CAC Meeting – Thursday 7/11/24 at 7 PM

Clintonville Area Commission: July 11, 2024 at 7pm

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting!
A recording will be made available on Channel Clintonville on YouTube after the meeting –

Agenda (July 2024 CAC Meeting)

7:00 Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Boulton, Chair

7:05 District Updates – all commissioners

7:15 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary

7:20 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller

  • Note: Area Commission Treasurer’s duties are suspended City-wide until further notice from the Department of Neighborhoods.

7:25 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance.

7:35 Election Committee – Chair Melissa Doll

  • Election Update.

7:45 Zoning and Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  1. BZA24-067, 144 Clinton Heights Ave. In order to enclose a front porch, the owner seeks to reduce the building line from 25 feet to 13 feet 7 inches. CC3332.21.
  2. CV24-060, 37 Orchard Lane. To demolish the existing garage and construct a new two-car garage with a carriage house (ADU) on the second floor, the applicant seeks the following variances:
    1. CC3312.25 – Maneuvering. Grant a variance to allow 4 stacked parking spaces as detailed on the site plan.
    2. 2. CC3312.29 – Parking Space. Grant a variance to allow 4 stacked parking spaces as detailed on the site plan.
    3. CC3332.035 – R-3 residential district. Grant a variance to permit the construction of 2 separate dwelling units on a single lot.
    4. CC3332.13 – R-3 residential district. Grant a variance to decrease the minimum lot size from 5,000 square feet to allow 2 dwelling units to be on a lot with 5,875 square feet
    5. CC3332.27 – Rear yard. Zoning code requires each dwelling to have a rear yard equal to 25% of the gross lot area. Grant a variance to allow the carriage house to have a 4.25% rear yard. (Main house is compliant.)
  3. In light of guidance from the City Attorney’s Office, a discussion of the Development Review Screening Forms: Single Family Residential and Commercial & Multi-Family

8:30 Public Comment

8:45 Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 1st, 2024, 7 PM – 8:50 PM, at the Whetstone Library Community Room.

8:50 Adjourn

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday June 26th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday June 26th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Variance agenda
    1. BZA24-067, 144 Clinton Heights Ave. In order to enclose a front porch, the owner seeks to reduce the building line from 25 feet to 13 feet 7 inches. CC3332.21.
    2. CV24-060, 37 Orchard Lane. To demolish the existing garage and construct a new two-car garage with a carriage house (ADU) on the second floor, the applicant seeks the following variances:
      1. CC3312.25 – Maneuvering. Grant a variance to allow 4 stacked parking spaces as detailed on the site plan.
      2. CC3312.29 – Parking Space. Grant a variance to allow 4 stacked parking spaces as detailed on the site plan.
      3. CC3332.035 – R-3 residential district. Grant a variance to permit the construction of 2 separate dwelling units on a single lot.
      4. CC3332.13 – R-3 residential district. Grant a variance to decrease the minimum lot size from 5,000 square feet to allow 2 dwelling units to be on a lot with 5,875 square feet.
      5. CC3332.27 – Rear yard. Zoning code requires each dwelling to have a rear yard equal to 25% of the gross lot area. Grant a variance to allow the carriage house to have a 4.25% rear yard. (Main house is compliant.)
  5. In light of guidance from the City Attorney’s Office, a discussion of screening forms. Single- Family Residential. Other.
  6. A thank you.
  7. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be July 11, 2024, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be July 24, 2024, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

CAC Candidate Orientation Meeting 06.20.24

Those interested in running for the Clintonville Area Commissioner seats in Districts 4, 5, and 7 that are up for election in 2024 are encouraged to attend an Orientation Meeting for Candidates at the Whetstone Library, 3909 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43214, this Thursday, June 20, 2024, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Election Committee Chair Melissa Doll will be available to provide an overview of the 2024 Election process and answer any questions you may have. The Orientation Meeting for Candidates is optional but strongly encouraged.

Helpful Links

2024 Candidate Petition Packet

2024 CAC Election Timeline

Information also posted to the election page where you can fill out the candidate interest form: 2024 Election Details: Timing & Candidate Information

CAC – 2024 Election Announcement

If the idea of advocating on behalf of your community and working with the City of Columbus sounds like something you’d like to do, then run for a Clintonville Area Commission seat!

Candidate Petition Packets are now available.

Districts on the ballot this year are numbers 4, 5, and 7.

Boundaries for Districts:

  • District 4: Bounded on the south by the center line of Orchard Lane (west of High Street) and by the center line of Oakland Park Avenue (east of High street), on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the center line of Arden Road and its eastward projection (east of High Street) and by the center line of Hollenback Drive and its westward projection(west of High Street), and on the west by the Olentangy River.
  • District 5: Bounded on the south by the center line of Arden Road and its eastward projection, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, and on the west by the center line of High Street.
  • District 7: Bounded on the south by the center line of Glenmont Road and its eastward projection, on the east by the railroad tracks just east of Indianola, on the north by the center line of Garden Road, and on the west by the center line of High Street.

