General Neighborhood Updates

Hello everyone – sharing a group of updates from our Community Liaison that cover a wide variety of topics.  Please see the list below:

  1. City of Columbus Mask Ordinance: All individuals in Columbus are required to wear masks in indoor areas accessible to the public and within the confines of public or private transportation regulated by the City of Columbus. When you are outdoors and cannot maintain 6 feet of distance, you also must wear a mask.  Attached is the mask requirement FAQ translated into the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Kinyarwanda, Maay Maay, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili and Tigrinya.  Please note that guidance and directives continue to evolve.  For more information about the mask ordinance, visit:
  2. Beat the Heat: LifeCare Alliance’s The Beat the Heat Fan Campaign benefits central Ohio’s most vulnerable residents during extreme heat emergencies. Last year, LifeCare Alliance collected and distributed more than 2,000 fans!  To inquire about how to get a fan, or how to donate a new fan, call 614-437-2870 or visit
  3. Live calls to 311 are back! : Call 311 and speak to a customer service representative Monday to Friday from 8AM to 5PM.  Requests for service can also be submitted online at, or use the My Columbus mobile app, and by e-mail to
  4. Rental Assistance: As July rent comes due, this is a reminder that South Side Thrive is assisting residents from 43206 & 43207 in applying for financial assistance from Impact’s Hope Fund. Contact: (614) 722-6539 (leave voicemail) or
  5. Walk in Recovery: Walk In Wednesdays are being provided to assist people with immediate linkage to medical detox for alcohol and/or drug addiction, or an assessment for outpatient treatment.  During the process individuals will be provided health screenings, basic wound care, HIV/EIS testing and HepA vaccinations if they choose.  There will also be a meal provide and assistance with obtain a copy of your birth certificate and a state identification card.  For further information, please call 614-645-6843.—Summer-2020/
  6. How to Speak at Council:  Until further notice, Columbus City Council meetings will be held in a teleconference format, with members attending via WebEx.  Follow this link for the toolkit on how to testify at Council during COVID-19.
  7. Utility Aggregation:  Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther announced in mid-February that he would pursue a community-choice energy-aggregation program to reach 100% green power by 2022. City Council is voting on July 20 to file the paperwork for a November ballot issue that would “fundamentally change the way that the community addresses energy and climate change”.  Watch the hearing Councilmember Dorans held earlier this week:
  8. CARES Act Grants: The City of Columbus announced that $15 million CARES Act funding is available to nonprofit human services providers to ease the impact of COVID-19. The Request for Proposals is now available on the City’s website at  The City has streamlined the application process, making it possible for organizations to access funding quickly through a single electronic application that will be managed by United Way of Central Ohio. Grant applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. July 27, 2020, and will be announced August 31, 2020.
  9. Columbus Library: Visit the website for up to date information and links to the summer reading challenge, ebook downloads and more.
  10. Press Releases:  For the latest Press Releases from Mayor Ginther, or follow:
  11. For more COVID 19 resources: For testing sites, questions, resources, factsheets and more, visit:

