CAC Candidate Statements- Election 2019

Learn about the 2019 CAC Candidates here!
CAC D8 Candidate Statement – Ty Hulbert
CAC D8 Candidate Statement – Jim Garrison
CAC D6 Candidate Statement – Mary B Relotto
CAC D6 Candidate Statement – Kendra Carpenter
CAC D3 Candidate Statement – Libby Wetherholt

Seedling Tree Give-Away Clarification

Most tree give-away locations are the residences of volunteers- There would be an area set up in the front yard or drive way for the trees- while they last.  The Whetstone Prairie location is limited to 9-noon Saturday April 13th only,

CAC Election Update


District 3:

One candidate will be on the ballot for District 3.

Libby Wetherholt completed her election packet and will run for a third term for District 3.

Chad Wells also took out a candidate package for District 3. Packet not completed

District 6, where Commissioner Randy Ketcham opted not to run for a third term.

Mary B. Relotto and Kendra Carpenter obtained packets, completed candidate packets and will be on the ballot.

District 8, with Christopher Allwein stepping down, James Garrison, Ty Hulbert and Athena Yiamouyiannis picked up candidate packets. James Garrison & Ty Hulbert completed candidate packets and will be on the ballot.


Columbus City Council Northside Community Meeting

Tuesday, April 30th @6:00 PM

Hoyos Kitchen

5788 Columbus Square

Columbus, OH 43231

For this meeting, I would like to invite small business owners and entrepreneurs to join us, but as always the event is open to everyone.

I will be out of the office from April 10-17, but please help me to spread the word. We will be sending a press release in the next few days.

For more information contact:

Sandra R. López

Legislative Advisor

Community Engagement

Columbus City Council

Direct:  (614) 645-8502

Three Clintonville districts up for election!

CAC 2019 Election- Districts 3,6 & 8 are up for election this year!!! Election packets are available for pick up at the Whetstone Library through March. If you know anyone in these districts who may want to be involved in this position encourage them to pick up an election packet at the library.
If you are unsure of which district you live in, hover over the tab “Learn about the CAC”, and click “Commission Districts” to be redirected to the district map and description of the district boundaries.
Voting is open to any resident of Clintonville District 3, 6, or 8 who is 18 or older on the day of the election.  This is a non-partisan election, and there is no voter registration.  Just be prepared to present proof of your age, in case you are fortunate enough to look younger than 18, and to show that your residence is in one of the three Clintonville districts up for election (3, 6, or 8).  If your Driver’s license has your Clintonville address on it, you’re all set. If not, also bring a bank statement, or a utility bill that bears your name and your Clintonville address. Other forms of acceptable ID – State issued ID card, Passport, other Government-issued ID.
If you won’t be able to vote at the Whetstone Library on Election day (May 4 10:00am to 2:00pm), or on Early voting day (April 30 6:00pm to 8:00 pm), you can vote by mail, if you act quickly!  Click on the “Documents” tab and click on “Archive Documents” and look for the file called “2019 Mail-In Ballot Request Form”.  Download the form, fill it out, follow the instructions, and mail it to us by the deadline.  The CAC Election committee must receive all Mail-In Ballot requests by April 15.  The CAC Election committee will send you a mail-in ballot via US Mail.  Be sure to note all due dates.
The certified candidates for each district will be posted on this page by April 5th.  Candidate statements will be posted on this page by April 11th.  
We hope that all eligible residents of Districts 3, 6, and 8 participate in this important event.  Your vote counts, so Vote the “Ville!  

Dr. Talisa Dixon- begins her tenure with a series of community meetings!

Clintonville Go Public is partnering with Columbus City Schools to host a Community Exchange with Dr. Talisa Dixon, our new superintendent. The event will be next Wednesday, 3/27, 6:00 – 7:30 at the Schoenbaum Family Center in Weinland Park. This is part of a series of community meetings Dr. Dixon is doing in different neighborhoods throughout the district in her first 100 days.
The University Area Commission & CAC have agreed to co-host the CGP event- we hope there will be a good show of support from our community!

CPD Summer Bicycle Patrol Project

From our CPD liaison Officer Ted Stacy:

Dear Community,
We have been given an opportunity to do a summer bicycle project. These guys need your help in keeping this project alive. I am asking that you give me feedback into what you need as a community. I need a list of complaints or issues that you would like to see addressed. This can be traffic / speed issues , community events you would like us to attend, problem houses, parking issues, quality of life issues. Please send me any issues and we will make a list and start addressing these issues. Sgt Hess on 2nd shift Patrol is very community oriented and wants this program to continue. Please send me any issues that you want addressed to