If you are interested in running for a seat, please visit CAC 2024 Election Information Page to submit your interest & receive the Packet via email and review the overall timeline information.

  • Printed copies are also available for pick up at the front desk of Whetstone Library beginning today.

Candidates will have until July 19th to collect the required number of signatures.  Election Day is Saturday, August 24.

CAC Meeting – Thursday 6/6/24 at 7 PM

Clintonville Area Commission: June 6, 2024 at 7pm

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
A recording will be made available on Channel Clintonville on YouTube after the meeting –

Agenda (June 2024 Meeting)

7:00 Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair Boulton

7:05 District Updates – all commissioners

7:15 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary

7:20 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller

  • Note: Area Commission Treasurer’s duties are suspended City-wide until further notice from the Department of Neighborhoods.

7:25 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance.

  • Note: There are no variance requests or Z & V updates for consideration

7:35 Election Committee – Chair Melissa Doll

  • Change to Election Committee rules: second reading and approval by Commission; election update.

7:45 Clintonville Historical Society: Update – Mary Rodgers and Jeffrey Carter

8:00 Greenspot Committee Update – Co-Chair Ryan Foshee

8:10 Public Comment

8:20 Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be 7 PM – 8:50 PM on Thursday, July 11th, 2024 at the Whetstone Library Community Room.

8:20 Adjourn

CAC Capital Budget Meeting 5/29

CAC Member Capital Budget Discussion – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights Avenue

May 29, 7 PM

City Council has invited CAC to share top 5 capital budget project requests by 5/30, before our next monthly meeting. The CAC will meet with the purpose of identifying 5 priority requests in advance of this deadline.

Please feel free to email comments in advance of the meeting to CAC Chair Brittany Boulton at

May 2, 2024 CAC Agenda

Agenda: DRAFT May 2024 Meeting
May 2, 2024
Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting.

A recording will be available on YouTube Channel Clintonville after the meeting.

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair Boulton
7:05 District Updates – all commissioners
7:15 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary
7:20 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller
7:20 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods,
City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s
Office may be in attendance.
7:30 Zoning Code Update– James A. Lewis, Department of Building and Zoning Services
7:45 Election Committee Update – Chair Melissa Doll
7:50 AEP Ohio: Discussion of recent outages and tree-trimming program – Nala N. Kovach
8:05 CAC Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. BZA24-037, 581 Crestview Rd. In order to split the lot and build a second single-family
home, the applicant seeks the following variances:
1. 3332.13, Decrease the required R-3 lot size from 5,000 square feet to 4,511 sq. feet.
2. 3332.05(A)(4), Decrease the required lot size from 50′ to 40′.
3. 3332.19: Variance for the north lot to not have frontage on a Public Street.
2. BZA24-038. 116 W. Lakeview. In order to facilitate a lot split, the applicant seeks the
following variance: 3332.05(4) to permit the west lot to have a width of 28.576’ at the
property line and the east lot to have a width of 43.24’ in lieu of the required 50′.
3. CV24-035, 171 E. Pacemont Rd. The applicant seeks the following variances:
1. 3332.035 R-3 residential district, to allow two single-family dwelling units on the
same lot.

CAC Meeting – Thursday 5/2/24 at 7 PM

Clintonville Area Commission: May 2, 2024 at 7pm

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
A recording will be made available on Channel Clintonville on YouTube after the meeting –

Agenda (May 2024 Meeting)

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair Boulton

7:05 District Updates – all commissioners

7:15 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary

7:20 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller

  • Note: Area Commission Treasurer’s duties are suspended City-wide until further notice from the
    Department of Neighborhoods.

7:20 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance.

7:30 Zoning Code Update– James A. Lewis, Department of Building and Zoning Services

7:45 Election Committee Update – Chair Melissa Doll

7:50 AEP Ohio: Discussion of recent outages and tree-trimming program – Nala N. Kovach

8:05 CAC Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  1. BZA24-037, 581 Crestview Rd. In order to split the lot and build a second single-family home, the applicant seeks the following variances:
    1. 3332.13, Decrease the required R-3 lot size from 5,000 square feet to 4,511 sq. feet.
    2. 3332.05(A)(4), Decrease the required lot size from 50′ to 40′.
    3. 3332.19: Variance for the north lot to not have frontage on a Public Street.
  2. BZA24-038. 116 W. Lakeview. In order to facilitate a lot split, the applicant seeks the following variance:
    1. 3332.05(4) to permit the west lot to have a width of 28.576’ at the property line and the east lot to have a width of 43.24’ in lieu of the required 50′.
  3. CV24-035, 171 E. Pacemont Rd. The applicant seeks the following variances:
    1. 3332.035 R-3 residential district, to allow two single-family dwelling units on the same lot.
    2. 3332.05, to decrease the minimum lot size from 50′ to 35′ (the size of the lot now).
    3. 3332.13 R-3, to reduce the minimum lot size from 5,000 square feet to 3,675 square feet (the size of the lot now).
    4. 3332.27, to reduce the minimum size of the rear yard from 25% to 10.7% of the total lot area, or 420 square feet (the two buildings would each need to have 25% of the lot as a rear yard).
    5. 3312.19, Minimum number of parking spaces required for the new unit from 2 to 0 (while maintaining requirement to have two for the house).

