CAC Candidates – Election Update

Clintonville Area Commission Candidates

Due to the temporary closure of the Whetstone Library branch, the following modifications are being made with regard to the election for CAC Commissioner in Districts 1, 2, 5, & 9.

If you want a Candidate Election packet, want to turn in a nominating petition, or Notify the Election Committee of a Write-In candidacy, please contact Ann Henkener (Chair of the CAC Election Committee) at or via phone at 614-579-9026 to make arrangements.

Candidate election packets are currently available.

Completed nominating petitions are still due by 4:00pm on Saturday, March 28th, 2020.

Notice to the Election Committee of Write-In candidacy is still due by 4:00pm Friday, April 3rd, 2020.


Please refer to this earlier post for the general details: CAC 2020 Election time is here!

Upcoming Meeting Cancellations – March Z&V and April CAC


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, the CAC is taking a precautionary step by canceling the following upcoming meetings:

  1. Zoning & Variance Committee that had been scheduled for Wednesday March 25th.
  2. CAC General Meeting that was to be held on Thursday April 2nd.

We find it to be in the best interest of the community & hope to continue with the next round of regularly scheduled meetings that would be late April for Zoning & Variance and early May for CAC General meeting.

Thank you!

CAC – Thursday March 5th Meeting Agenda

Clintonville Area Commission – March Meeting Agenda

  • Thursday, March 5th, 2019, 7-8:55 pm
  • Whetstone Library Meeting Room
  • Agenda: CAC Agenda March 5th, 2020
  • All times are approximate.

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Introduction of commissioners and district reports

7:15 p.m. Dana Bagwell announced her resignation and was respectfully submitted to the
Commission on February 21st, 2020.

Dana stated, “Effective immediately, I am resigning my position on the Clintonville Area Commission. Due to my new work schedule, I will not be able to attend our monthly meetings. I feel it is a disservice to both the community and the other commissioners for me to continue in this role while I am unable to fulfill it. Thank you for your understanding.”

7:20 p.m. CAC Election Update – Ann Henkener

7:25 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Nemitz

7:27 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter

7:30 p.m. Community Liaison Update – Katherine Cull

  • Office Hours held on the 2nd Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. at Whetstone Library, 3909 N High St, Columbus, OH)

7:40 p.m. Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  1. BZA19-030, 3400 N. High. North Broadway High Professional Building LLC, seeks a variance to reduce required parking spaces from 62 to 36. CC3312.49.
  2. BZA20-006, 3632-3640 Indianola. The Avenue Apartments LLC seeks a variance to increase the allowable height of buildings from 35’ to 40’. CC3309.14
  3. BZ20-004, 258 E Como. Homeowner Tyles Bulcher seeks variances to permit him to replace the existing 20’x20′ garage with 0’ side yard set back, with a 26’x24’ garage with a 6” side yard setback, CC3332.26(E).

8:10 p.m. Guest – Karen Norris, Assistant Wildlife Management Supervisor, ODNR Div of Wildlife

  • Discussion surrounding our co-existence with wildlife. Urban deer, raccoons, etc. and their habitat and foraging behaviors. Human interaction with wildlife and the “do’s and don’ts”.

8:20 p.m. Guest – John Lathram, Chairman of North Linden Area Commission, Public Services Com., Shellabarger Illuminator Humanitarian Award, Smart City Liaison – North Linden, COTA/BRT/CMAX – Contributing Artist, 2018 Recipient

8:30 p.m. Guest – Heather Pennington, Community Outreach Coordinator with The City of Columbus: Trash talking and grab your litter scoop! Keeping Columbus Beautiful is an ongoing challenge.

  • Whose job is it when we notice litter or illegal dumping in our neighborhoods? How do you work with the 311 service center? Who do we call “when” and for “what” type of trash problem?

8:50 p.m. (Time permitting) Open Discussion by Commissioners and Public Comment

8:55 p.m. Adjournment

Facebook Meeting Link: CAC March Meeting – Facebook Link

CAC 2020 Election time is here!

We are looking for Candidates willing to serve their particular Clintonville neighborhoods. Want to learn more? Come to the Whetstone Rec Center for an informational meeting March 9th at 7 pm!!

Districts: 1,2 & 9 are up for Election this year for three year terms.

District 5 is up for Election for a partial term ending in July 2021!

Election packets are NOW available for pick up at the Whetstone Library!

Learn more by checking the election timeline file in the Election Committee folder!

Key Candidate Dates (see above timeline file for all items)

  • February 27th (Thursday): Candidate Petitions Available
  • March 9th (Monday): Candidate Orientation Meeting
  • March 28th (Saturday): Submission deadline for Candidate Petitions & Notarized Affadavits to Whetstone Library
    • Due by 4pm
  • April 2nd (Thursday): Election Committee certifies candidates & present at the monthly CAC meeting
  • April 3rd (Friday): Write-In Candidacy Deadline
  • April 8th (Wednesday): Certification of any write-in candidates & deadline for candidate statements to be submitted


2020 CAC Elections!

At the Feburary 26th Special Meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission a vacancy was officially declared in District 5. Commissioner Dana Bagwell had resigned due to a work schedule that conflicts with CAC regular monthly meeting. Therefore there will be four of the nine CAC seats up for election this spring.

