News from the Columbus Department of Neighborhoods

Sharing the link ( with community partners and residents.  Starting JUNE 9, 2020.  Our COVID-19 hotline can provide additional questions community members have and testing information. Social Work Helpline is also another resource clients can utilize if they need linkage and referrals. NSS team is working on updating June’s COVID19 resource list and I will send it out once it is available. And it will also be on the website (link above).

Some of the things included in our COVID-19 Resource list —

NEW TESTING SITES—Please see attached document.  This is very helpful because now we have additional testing sites where the need is high in our community. No one will be turned away for inability to pay and it is on the bus routes. (filed in documents)

IMPACT HOPE FUND Rental/Mortgage Assistance is available to residents of Columbus and Franklin Co. for emergency financial assistance. Please visit

SNAP Benefits: Apply online at        

** If you have a child in kindergarten through twelfth grade in your household who was receiving free or reduced-price meals while in school, your child is eligible for the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits as a result of the school closure. Please read for additional information.

**NEW PRC Plus Rental Assistance Program effect June 1 through Sept. 30, 2020 or until funding is exhausted.

Franklin County’s Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) Plus Rental Assistance program provides one-time rental assistance payments for eligible families struggling to meet rent or facing eviction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CAC – Thursday June 4th Meeting Agenda (7pm)

Clintonville Area Commission June 4th Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:20 p.m. Trending topics update – Chair B.J. White

  • CAC Election Results, Vision Zero, High Water, Resolution Status, & more!

7:30 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Khara Nemitz, Secretery

7:35 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:40 p.m. Katherine Cull – Neighborhood Community Liaison

7:45 p.m. Variance Agenda – Stephen Hardwick, CAC Z & V Committee Chair

  1. 280 Oakland Park, BZA20-038.  Homeowner Stephen Gunther, in order to build a 2-car garage in the same location as his current garage, seeks variances to:
    1. Increase the permissible height from 15’ to 18’ 2”, CC3332.38(G); and 2) decrease the side yard setback from 3’ to 2’10”, CC3332.26(E).
  2. 99 E. Cooke Ave. (Bishop Watterson HS), BZA20-040. The Catholic Diocese seeks variances:
    1. To reduce the required parking setback from the right-of-way line at Indian Springs Drive from 25’ to 11’. CC3312.27; and
    2. From the requirement that any parking lot containing ten or more parking spaces used during non-daylight hours to be illuminated to eliminate the requirement for light fixtures in the parking lot. CC3321.03(C)(1).
      1. Please see the detailed Agenda PDF for the various discussion points form the Zoning & Variance meeting – included with post.

8:15 p.m. 5G Tower Installation – Vice Chair David Vottero

8:30 p.m. Andrew Overbeck – North Broadway Bridge and the Olentangy Trail

  • Discussion & Proposed Letter of Support

8:40 p.m. Open Discussion & Public Comment

8:50 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

Facebook Event Link: CAC June 4th Meeting – Facebook Link

Blueprint Construction Updates:
Blueprint Columbus has recently updated their website with an interactive map. Once you land on the website,
you can type in your home address and learn more about impending projects that are near you.
Please sign up for emailed updates at For questions, concerns, or comments, you may email the Blueprint Columbus directly at
Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday May 27th at 7pm

CAC Zoning & Variance Committee Meeting


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be May 27, 2020.
  4. Consider the previous meeting’s minutes.
  5. Variance agenda:
    1. 280 Oakland Park, BZA20-038. Homeowner Stephen Gunther, in order to build a 2-car garage in the same location as his current garage, seeks variances to: 1) increase the permissible height from 15’ to 18’ 2”, CC3332.38(G); and 2) decrease the side yard setback from 3” to 2’10”, CC3332.26(E).
    2. 99 E. Cooke Ave. (Bishop Watterson HS), BZA20-040. The Catholic Diocese seeks variances: 1) to reduce the required parking setback from the right-of-way line at Indian Springs Drive from 25’ to 11’. CC3312.27; and 2) from the requirement that any parking lot containing ten or more parking spaces used during non-daylight hours to be illuminated to eliminate the requirement for light fixtures in the parking lot. CC3321.03(C)(1).
  6. Announcement: After Committee consideration, the variance applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission via video conference on Thursday, June 4, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
  7. Adjournment.

Please address any questions about committee proceedings to Stephen Hardwick, Chair, You can find contact information for your elected commissioner here.

Vision Zero Columbus – Virtual Meeting (Wednesday May 20th @ 11am)

As part of the Vision Zero Columbus initiative, there is ongoing examination of the city transportation system that utilizes available data & community input to find ways to implement proactive or preventative measures to make the streets as safe as possible for people.  As traffic & pedestrian safety has been a big concern, there will be a virtual meeting this week.  Details for joining this session:

  • When: Wednesday May 20th at 11am
  • Who:  Sandra Lopez from City Council & Katherine Cull (CAC’s community liaison)
  • Where: Webex Meeting
    • Dial-In: 650-479-3207
    • Access Code: 479 822 017
    • Meeting password: 1234
    • Online Link: Join meeting

There will be a presentation during the session with time for questions & input as possible at the end.

