series 2020 via the Department of Neighborhoods

Sharing the remainder of these sessions for our local landlords & community leaders with interest in resources for those property owners.
While the first session occurred earlier tonight, there are three additional topics being covered on these dates:
  1. Wednesday November 18th from 6-7pm: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
  2. Tuesday December 1st from 6-7pm: City Services at your Fingertips featuring Code Enforcement, Division of Refuse, and the City Attorney’s Office
  3. Wednesday December 2nd from 6-7pm: Eviction Prevention & New American Panel Discussion
To register/RSVP for any of these sessions, please email:

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Monday November 23rd at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
November 23, 2020, 7:00 p.m


Agenda PDF: 20201123DraftAgenda


  1. Call to order.
  2. Consider the previous meeting’s minutes.
  3. Variance agenda
    1. BZA20-095, 3721 Weston Place. In order to build a 1 to 2 story addition to the rear and west side of the existing house, as well as to enclose and expand the existing rear porch, homeowners Thomas Decker and Suzanne Scholl ask for variances to 1) reduce the required rear yard from 25% to 15.6%, and 2) reduce the minimum rear-yard set back to 3′ (while honoring previous commitment to plant screening along the specified rear yard). CC3332.27.
  4. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on December 3, 2020, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be December 30, 2020. Both meetings will be at 7:00 p.m.
  5. Adjournment.

Clintonville Area Blueprint Update – Week of November 2nd, 2020

Construction Update
Week of November 2nd

Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

Reference this Construction MAP to view the impacted construction areas for next week.

Unsure about which is your area? Visit the Blueprint map and type in your address to find out!

Sump pump installations are offered for a limited time only! We have a few spots left on our list! If you are interested, contact us ASAP and we’ll schedule your no-obligation assessment to see if a sump pump is right for you!

New Updates

COVID-19 Update: Due to the outdoor nature of the work, lateral lining and downspout redirection crews will continue to work in the field, supervised by an independent inspection firm. Sump pump installations are continuing at this time. Some staff are working remotely to address emerging issues. Please be patient as it may take longer to respond to your questions or concerns.

#MasksEqualKindness For yourself. For others. For Columbus. Show your neighbors you care and wear a face covering to #StopTheSpread! Learn more at

Reminder: If you have a basement backup (sewer water coming up from your floor drain), please report this to the City by calling 614-645-7102. Please note that crews are working diligently to investigate issues throughout the city, and so we may not be able to respond immediately. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you had your lateral lined and are experiencing the smell of the resin material used during the lateral process do not be alarmed. The material is not hazardous, please open your windows and flush out your floor drains and traps with a galloon of water to help push out any excess material that is causing the smell. The smell is temporary and will go away.

The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to or 311.

Project Status

Schreyer Springs

  • BLD is the contractor who will be conducting lateral lining in the area.
    • Lateral lining will be conducted in the easement between Village Dr. and Springs Dr.
    • Lateral lining will be conducted in the easement between Village Dr. & Fairlawn Dr.
  • Facemyer has completed all project work within the project work zone. Rain gardens will continue to have a monthly cleanout/maintenance performed on them.
  • Downspout installations are complete.

Overbrook Chatham 

  • There will be no work taking place in this area this week.

Weisheimer Indian Springs

  • Rain gardens will continue to have monthly cleanout/maintenance performed.

Cooke Glenmont

  • MCSP, the crew that is conducting downspout work in the area will not be working this week.
  • Mussun Brothers, the crew that is conducting the lateral line work will be working on the following street:
    • Overbrook Dr.

Blenheim Glencoe

  • Private Property work in this area has now begun. BLD will be in the area prepping lateral line work, this work will include cleaning and getting pictures and videos of the laterals before and after cleaning. The following streets will have crews in the area cleaning laterals and installing liners.
    •  Blenheim Rd.- installing liners
    • Northridge Rd.- installing liners
    • Acton Rd. – installing liners
    • Cleaning of sanitary laterals in various areas of the project area
  • Downspout redirection investigations have begun and will take place on the following streets:
    • Blenheim Rd.
  • Eramo will continue to conduct routine maintenance on the rain gardens..

Morse Dominion

  • BLD and OBA have both completed their private property work(lateral lining and downspout work).
General Notices

  • Just like a normal storm drain, the rain gardens can’t do their job if leaves/debris are piling up and blocking water from entering the inlet. Our crews will clear these inlets during regular maintenance, but if you see leaves piling up and blocking the rain garden inlets, feel free to push them aside to allow rainwater to enter. And, as always, remember to keep leaves and yard waste out of the streets as much as possible.

Please contact 614-645-1253 or with any questions you may have. If you have an emergency, please call 614-645-8276 for Water or 614-645-7102 for Sewers.