CAC – Thursday November 5th Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:15 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:25 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Boulton, Secretary

7:30 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:35 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:40 p.m. Urban Deer Discussion

8:00 p.m. Proposed Bylaws change

8:30 p.m. Public Comments and Open Discussion

8:50 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

Clintonville Traffic Box Art – Ongoing Fundraising Effort

CAC Chair, B.J. White, released the following statement:
In 2013, the CAC Planning and Development Committee began discussions on how to bring into fruition the implementation of the utility box artwork that would be an “of, for, and by” the community of Clintonville. Under the direction of Andrew Overbeck, CAC Planning and Development Chair, and the fundraising efforts led by Megan Valentine, the CAC would eventually complete the first phase of this project in September 2020. A total of $4,500 was raised with 42 donations from the Clintonville community. In May of 2019, an official “Call to Artists” promoted by Commissioner Libby Wetherholt, promoted the initiative by seeking local artists who would submit their artwork. Several submissions were received and then were presented to the Clintonville community at large for voting for the top picks. After tabulating 800 survey responses from the Clintonville Community, those selections were presented to a graphic designer with the specifications of the utility boxes to create a graphic wrap that would be applied to the utility box. There were enough funds raised to complete the installation of 5 utility box artwork. In September 2019, the CAC presented a letter of support to the City of Columbus for the initiative. One year later, we have beautified our High Street streetscape with the work of local artists selected and funded by the community of Clintonville. We still have several utility boxes to cover and hope to raise funds to cover the remaining boxes. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution in your name or honor else at A special thank you to Mike McLaughlin and Clintonville Inc for their continued cooperation in these efforts.
Currently Installed Locations:

High & Como

High & Oakland Park
High & Hollenback
High & W Henderson
High &  E Kanawha

CAC Election Committee Meeting – Monday October 19th at 7pm

Topic: CAC Election Committee Meeting
Time: Oct 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) – can ask questions by emailing the committee chair at

Join Zoom Meeting


  1. What we need to get done before the Election
  2. In person/mail-in/both? – when do we need to decide?
  3. What adjustments need to be made in the rules?
  4. Media

Supporting Documents

CAC Election Timeline – 2021

Clintonville Area Commission


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TRICK OR TREAT is on for Thursday 10/29 from 6-8pm

City of Columbus Announces Trick or Treat Date and Time

Following the guidelines released by the Ohio Department of Health and in line with the recommendation of MORPC, the City of Columbus will allow trick-or-treat on Thursday, October 29, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Those who choose to participate in their community’s trick or treating, should use these health and safety tips for a safe and happy Halloween during COVID-19.

Trick or Treaters

  • Stay home if you or your child feels sick, has symptoms of COVID-19 or is at high risk of complications.
  • Wear a face mask, except for children under two years of age and individuals with medical exceptions.
  • Make sure your face mask completely covers your nose and mouth at all times.
  • Maintain social distance of at least six feet from other groups.
  • Trick or treat with people in your own household.
  • Avoid doors with a cluster of people. Stay back and wait until nobody else is at the door.
  • Participate in Halloween activities outdoors if possible.
  • Avoid large parties, gatherings and indoor activities.
  • Bring hand sanitizer to use between houses.
  • Take only wrapped candy or treats.
  • Wash your hands when finished trick or treating before eating candy.
  • Get a flu vaccine at least two weeks before Halloween.

Treat Givers

  • Do not give out candy if you or anyone in your household feels sick, has symptoms of COVID-19 or is at high risk of complications.
  • Designate one person per household to hand out candy.
  • Wear a face mask and put it on before opening the door.
  • Make sure the mask completely covers your nose and mouth.
  • Put treats in individual baggies and lay them out instead of putting them in a large bowl.
  • Sit outside behind a table to give out treats.
  • Provide hand sanitizer for trick or treaters.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Get a flu vaccine at least two weeks before Halloween.

For questions about COVID-19, call 614-645-1519.

Seed Collection Friday, October 9th 1-3pm at the Whetstone Prairie!

Thanks to the community support of the Whetstone prairie & the leadership of the Rec & Parks Department the Whetstone Prairie is coming back strong!
Rosalie Hendon from Rec & Parks is organizing a follow-up seed collection at the Prairie since many species were not yet in seed during this year’s Pollinator Field Day (9/19).
Are you available this Friday, 10/9, from 1-3 pm? We will be collecting native prairie seed to use at other parks in Columbus.
If you have them, please bring:
  • your own bucket (with a handle is easiest)
  • hand pruners or garden scissors
  • gardening gloves
  • Personal water bottle
All volunteers are asked to wear face masks, socially distance, and stay home if sick!