Blueprint Construction Update: Week of July 20th

Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.
Sump pump installations are offered for a limited time only! We have a few spots left on our list! If you are interested, contact us ASAP and we’ll schedule your no-obligation assessment to see if a sump pump is right for you!
New Updates
COVID-19 Update: Due to the outdoor nature of the work, lateral lining and downspout redirection crews will continue to work in the field, supervised by an independent inspection firm. Sump pump installations are continuing at this time. Some staff are working remotely to address emerging issues. Please be patient as it may take longer to respond to your questions or concerns.
#MasksEqualKindness For yourself. For others. For Columbus. Show your neighbors you care and wear a face covering to #StopTheSpread! Learn more at
Reminder: If you have a basement backup (sewer water coming up from your floor drain), please report this to the City by calling 614-645-7102. Please note that crews are working diligently to investigate issues throughout the city, and so we may not be able to respond immediately. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to or 311.
Project Status
Overbrook Chatham
There will be no work taking place in this area this week.
Weisheimer Indian Springs
Rain gardens will continue to have monthly cleanout/maintenance performed.
Cooke Glenmont
MCSP, the crew that is conducting downspout work in the area will be working on the following streets:
Glenmont Ave.
Canyon Dr.
Lenappe Dr.
Mussum Brothers, the crew that is conducting the lateral line work will be working on the following street:
Canyon Dr.
Lenappe Dr.
Overbrook Dr.
Blenheim Glencoe
Private Property work in this area has now begun. BLD will be in the area prepping lateral line work, this work will include cleaning and getting pictures and videos of the laterals before and after cleaning. The following streets will have crews in the area cleaning laterals and installing liners.
Richards Rd.- installing liners
Chatham Rd.- installing liners
Acton Rd.-installing liners
Cleaning of sanitary laterals in various areas of the project area
Eramo will continue to conduct routine maintenance on the rain gardens..
From Department of Public Service: Blenheim Road resurfacing Update
Paving will begin the week of June 29th for Blenheim Rd.
From Department of Public Service: Arden Road resurfacing Update
The Department of Public Service will work with the contractor to set the schedule in the spring for the Arden Rd. rebuild/resurfacing. When weather permits in the spring, the contractor can start the concrete work for new curb and then street construction will follow as temperatures warm up.
For questions on this work, please contact 311 (645-3111)
Schreyer Springs
BLD is the contractor who will be conducting lateral lining in the area. Residents have been notified of the project beginning and will receive more notifications from the contractor as work approaches their home.
Facemyer has completed all project work within the project work zone. Rain gardens will continue to have a monthly cleanout/maintenance performed on them.
Downspout installations are complete.
Morse Dominion
Shelly and Sands will have a subcontractor, EMI, onsite the week of July 6th to plant replacement plants and shrubs at all the identified locations. Residents have been notified if they will be impacted by this.
BLD and OBA have both completed their private property work(lateral lining and downspout work).
General Notices
Several streets are slated for repaving in conjunction with Department of Public Service. Repaving schedules are currently being finalized with the contractor in most areas. When Blueprint receives schedule information from the Department of Public Service, we will also include that information in these notices
Just like a normal storm drain, the rain gardens can’t do their job if leaves/debris are piling up and blocking water from entering the inlet. Our crews will clear these inlets during regular maintenance, but if you see leaves piling up and blocking the rain garden inlets, feel free to push them aside to allow rainwater to enter. And, as always, remember to keep leaves and yard waste out of the streets as much as possible.
Please contact 614-645-1253 or with any questions you may have. If you have an emergency, please call 614-645-8276 for Water or 614-645-7102 for Sewers.

Help Make 3 of the Clintonville Traffic Signal Box Art Designs a Reality

Previously, we posted about the Clintonville Traffic Signal Box Art designs in order to solicit designs & initial funding.

Now we are doing a final push to make 3 of these designs a reality within our neighborhood – with only a few hundred dollars more in funding, these designs will be put on three of the traffic boxes along High Street:

This a 100% community funded project to help bring some fresh art to one of the main corridors!


Oakland Park

Park of Roses

PSA: Firework Safety Message

All – We’re passing along a message from the city fire department as folks get ready to enjoy the upcoming 4th of July weekend.  Please see the included graphic for the full message but here are a few key takeaways:

  • The use of any explosive fireworks or rockets is illegal throughout the City of Columbus.
  • The only legal fireworks that may be displayed in Ohio are those that Snake, Smoke, Snap and Sparkle.
  • Because the use of illegal fireworks can cause severe injuries, property destruction and death, the Columbus Division of Fire will have specialized teams of fire investigators deployed this weekend who can respond to calls of illegal firework sales and large professional-grade displays that put the safety of our residents at risk.

In general, be respectful of those around you in the community & take proper safety precautions while celebrating!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

CFD Firework Safety Message 7.2.20

CAC – Thursday July 2nd Meeting Agenda (7pm)

Clintonville Area Commission July 2nd Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:20 p.m. Paul Bingle – Longstanding Member of CAC’s Zoning & Variance Committee

  • Farewell meeting

7:30 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – B.J. White, Chair

7:35 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:40 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:45 p.m. Variance Agenda – Stephen Hardwick, CAC Z & V Committee Chair

  1. BZA20-049, 543 Fallis. In order to replace a garage, David K. Eppard, speaking for homeowner Mike Halteman, seeks variances to
    1. Reduce the require yard from 3 to 1.5’, CC3332.26(E)
    2. Reduce the garage to house maneuvering requirement from 20’ to 18’, CC3312.25.
  2. BZA20-047, 4655 Rustic Bridge Road. In order to build a new addition to allow for a “1st floor handicap-accessible bedroom,” homeowner Jayne Vandenburg asks for a variance to decrease the setback from 35’ to
    21’6”, CC3312.21.
  3. BZA20-046, 395-397 Crestview Road. 397 R LLC asks, in order to build a 1,560 sq. ft. greenhouse,
    variances to

    1. Reduce the required parking spaces from 62 to 17 (21 spaces for the greenhouse),
      CC3312.49; and
    2. Reduce the minimum building setbacks for the greenhouse from 25’ to 1’ along Indianola as shown on the site plan, CC3356.11.