8:45 Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be 7 PM – 8:50 PM on Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at the Whetstone Library Community Room.

8:45 Public Comment

8:50 Adjourn

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday April 24th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday April 24th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Variance agenda.
    1. BZA24-037, 581 Crestview Rd.  In order to split the lot and build a second single-family home, the applicant seeks the following variances:
      1. 3332.13, Decrease the required R-3 lot size from 5,000 square feet to 4,511 square feet.
      2. 3332.05(A)(4), Decrease the required lot size from 50′ to 40′.
      3. 3332.19: Variance for the north lot to not have frontage on a Public Street.
    2. BZA24-038. 116 W. Lakeview. In order to facilitate a lot split, the applicant seeks a variance from 3332.05(4) to permit the west lot to have a width of 28.576’ at the property line and the east lot to have a width of 43.24’ in lieu of the required 50′.
    3. CV24-035, 171 E. Pacemont Rd. The applicant seeks the following variances:
      1. 3332.035 R-3 residential district, to allow two single-family dwelling units on the same lot.
      2. 3332.05, to decrease the minimum lot size from 50′ to 35′ (the size of the lot now)
      3. 3332.13 R-3, to reduce the minimum lot size from 5,000 square feet to 3,675 square feet (the size of the lot now).
      4. 3332.27, to reduce the minimum size of the rear yard from 25% to 10.7% of the total lot area, or 420 square feet (the two buildings would each need to have 25% of the lot as a rear yard).
      5. 3312.19, Minimum number of parking spaces required for the new using from 2 to 0 (while maintaining requirement to have two for the house).
  5. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be May 2, 2024, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be May 29, 2024, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

CAC Meeting – Thursday 4/4/24 at 7 PM

Clintonville Area Commission: April 4, 2024

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
A recording will be made available on Channel Clintonville on YouTube after the meeting –

Agenda (April 2024 Meeting)

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair Boulton

7:05 District Updates – All commissioners

7:15 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Moritz, Secretary

7:20 Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Miller
Note: Area Commission Treasurer’s duties are suspended City-wide until further notice from the Department of Neighborhoods.

7:20 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance.

7:30 Resolution 2024-1: Agreement to collaborate with CRPD for Columbus ArborFest 2024 – Commissioner Crowell, CRPD and Greenspot Committee Discussion and approval of Resolution read at last meeting (2024-03-07 — CAC Resolution No 2024-01 ArborFest)

7:45 CAC Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick

  1. BZA24-022, 84 W. Longview Ave. The applicant seeks variances to reduce the rear-yard requirement from 25% to 15%, CC3332.27, and to reduce the side-yard requirement from 20% (8′) to 15% (6′), CC3332.25.
  2. Columbia Gas Variances:
    1. CV23-139, 480-482 E. Weber Rd. Variances requested:
      1. CC3124.11 – Planning standards for stormwater runoff.
      2. CC3332.41 – Rooftop telecommunication installation.
      3. CC3332.33 – Private access and parking requirements.
      4. CC3332.289 – Prohibited uses and activities.
      5. CC3332.035 – R-3 residential district.
      6. CC3332.24 – Side yard.
      7. CC3332.25 – Maximum side yards required.
      8. CC3332.26 – Minimum side yard permitted.
      9. CC3332.27 – Rear yard.
      10. CC3332.28 – Side or rear yard obstruction.
    2. CV23-140, 204-210 W. Weber Rd. Variances requested:
      1. CC3124.11-Planning standards for stormwater runoff.
      2. CC3332.41 – Rooftop telecommunication installation.
      3. CC3332.33 – Private access and parking requirements.
      4. CC3332.289 – Prohibited uses and activities.
      5. CC3332.035 – R-3 residential district.
      6. C3332.24 – Side yard.
      7. CC3332.25 – Maximum side yards required.
      8. CC3332.26 – Minimum side yard permitted.
      9. CC3332.27 – Rear yard.
      10. CC3332.28 – Side or rear yard obstruction.

8:45 Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be 7 PM – 8:50 PM on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at the Whetstone Library Community Room.

8:45 Public Comment

8:50 Adjourn