If you are unable to attend, the session will be recorded & shared afterwards. You can also reach out to your district commissioner to voice any questions/concerns – find contact information hereWho’s your commissioner?

More on Vision Zero Columbus:

CAC – Thursday May 7th Meeting Agenda

Clintonville Area Commission May Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Commissioner Introductions and District Updates

7:30 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Khara Nemitz, Secretery

7:35 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter, Treasurer

7:40 p.m. CAC Election Update – Ann Henkener, Election Committee Chair

7:45 p.m. Variance Agenda – Stephen Hardwick, CAC Z & V Committee Chair

  1. 50 E. Lakeview BZA20-019: Homeowner Wesley Studebaker, in order to keep his existing driveway, seeks a variance to reduce the east side yard from 5’ to 1’ for the first 40′ of the property on the side closest to Lakeview Ave.
  2. 3741 Indianola, CV20-019: In order to bring the site into compliance, Como Mower Service & Sales seeks the following variances:
    1. To permit exterior, covered storage of lawn mowers within the fenced area in the rear of the principal building as shown on the site plan.
    2. To allow dumpsters to be located in the southwestern area of the site as
      shown on the site plan instead of directly behind the principal building.
    3. Reduce the number of required parking spaces from 16 to 8 and to eliminate the requirement to provide 2 bike parking spots.
    4. Reduce the setback for the parking lot from 25’ to 20’ to accommodate the parking spaces in front of the retail building.
  3. 118 Graceland, 19GC-056, Signcom, Inc. seeks variances:
    1. For a special permit for off-premises signage.
    2. To increase the number of tenant panels and changeable copy.
    3. To increase the portion of a ground sign utilized to display tenant panels from 50% to 80% of the total graphic area.
    4. To allow an off-premises sign in the CCO.
    5. To increase the height of a ground sign from 6’ to 21’.
  4. 8:15 p.m. Proposed Resolution – Vice Chair David Vottero

8:30 p.m. Open Discussion & Public Comment

8:45 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


Blueprint Construction Update for the week of May 4th:
Blueprint Columbus has recently updated their website with an interactive map. Once you land on the website,
you can type in your home address and learn more about impending projects that are near you.
Please sign up for emailed updates at For questions, concerns, or comments, you may email the Blueprint Columbus directly at
Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

Uncertified CAC Election results!

CAC “uncertified” election results! Thank you to everyone who voted in our “distanced” 2020 Election & thank you to those who will be serving on CAC for the next three years. Here are the election results!
District 1– David Vottero
District 2– Brian Piefer
District 5– Brittany Boulton
District 9 –B. J. White

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Monday May 4th (7pm – CAC YouTube Channel)

Revised Draft Agenda – Zoning & Variance Committee of the Clintonville Area Commission

  • When: May 4, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: CAC’s YouTube Channel (via live stream from committee meeting on Zoom)
  • Questions or comments can be made via email to
    • He will check that email address shortly before the meeting and during the public comment period for each item on the variance agenda.
  • The meeting will be paused if technical difficulties cause the live-stream to become unavailable to the public or if an applicant or committee member cannot participate.
  • May 4th 2020 Z&V Meeting Agenda (also detailed below)
  • Facebook Event Link: May 4th CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be May 27, 2020.
  4. Consider previous meeting’s minutes
  5. Variance agenda:
    1. 150 E. Lakeview BZA20-019, Application; Staff review report; Residential screening form. Homeowner Wesley Studebaker, in order to keep his existing driveway, seeks a variance to reduce the east side yard from 5’ to 1’ for the first 40’ of the property on the side closest to Lakeview, CC3332.28. District 3.
    2. 3741 Indianola, CV20-019, Application; Staff review report. In order to bring the site into compliance, Como Mower Service & Sales seeks the following variances:
      1. To permit exterior, covered storage of lawn mowers within the fenced area in the rear of he principal building as shown on the site plan, CC3356.03;
      2. To allow dumpsters to be located in the southwestern area of the site as shown on the site plan instead of directly behind the principal building. CC3372.707(F);
      3. Reduce the number of required parking spaces from 16 to 8 and to eliminate the requirement to provide 2 bike parking spots, CC3312.49;
      4. Reduce the setback for the parking lot from 25’ to 20’ to accommodate the parking spaces in front of the retail building, CC3372.704(D). District 5.
    3. 118 Graceland, 19GC-056, Application; Previous staff review; previous CAC recommendation. Signcom, Inc. seeks variances for a new sign to replace the existing sign to be smaller in overall height than the existing sign in order to accommodate identification for “Graceland Flats.” Specifically, they seek:
      1. A special permit for off-premises signage, CC3375.12(B)(4)
      2. A variance to allow an off-premises sign in the CCO, CC3372.706
      3. For a special permit for off-premises signage, CC3375.12(B)(4). District 6.
    4. 3400 N. High Street, 19BZA-030, Original Application; Amended request and statement in support; Revised site plan; Revised screening form; Parking agreement. North Broadway High Professional Building LLC seeks a variance to reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces from 59 to 24, CC3312.49. District 3
  6. Announcement: After Committee consideration, the variance applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission via video conference on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
  7. Adjournment.