8:30 p.m. Committee Chairs and Election of Officers

  • The CAC’s 6 Standing Committees
    • GreenSpot Neighborhood Committee
    • Historic Buildings Committee
    • Technology & Public Relations Committee
    • Planning & Development Committee
    • Election Committee
    • Zoning & Variance Committee

8:50 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

Facebook Event Link: 7/2 CAC Meeting – Facebook Event Link

Blueprint Construction Updates:
Blueprint Columbus has recently updated their website with an interactive map. Once you land on the website,
you can type in your home address and learn more about impending projects that are near you.
Please sign up for emailed updates at For questions, concerns, or comments, you may email the Blueprint Columbus directly at
Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

Fond Farewell to Paul Bingle

The Clintonville Area Commissioners & Clintonville Zoning & Variance Committee members wish Paul Bingle a happy retirement after an amazing 36 YEARS of service to the Clintonville community!! With a pending move in a few weeks, Paul resigned on June 24th and ended his tenure with one final Zoning & Variance Meeting! We will miss his wisdom and insight.

Paul’s long term contributions to the neighborhood offers a good overview of where the neighborhood has been in the last three decades. Paul was mentored by Clintonviile’s earliest advocates. Martha Trout, Helen Gross and Phil Jastram. Diane Hayford, a long term CAC committee member notes that ” Paul was an important bridge between them and now. His institutional memory is vast and our neighborhood has relied on it so often through the years. I cannot conceive of how many committee positions he has held. By-laws, Elections, Zoning, etc., he was always just a phone call away. I cannot recall a time when he said “no” to our community. His good nature and wisdom will be missed”..

Paul’s notable projects were:

The dreaming, design, fundraising, and dedication of the Reading Garden at the then new Whetstone Library (1984). His journey included an initial appointment to the Clintonville Area Commission, facilitating his involvement and leaving of a mark with the City’s Project 2020 street lighting program. multiple community park improvements with a focus on Whetstone, residential tree plantings, and the early phases of the new fire station and the High Street Commercial Improvement District project. Paul enjoyed serving as the Clintonville Area Commission’s Election’s Committee and as the District 7 Commissioner, as the Physical Service Committee Chair and the CAC’s Secretary/Treasurer and Chair.

Paul co-founded the Clintonville July 4th Celebration, Inc. when the long time hosts walked away. Poking at the community’s history, on a whim, he facilitated the Clintonville Sesquicentennial event via Strategic Clintonville, Inc., which later morphed into the creation of the Clintonville Community Fund. Paul had served as Chair of the Clintonville Homes Tour event for many years. He was a part of the Whetstone Initiative that lead to the expansion of the Whetstone Recreation Center. With other area friends, Paul also co-founded the Stewards of Metro Parks, which is now Friends of Metro Parks.

Paul noted one of his funniest memories as ‘mouthing off’ during a Zoning Committee meeting that the plans for the expansion of the Whetstone Library lacked a viewing connection to the High Street lawn. Being a collector of stained glass windows, he suggested that the placement of a large window, with a community commemorative stained glass window, be added to the plans. Paul states “When the plans were presented to the CAC at the regular meeting a few days later, to my surprise, the architect had added the floor to ceiling window and made provisions for an art glass window to be included if the community could raise the funds to do so. That is when I learned the power of our words as influencers during the zoning review processes. And then understand that it required an action commitment on our part to follow through!”

We wish Paul & his wife Linda many HAPPY years as they relocate to their new home in Delaware county! Your generosity and commitment to the Clintonville community will be missed!

Zoning & Variance Meeting 6/24/2020 – 7pm via Zoom

Filed revised agenda for next week’s meeting of the CAC’s Zoning & Variance Committee in CAC agenda

  1. Corrects the name of the applicant and homeowner for the Fallis Road application.
  2. Includes the final version of the Fallis Road application.
  3. Notes that the demolition permit for a building on the SW corner of NB and High is no longer on the agenda because the applicant does not seek a waiver of the 60-day waiting period.
  4. Adds additional documentation for the Crest’s application.

This is a public meeting all are welcome to attend!

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting via Zoom on 6/24/2020

Agenda for the CAC Zoning & Variance Committee’s video-conference meeting on June 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
View this email in your browser
  1. The Zoning and Variance Committee of the Clintonville Area Commission will meet on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m. The committee members will meet using Zoom.
  2. Information about how to participate in the meeting is at the top of the agenda.
  3. A pdf of agenda is here.
  4. This email is a public record. Please feel free to forward it to anyone you want.

