Clintonville Area Commission – March Meeting Agenda
7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White
7:05 p.m. Introduction of commissioners and district reports
7:15 p.m. Dana Bagwell announced her resignation and was respectfully submitted to the
Commission on February 21st, 2020.
Dana stated, “Effective immediately, I am resigning my position on the Clintonville Area Commission. Due to my new work schedule, I will not be able to attend our monthly meetings. I feel it is a disservice to both the community and the other commissioners for me to continue in this role while I am unable to fulfill it. Thank you for your understanding.”
7:20 p.m. CAC Election Update – Ann Henkener
7:25 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Nemitz
7:27 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter
7:30 p.m. Community Liaison Update – Katherine Cull
- Office Hours held on the 2nd Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. at Whetstone Library, 3909 N High St, Columbus, OH)
7:40 p.m. Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick
- BZA19-030, 3400 N. High. North Broadway High Professional Building LLC, seeks a variance to reduce required parking spaces from 62 to 36. CC3312.49.
- BZA20-006, 3632-3640 Indianola. The Avenue Apartments LLC seeks a variance to increase the allowable height of buildings from 35’ to 40’. CC3309.14
- BZ20-004, 258 E Como. Homeowner Tyles Bulcher seeks variances to permit him to replace the existing 20’x20′ garage with 0’ side yard set back, with a 26’x24’ garage with a 6” side yard setback, CC3332.26(E).
8:10 p.m. Guest – Karen Norris, Assistant Wildlife Management Supervisor, ODNR Div of Wildlife
- Discussion surrounding our co-existence with wildlife. Urban deer, raccoons, etc. and their habitat and foraging behaviors. Human interaction with wildlife and the “do’s and don’ts”.
8:20 p.m. Guest – John Lathram, Chairman of North Linden Area Commission, Public Services Com., Shellabarger Illuminator Humanitarian Award, Smart City Liaison – North Linden, COTA/BRT/CMAX – Contributing Artist, 2018 Recipient
8:30 p.m. Guest – Heather Pennington, Community Outreach Coordinator with The City of Columbus: Trash talking and grab your litter scoop! Keeping Columbus Beautiful is an ongoing challenge.
- Whose job is it when we notice litter or illegal dumping in our neighborhoods? How do you work with the 311 service center? Who do we call “when” and for “what” type of trash problem?
8:50 p.m. (Time permitting) Open Discussion by Commissioners and Public Comment
8:55 p.m. Adjournment
Facebook Meeting Link: CAC March Meeting – Facebook Link