The Clintonville Area Commission is looking for candidates to these 4 seats. THREE seats on the 9 member Commission are chosen EACH year. The terms are for 3 years. This year there will be a regular election for Districts 1, 2, and 9. In addition, there is a vacancy in District 5 for a term ending in 2021.

Election Day will be May 2, 2020. If you are interested in knowing more about running for any one of these seats, you can pick up a Candidate Packet at the Clintonville Library, The election packets will be available this Saturday February 29th.

To be a candidate a person must be 18 years old or older, live in one of the 4 districts and get signatures of 50 people living in their district. The Petition form is in the packet. The Petitions with the signatures must be returned to the Library by March 28 at 4:00 p.m. Packets are available for both the regular elections in Districts 1, 2, and 9 AND for the special election in District 5.

In addition, the CAC will hold a Candidates’ Nite on Monday, March 9 at the Columbus Recreation Center. Just ask at the desk for the specific room. Commissioner Judy Minister and Election Committee Chair Ann Henkener will discuss the duties of a Commissioner and the Election schedule. They will also be available to answer any questions. The CAC is Clintonville’s connection to the City of Columbus and its work lets people in Clintonville know what the City is doing and provides input to the City about Clintonville’s needs.

Special CAC Session – Wednesday February 26th (7:45pm)


CAC chair BJ White has convened a special meeting of CAC. District 5 commissioner Dana Bagwell has resigned effective 2/21/2020.

Next steps will be discussed at this meeting

This is a public meeting, all are welcome to attend!

  • Special CAC Meeting
  • Location: Clinton Heights Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43202)
  • Date: Wednesday February 26th
  • Time: 7:45pm (will take place during a break of the regularly scheduled Zoning & Variance Committee meeting)

District 5 Coverage Information:

  • Boundaries: Center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, center line of Arden Road, railroad tracks just east of Indianola, center line of High Street
  • CAC – District Map & Boundaries


Facebook Event Link: CAC Special Meeting

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday February 26th @ 7pm

The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday February 26th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202)

Note: We will take about a five-minute break around 7:45 to accommodate a CAC special meeting to declare a vacancy in District 5 due to Commissioner Bagwell’s resignation.

Agenda is available here & also filed under CAC Agendas.

CAC Zoning & Variance Agenda – Wednesday February 26th, 2020

1. Call to order.

2. Approve agenda.

3. Announcement: The next meeting of the Committee will be March 25, 2020.

4. Consider previous meeting’s minutes.

5. Variance agenda (modified order for same variances):

  1. BZA19-030, 3400 N. High. North Broadway High Professional Building LLC, seeks a variance to reduce required parking spaces from 62 to 36. CC3312.49.
  2. BZA20-006, 3632-3640 Indianola. The Avenue Apartments LLC seeks a variance to increase the allowable height of buildings from 35’ to 40’. CC3309.14.
  3. BZ20-004, 258 E Como. Homeowner Tyles Bulcher seeks variances to permit him to replace the existing 20’x20′ garage with 0’ side yard setback, with a 26’x24’ garage with a 6” side yard setback, CC3332.26(E).

6. Announcement: After Committee consideration, the variance applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission on Thursday, March 5, 2020, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library.

7. Adjournment.

Please address any questions to

Facebook Event Link: CAC – Zoning & Variance Meeting

Clintonville – Blueprint Construction Update

Construction Update
Week of February 17th

Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, site issues, etc.

Reference this Construction MAP to view the impacted construction areas for next week.

Unsure about which is your area? Visit the Blueprint map and type in your address to find out!

Please remember, Blueprint Columbus is funded by the City of Columbus’ Department of Public Utilities. There is no direct cost for any of our services to the residents. We have received reports there are private contractors in the area soliciting for similar work. If you are solicited about any work related to sump pumps, lateral lining, or downspout redirection, contact our Outreach Team to confirm you are in a Blueprint Neighborhood and will be receiving FREE services.

New Updates

Overbrook Chatham 

  • There will be crews working on lateral lining on the following streets:
    •  Yaronia Dr.
      • Crews will also be installing clean-outs on Yaronia Dr.
    • Easement between Northridge and Chatham Rd
  • OBA will be conducting investigations on downspouts throughout the entire project area.
  • OBA will be conducting downspout work on the following streets:
    • Blenheim Rd.
    • Northridge Rd.