CAC Election Update

These are challenging times, but clearly the residents of Clintonville and the candidates for the 4 commission seats that are up for election his year are up to the challenge. On Thursday, April 23, the election committee processed 67 properly submitted requests for ballots, and ballots were mailed in the early evening. Clearly competition brings out voters because 31 requests came from District 2 and 27 came from District 5. These are the districts with 2 candidates each. In districts 1 and 9 the incumbents are unopposed for reelection and there were requests for 3 ballots in District 1 and 2 ballot in District 9. Unfortunately we could not process 13 requests, because there were no self addressed stamped envelope included. Two more requests were sent to the general CAC PO Box but also failed to include a self addressed stamped envelope.

The committee has TENTATIVELY decided to open the envelopes with the ballots inside at the Whetstone Library doors facing the parking lot at 2:15 on May 2. It is public, has parking, has space for people to spread out, and IS a familiar place for people in the community. We look forward to welcoming our newly elected commissioners soon!!!!


Construction Update
Week of April 20th

Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

Reference this Construction MAP to view the impacted construction areas for next week.

Unsure about which is your area? Visit the Blueprint map and type in your address to find out!

Sump pump installations are offered for a limited time only! We have a few spots left on our list! If you are interested, contact us ASAP and we’ll schedule your no-obligation assessment to see if a sump pump is right for you!

New Updates

COVID-19 Update: Due to the outdoor nature of the work, lateral lining and downspout redirection crews will continue to work in the field, supervised by an independent inspection firm. Sump pump installations are continuing at this time. Some staff are working remotely to address emerging issues. Please be patient as it may take longer to respond to your questions or concerns.

Reminder: If you have a basement backup (sewer water coming up from your floor drain), please report this to the City by calling 614-645-7102. Please note that crews are working diligently to investigate issues throughout the city, and so we may not be able to respond immediately. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to or 311.

Project Status

Overbrook Chatham 

  • There will be crews working on lateral lining on the following streets:
    • Indianola Ave.
    • Overbrook Dr
  • OBA, the crews working on the downspouts will be working on their punch list items of repairs and restoration throughout the project area.

Cooke Glenmont

  • No work will take place in this project area this week.

Blenheim Glencoe

  • Private Property work in this area has now begun. BLD will be in the area prepping lateral line work, this work will include cleaning and getting pictures and videos of the laterals before and after cleaning. The following streets will have crews in the area cleaning laterals.
    • Acton Rd.
  • Eramo will continue to conduct routine maintenance on the rain gardens..
  • From Department of Public Service: Blenheim Road resurfacing Update
    • The City of Columbus makes critical investments in street resurfacing projects like Blenheim to improve the quality of our roadways and infrastructure that residents depend on every day. Relocation of the main gas line on Blenheim has been completed by Columbia Gas. Now that this is completed the city will be able to pave Blenheim Rd. this year. Paving will not begin until after May. The Department of Public Services will reach out directly to the residents affected as the schedule develops for paving of the street.
  • From Department of Public Service: Arden Road resurfacing Update
    • The Department of Public Service will work with the contractor to set the schedule in the spring for the Arden Rd. rebuild/resurfacing. When weather permits in the spring, the contractor can start the concrete work for new curb and then street construction will follow as temperatures warm up.
    • For questions on this work, please contact 311 (645-3111)

Weisheimer Indian Springs

  • All private property improvements have been completed.
  • Rain gardens will continue to have monthly cleanout/maintenance performed.

Schreyer Springs

  • Facemyer has completed all project work within the project work zone. Rain gardens will continue to have a monthly cleanout/maintenance performed on them.
  • Downspout installations are complete.
  • Lateral Lining will begin in 2020.

Morse Dominion

  • Shelly and Sands will be conducting additional plantings and punch list items will this spring
  • BLD and OBA have both completed their private property work(lateral lining and downspout work).
General Notices

  • Several streets are slated for repaving in conjunction with Department of Public Service. Repaving schedules are currently being finalized with the contractor in most areas. When Blueprint receives schedule information from the Department of Public Service, we will also include that information in these notices.
  • The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to or 311.
  • Just like a normal storm drain, the rain gardens can’t do their job if leaves/debris are piling up and blocking water from entering the inlet. Our crews will clear these inlets during regular maintenance, but if you see leaves piling up and blocking the rain garden inlets, feel free to push them aside to allow rainwater to enter. And, as always, remember to keep leaves and yard waste out of the streets as much as possible.

Please contact 614-645-1253 or with any questions you may have. If you have an emergency, please call 614-645-8276 for Water or 614-645-7102 for Sewers.