Franklin County – Potentially Incorrect Absentee Ballots: How to Check

You’ve likely heard about people receiving incorrect absentee ballots – please use the following information to confirm that you received the proper voting information.
For those Franklin County residents who “may” have received an erroneous absentee ballot, please compare the ballot you received in your mailbox to the sample ballot here:

CAC – Thursday October 1st Meeting Agenda (7pm on Zoom & YouTube)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates (Please limit to 1 minute)

7:15 p.m. Special Guest (Not yet confirmed)

7:20 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Secretary/Commissioner Brittany Boulton

7:25 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer/Commissioner Kendra Carpenter

7:30 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:45 p.m. Zoning & Variance Agenda (please see the supplemental document to the agenda)

  • 61 E. Dunedin BZA20-083. In order to rebuild their garage on the same footprint of the existing garage, homeowners Jay Hall and Jill Ford ask for a variance to reduce the side yard setback from 3′ to 1.8′. CC3332.26(C)(2). The chair noted that he had received an email from Sue and Randy Ritter at 67 E. Dunedin, the neighbor closest to the garage, in support of the variance. The owner reported that the previous garage’s door wouldn’t open without falling apart. Most contractors suggested building a huge garage, but the owners thought keeping the original size was less disruptive of both yards.
  • 456 E. Dunedin, BZA 20-070. In order to replace a garage of the the same size, which was destroyed by a falling tree, homeowners Thomas and Rebecca McKenzie ask for variances to; 1) increase the allowed area from 720 to 960 sq. ft. CC3332.38(F); and 2) increase the allowed garage height from 15’ to 20’, CC3332.38(G). The chair read their screening form into the record. The city recommended including windows above garage door and in back, and they will do that. The applicants reported that their neighbors were fully supportive.
  • 3369 Indianola, BZA20-067. Business owner Erion Permeti asks for a variance at 3369 Indianola Avenue to reduce the required parking from 26 spaces to 17 spaces. CC3312.49.

8:05 p.m. CAC Committee Reports

  • Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick
  • Planning & Development Committee – Chair Andrew Overbeck
  • Election Committee – Chair Ann Henkener
  • Technology & Public Relations – Chair Ty Hulbert
  • GreenSpot Committee – Co-Chairs Ryan Foshee & Zach MacGuire
  • Historic Building Committee – Chair Jim Garrison

8:35 p.m. Proposed CAC Bylaws Change – Commissioner Mike Weinman

  • Clintonville Area Commission By-Laws Proposed Changes (presented as written): Chapter V Section B

Beginning June 1, the commission chairperson shall give notice that volunteers are needed for the standing committees in Section A. Volunteers shall submit a resume to the commission chairperson no later than July 1 and indicate which committee they would like to join and if they would like to be the chair of the committee. Commissioners are exempt from the resume requirement. One week before the August meeting, the commission chair shall submit the names of the selected committee chairs and members to the commissioners along with the supporting documentation. The commission shall approve the membership of the standing committees at the August regular meeting. Appointments to the standing committees shall be for one year until the next August meeting.

8:50 p.m. Public Comment

9:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday September 23rd at 7pm


  • The Committee members will meet via Zoom.
  • You can find a registration link on the CAC’s online calendar.
  • The meeting will be live-streamed on the CAC’s YouTube Channel.
  • Questions or comments can be made via email to who will check that email address shortly before the meeting and during the public comment period for each item on the variance agenda.

Agenda PDF: 20200923DraftAgenda


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be September 23, 2020.
  4. Consider the previous meeting’s minutes.
  5. Variance agenda
    1. 61 E. Dunedin BZA20-083. In order to rebuild their garage on the same footprint of the existing garage, homeowners Jay Hall and Jill Ford ask for a variance to reduce the side yard setback from 3′ to 1.8′. CC3332.26(C)(2). Note: The chair has received an email from Sue and Randy Ritter at 67 E. Dunedin, the neighbor closest to the garage, in support of the variance.
    2. 456 E. Dunedin, BZA 20-070. In order to replace a garage of the same size destroyed by a falling tree, homeowners Thomas and Rebecca McKenzie ask for variances to; 1) increase the allowed area from 720 to 960 sq. ft. CC3332.38(F); and 2) increase the allowed garage height from 15’ to 20’,  C3332.38(G).
    3. 3369 Indianola, BZA20-067.  Business owner Erion Permeti asks for a variance at 3369 Indianola Avenue to reduce the required parking from 26 spaces to 17 spaces. CC3312.49.
  6. Announcement: After Committee consideration, the variance applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission via video conference on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
  7. Adjournment.