CAC December 5th Meeting Agenda

CAC December 5th Meeting Agenda

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Introduction of commissioners and district reports

7:10 p.m. Consideration of the January CAC meeting from January 2nd to January 9th, 2020.

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Nemitz

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter

7:25 p.m. Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

Variance agenda:

  1. GC19-055, 5095 N. High St. (Graceland Flats development) – City staff say the following variances are needed:
    1. CC3372.706(C)(4): Graphic area, sign height and setback: To reduce the minimum setback from 15 feet to 11 feet from the ROW. (The applicant agree to verify by the time of the CAC meeting that these numbers were correct for the proposed sign.)
    2. CC3372.706(B): Graphics: To allow off-premises graphics within the Community Commercial Overlay.
  2. GC19-056, 118 Graceland Blvd. (Graceland Shopping Center), SignCom, Inc. District 6. City Staff Report:
    1. CC3375.12(B)(4), a special permit for off-premises signage.
    2. CC3377.11(A), to increase the number of tenant panels from 4 to 7.
    3. CC3377.11(C), to increase the portion of a ground sign utilized to display tenant panels from 50 percent of the total graphic area to 80 percent.
    4. CC3372.706(B), to allow an off-premises sign in the CCO.
    5. CC3372.706(C)(5), to increase the height of a ground sign from 6 feet to 19’ (current sign).
    6. CC3372.706(C)(2), to permit a pylon sign instead of a monument sign. The applicant clarified that frame of the sign will stay the same size and that they plan to add a plaque designating when shopping center was opening.


7:45 p.m. Election Committee – Chair Ann Henkener

  • District 7 Candidate Update

7:50 p.m. Committee Update

  • Each chair (Zoning & Variance, Planning & Development, Historic Building, Tech & PR, Election, and Clintonville Greenspot) will be presenting at the January 2020 meeting

7:55 p.m. Community Liaison – Katherine Cull

  • Office hours: 2nd Tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. at Whetstone Library, 3909 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214

8:05 p.m. City of Columbus Development Department Administrator – Rita Parise

8:20 p.m. Project Forecast by Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) – Marie Schaper

New Business

  • Lyft Scooters – Chet Ridenour, Market Manager with Lyft, has put us on notice that effective November 23rd, 2019, Lyft’s Scooter operations has indefinitely concluded in our market. Lyft Ridesharing and CoGo Bikesharing services are still in effect.
  • Clintonville Tunnel – This begins south of Clintonville and not inside the Clintonville Area.
  • Clintonville Tree Lighting – Sunday, December 8th, 2019 6-7:30 p.m. Whetstone Community Center and Whetstone Library.
  • Clintonville Task Force – The CAC Chair will be doing a call-to-action to formalize the discussion around parking concerns. This topic will be on the January agenda to be discussed in great detail.



  • Architectural Review – Commissioners White, Garrison, Minster, and Vottero with Community Liaison met with the City of Columbus Planning Division November 26th, 2019 at 10:00 AM to discuss how to move forward with the CAC resolution for a formal architectural review of commercial development sites along the High Street and Indianola Corridors.
  • Graceland Flats – Development is already in progress.
    • What concerns expressive of the community do we continue to have that we can address as a commission?
  • 2864 N High St (former Clintonville Area Outfitters)

Facebook Event Link: CAC December 5th Meeting – Facebook Event

Lower Olentangy Tunnel Project (LOT) Clarification

Last week a Dispatch article and a channel 10 news piece covered the increase in water/sewer charges. The article referenced funding for a Lower Olentangy Tunnel Project (LOT)and stated that LOT starts in Clintonville. According to released documents the northernmost boundary of the tunnel is currently Tuttle Park just south of Maynard Ave In the University District). Documents now posted  on this site in the Blueprint Columbus document file.