Thank you,
Stephen Hardwick, Chair
Zoning & Variance Committee
Clintonville Area Commission
(614) 209-0508

Draft Agenda
Zoning & Variance Committee
Clintonville Area Commission
Columbus, Ohio
June 24, 7:00 p.m.


  • The Committee members will meet via Zoom.
  • The meeting will be live-streamed on the CAC’s YouTube Channel.
  • Here is the registration link that the public may use. Questions or comments can be made via email to I will check that email address shortly before the meeting and during the public comment period for each item on the variance agenda.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be May 27, 2020.
  4. Consider the previous meeting’s minutes.
  5. Demolition agenda: 3387 N. High Street. DEMO2004790Lowewindick & Sons seeks to waive the 60-day waiting period to demolish 3387 N. High Street, one of the buildings near the SE corner of North Broadway and High.
  6. Variance agenda
    1. 543 Fallis, BZA20-049. ApplicationLetter from neighbor. Homeowner David K. Eppard, in order to replace a garage, seeks variances to 1) reduce the require yard from 3 to 1.5’, CC3332.26(E); 2) reduce the garage to house maneuvering requirement from 20’ to 18’, CC3312.25.
    2. BZA20-047, 4655 Rustic Bridge Road. Application part 1Application Part 2Elevations part 1Elevations part 2. In order to build a new addition to allow for a “1st floor handicap-accessible bedroom,” homeowner Jayne Vandenburg asks for a variance to decrease the setback from 35’ to 21’6”, CC3312.21.
    3. BZA20-046, 395-397 Crestview Road. Application. 397 R LLC asks, in order to build a 1,560 sq. ft. greenhouse, variances to 1) reduce the required parking spaces from 62 to 17 (21 spaces for the greenhouse), CC3312.49; and 2) reduce the minimum building setbacks for the greenhouse from 25’ to 1’ along Indianola as shown on the site plan, CC3356.11.
  7. Announcement: After Committee consideration, the variance applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission via video conference on Thursday, July 2, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
  8. Adjournment.

Please address any questions about committee proceedings to Stephen Hardwick, Chair, You can find contact information for your elected commissioner here.

Background Information:

The Zoning and Variance Committee receives and reviews all applications for rezoning, variances, graphics and other zoning adjustment appeals and special permits located in the Clintonville area. The Committee then makes a recommendation to the Clintonville Area Commission (“CAC”). The CAC’s members are elected, and the CAC serves as the official voice of the community to the City. Final decisions are made by City Council, the Board of Zoning Adjustments, the Development Commission, or the Graphics Commission.

The official webpage of the Clintonville Area Commission is here
Contact information for the elected commissioners is here.
A map of Commission districts is here.

The Commission’s Bylaws are here and here.
The Clintonville Neighborhood Plan is here and here.
You can find information about the City’s zoning-related agencies here.
You can look up the status of any past or pending variance application at the City’s Citizen Portal here.
You can look up the zoning status of any property on the City’s Zoning Map here.

Reposting statement from the Department of Neighborhoods & the 311 Call Center

“Mayor Ginther understands that it has been a tough, emotional and painful time for our City. He is committed that in the days and weeks to come, residents can expect clear and tangible actions regarding policing. This includes taking action on the recommendations in the Matrix Report and the Columbus Community Safety Advisory Commission.  Already, nearly two thirds of the recommendations made by the Community Safety Advisory Commission have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented.  These include:

  • Independent investigations of  internal and external discrimination complaints
  • Creation of community affairs/relations bureau and youth services unit
  • Expanded access to language services
  • Cultural competency training
  • Juvenile justice training and de-escalation with youth

Mayor Ginther has stated that a civilian review board of some type will be the top priority in negotiations with the Fraternal Order of Police. He announced the formation of a work group by July 1 to develop a model for the civilian review board, with the goal of having the review board established by end of 2020.  The Mayor has also said he will request a third-party investigation into all incidents of fatal use of force and other use of force complaints and violations of Division policy that demand independent review. This recommendation will require engaging the state and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation. In addition, as a follow-up to the Matrix Report, the City is evaluating the use-of-force continuum, especially as it relates to the use of spray agents to disperse crowds.

For residents who have evidence of the Columbus Division of Police using excessive force during recent protests, please send as much detail as possible to This includes any photos, videos, or accounts. Information will be investigated by a civilian (outside the chain of command) from the Department of Public Safety’s Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Office.  This Office was created last year to address discrimination complaints.

In February, the Mayor announced his Equity Agenda which calls out racism and discrimination where it exists and his plans to address it. He is committed to working with the community to implement the agenda so that every resident in every neighborhood shares in the success of Columbus.”