Cooke Glenmont

  • Musson Brothers will be lining laterals on the following streets:
    • Canyon Dr
      • Crews will also be installing clean-outs on Canyon Dr.
  • MCSP will be scheduling downspout investigations and installations throughout the project area
Project Status

Weisheimer Indian Springs

  • All private property improvements have been completed.
  • Rain gardens will continue to have monthly cleanout/maintenance performed.

Blenheim Glencoe

  • Eramo will continue to conduct routine maintenance on the rain gardens..
  • Private property investigations for downspout redirection and lateral lining for this area begin early 2020. Residents will receive a letter when this area is “activated”.
  • From Department of Public Service: Blenheim Road resurfacing Update
    • The City of Columbus makes critical investments in street resurfacing projects like Blenheim to improve the quality of our roadways and infrastructure that residents depend on every day. Relocation of the main gas line on Blenheim has been completed by Columbia Gas. Now that this is completed the city will be able to pave Blenheim Rd. this year. Paving will not begin until after May. The Department of Public Services will reach out directly to the residents affected as the schedule develops for paving of the street.
  • From Department of Public Service: Arden Road resurfacing Update
    • The Department of Public Service will work with the contractor to set the schedule in the spring for the Arden Rd. rebuild/resurfacing. When weather permits in the spring, the contractor can start the concrete work for new curb and then street construction will follow as temperatures warm up.
    • For questions on this work, please contact 311 (645-3111)

Schreyer Springs

  • Facemyer has completed all project work within the project work zone. Rain gardens will continue to have a monthly cleanout/maintenance performed on them.
  • Downspout installations are complete.
  • Lateral Lining will begin in 2020.

Morse Dominion

  • Shelly and Sands have completed all rain garden work and will continue to maintain the rain gardens on a monthly basis.
  • BLD and OBA have both completed their private property work(lateral lining and downspout work).
General Notices

  • Several streets are slated for repaving in conjunction with Department of Public Service. Repaving schedules are currently being finalized with the contractor in most areas. When Blueprint receives schedule information from the Department of Public Service, we will also include that information in these notices.
  • The rain gardens are designed to drain in 48 hours or less. Some standing water within the garden after a rain event is normal. However, if the rain gardens are overflowing or have standing water for more than 2 days, please report that to or 311.
  • Just like a normal storm drain, the rain gardens can’t do their job if leaves/debris are piling up and blocking water from entering the inlet. Our crews will clear these inlets during regular maintenance, but if you see leaves piling up and blocking the rain garden inlets, feel free to push them aside to allow rainwater to enter. And, as always, remember to keep leaves and yard waste out of the streets as much as possible.

Please contact 614-645-1253 or with any questions you may have. If you have an emergency, please call 614-645-8276 for Water or 614-645-7102 for Sewers.  

CAC – Thursday February 6th Meeting Agenda

Clintonville Area Commission – February Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Introduction of commissioners and district reports

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Nemitz

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter *Excused absence, tabled until March

7:25 p.m. Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  • The Clintonville Area Commission Zoning & Variance Committee did not hear any variance requests and did not meet in January.
  • The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26th at 7 PM at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

7:30 p.m. The Honorable Maryellen O’Shaughnessy, Franklin County Clerk of Courts

  • 2019 Annual Report & Discussion followed by Q & A.

7:40 p.m. Charmaine Chambers and Carmen Dunken – 311 Service Center

  • Procedure and overview followed by Q & A

7:50 p.m. Dan McCann – Clintonville Area Code Enforcement Officer

  • Trending issues and effective resolution process followed by Q & A

8:00 p.m. Community Liaison – Katherine Cull

  • Office hours: 2nd Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. at Whetstone Library, 3909 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214

8:05 p.m. Election Committee – Chair Ann Henkener

  1. Clintonville Area Commission 2020 Commissioner Candidate Elections General Information Guide
  2. Annual Election Timeline 2020
  3. Recommendations for changes to Election Rules
  4. CAC Bylaws Election Rules 2020

8:15 p.m. Jackie Yeoman – Planning Manager, City of Columbus Department of Development

8:30 p.m. John Lathram – Chairman of North Linden Area Commission, Public Services Comm

  • Shellabarger Illuminator Humanitarian Award, Smart City Liaison – North Linden, COTA/BRT/CMAX – Contributing Artist, 2018 Recipient – Portfolio of works

8:45 p.m. Terri Gehr – Spokesperson for The Citizens for Columbus State

8:50 p.m. Public Comment

8:55 p.m. Adjournment


Facebook Event Link: CAC February Meeting Event

Fledgling Meeting- Clintonville Parking Task Force

Clintonville Parking Task Force – The organizational meeting is:

 Saturday, February 8th, 2020 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room at Whetstone Library, 3909 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214

All residents of the Clintonville neighborhood, members of the Clintonville business community, and real estate developers are welcomed and encouraged to attend. The objective to the organizational meeting is to devise a strategy within the mission and bylaws set forth by the Clintonville Area Commission to address parking concerns and create impactful solutions.