Please see the following PDF for more information on the project: LOW project- Columbus Blueprint

Whetstone Prairie/Whetstone Park/Tree Update

Whetstone Prairie/Whetstone Park/Tree Update: There are approx. 130 trees scheduled to be planted in Whetstone Park. Work has begun, it will take a few days to get the planting completed.
The trees are being planted by the Department of Public Utilities’ contractor, as mitigation for trees removed during their Blueprint (aka, rain garden) project. These trees are not part of a Rec & Parks project, although Rec & Parks are providing assistance on where they want the trees planted. Ultimately they have no part in the administration of the project.  The mitigation term comes from the Columbus’s current tree policy which requires contractors to balance out our canopy by replacing trees lost in their projects with a greater number of trees than those taken. Sometimes those trees cannot be planted in the same location- so they are planted in parklands.Trees will be planted along the wood line on the east side of the prairie all the way to the bike path. There are also 6 being planted around the vernal pool to hopefully allow it to actually function like a vernal pool in the future!

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday November 20th @ 7pm

The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday November 20th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202)

Agenda is available here & also filed under CAC Agendas.

20191120 Revised Agenda

Planned Agenda (Updated with revised items):

  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meetings’ minutes.
  4. Variance agenda:
    1. GC19-055, 5095 N. High St. (Graceland Flats development). District 6. According to City staff,
      the variances that need to be obtained are:

      1. CC3372.706(C)(4): Graphic area, sign height and setback: To reduce the minimum setback from 15 feet to 2 feet.
      2. CC3372.706(B): Graphics: To allow off-premises graphics within the Urban Commercial Overlay.
    2. GC19-056, 118 Graceland Blvd. (Graceland Shopping Center), SignCom, Inc. District 6. City staff say the following variances are needed:
      1.  CC3375.12(B)(4), a special permit for off-premises signage.
      2. CC3377.11(A), to increase the number of tenant panels from 4 to 7.
      3. CC3377.11(C), to increase the portion of a ground sign utilized to display tenant panels from 50 percent of the total graphic area to 80 percent.
      4. CC3372.706(B), to allow an off-premises sign in the CCO.
      5. CC3372.706(C)(5), to increase the height of a ground sign from 6 feet to 21 feet 4 inches.
      6. CC3372.706(C)(2), to permit a pylon sign instead of a monument sign.
  5. After committee consideration, the variance application will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission on Thursday, December 5, 2019, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library.
  6. Adjournment.

Facebook Event Link: CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting

CAC – November 7th Meeting Agenda

CAC Agenda 2019-11-07

Attached is the detailed agenda for the November CAC meeting – please see below for planned high level rundown.  Times are approximate.

7:00 p.m. Call to order & formal welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Introduction of commissioner and district reports.

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Nemitz

7:20 p.m. Treasurer’s Report – Kendra Carpenter

7:25 p.m. Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

Variance agenda:

  1. GC19-049, 5030 N. High (across from Graceland): Plaza Properties seeks a variance to allow 7 tenant panels on a freestanding sign (increase from 5 to 7 panels). Application. District 9. CC3377.11. Tenant panels and changeable copy.
  2. GC19-040, 2845 N. High St.: Blair Companies seeks additional variances for signs previously approved by the CAC.
    1. Specifically, an increase from 10 square feet to 25.2 square feet, CC3377.24(D); and to permit the display of a projecting sign and a side wall sign directed to the same street. District 2.
    2. CC3377.24(D) Permanent on-premises projecting signs.


7:55 p.m. Community Liaison – Katherine Cull


8:00 p.m. Presentation by The Hadler Companies – Bill Hadler (Impending Development Plans for the vacant lot at Sunnyside Ln and High St)


  • 311 Service Center – Charmaine Chambers and Carmen Dunken (Pending Reschedule)
  • Architectural Review – Impending meeting with the City of Columbus confirmed for November 26th, 2019 at 10:00 AM
  • Graceland Flats


MEETING ADJOURN (No later than 8:55pm)

Facebook Event Link: CAC November Meeting – Facebook Event

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday October 30th @ 7pm

The CAC Zoning & Variance Committee will meet at 7pm on Wednesday October 30th at the Clinton Hts. Lutheran Church (15 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, OH 43202)

Agenda is available here & also filed under CAC Agendas – amended agenda has been posted to update previous information within the file.

Planned Agenda:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meeting’s minutes.
  4. Variance agenda:
    1. GC19-049, 5030 N. High (across from Graceland): Plaza
      Properties seeks a variance to allow 7 tenant panels on
      a freestanding sign (increase from 5 to 7 panels).
      CC3377.11. Application. District 9.
    2. GC19-040, 2845 N. High St.: Blair Companies seeks
      additional variances for signs previously approved by
      the CAC. Specifically, an increase from 10 square feet to
      25.2 square feet, CC3377.24(D); and to permit the
      display of a projecting sign and a side wall sign
      directed to the same street. CC3377.18(A)(1). District 2.
  5. After committee consideration, the variance applications will
    likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission on
    Thursday, November 7, 2019, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone
  6. Adjournment.


PDF Version:

This is public meeting & all are welcome to attend!

Facebook Event Link: CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Facebook

Election Committee – Recruiting New Members

With the upcoming special election in District 7 (January 2020) & regular yearly election process (May 2020), the Clintonville Area Commission (CAC) Election committee is looking to add a few new members to assist with the election activities.

Potential committee duties include:

  • Drafting election communications
  • Designing promotional material
  • Interacting with interested candidates
  • Staffing at polls during yearly elections
  • Communicating results to candidates

Participation is voluntary & updates on a yearly basis on existing member’s ongoing interest.

Please submit your statement of interest for the CAC Election Committee by November 8th to CAC Chair BJ White –

Special Election- CAC District 7

The Clintonville Area Commission has declared an open seat in District 7, and a special election has been scheduled to fill the position.

District 7 is bounded on the south by the center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola Avenue, on the north by the center line of Garden Road and on the west by the center line of North High Street.

Ann Henkener, Elections Committee Chairwoman for the CAC, noted the following schedule for filling the seat:

Here are the important dates:

Saturday, Oct. 26 – Petitions for candidates to get signatures are available at the Whetstone branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library along with mail-in ballot request forms;

Wednesday Nov. 13 – Candidate orientation meeting in the Library Room on the second floor of the Whetstone Recreation Center;

Nov. 30 — submission of completed candidate petitions;

Dec. 30 — early voting — Library Meeting Room, 6- 8 p.m.; and

Saturday, Jan. 4 – Election day (site to be determined).


Other Details

  • Term for District 7 runs until the middle of 2021.
  • Candidate petition package includes general information about being a candidate, the CAC by-laws and election rules, a petition to gather signatures of residents in District 7, and an affidavit.

CAC – October 3rd Meeting Agenda

CAC – October 3rd Meeting Agenda

Attached is the detailed agenda for the October CAC meeting – please see below for planned high level rundown.  Times are approximate.

7:00 p.m. Call to order by Chair & Formal Welcome by Chairperson White

7:05 p.m. Introduction of Commissioners with District Reports.

7:15 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Nemitz

7:20 p.m. Consideration of electing a new Treasurer

  • Consideration of declaring a vacancy for District 7 Commissioner
    Bylaws: Page 3, Section I. Membership

7:25 p.m. Special election protocol – Ann Henkener

7:30 p.m. Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  • Variance agenda (see PDF link for more detail):
    1. BZA19-098, 401 E. Schreyer Rd.
    2. BZA19-103, 129 E. Longview
    3. BZA19-104, 337 Iswald
    4. BZA19-064, 2864 N. High St. (formerly Clintonville Outfitters)


8:00 p.m. Community Liaison – Katherine Cull
8:10 p.m. 311 Service Center – Charmaine Chambers and Carmen Dunken

8:30 p.m. Architectural Review – Impending meeting with the City of Columbus

8:40 p.m. Graceland Flats