Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday March 27th at 7pm
- Call to order.
- Approve agenda.
- Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
- Note that the order of proceeding for variances is as follows:
- The applicant will give a presentation.
- The District Commissioner(s) may give a report.
- Committee members may ask questions to the applicant or make comments.
- Members of the public may comment or ask questions.
- The applicant may respond to the comments or questions.
- Committee members may ask questions.
- The District Commissioner(s) may make additional comments.
- The Chair will make a motion to approve.
- Committee discussion and questions.
- Vote with Committee member comments.
- Variance agenda
- BZA24-022, 84 W. Longview Ave. The applicant seeks variances reduce the rear-yard requirement from 25% to 15%, CC3332.27, and to reduce the side-yard requirement from 20% (8′) to 15% (6′), CC3332.25.
- Columbia Gas Variances:
- Application information:
- CV23-139, 480-482 E. Weber Rd. Application, Staff Report. Variance
Addition. Updated hardship statement. Technical drawings. Landscape plans; - CV23-140, 204-210 W. Weber Rd. Application. Staff Report. Variance Addition. Updated hardship statement. Technical drawings. Landscape plans.
- CV23-139, 480-482 E. Weber Rd. Application, Staff Report. Variance
- The variances currently requested in both applications are to the following provisions:
- CC3124.11-Planning standards for stormwater runoff; CC3332.41-Rooftop telecommunication installation; CC3332.34-Residential character; CC3332.33-Private access and parking requirements; CC3332.289 Prohibited uses and activities; CC3332.035-R-3 residential district.
- Application information:
- Demolition agenda
- 204-210 W. Weber. Application.
- 476 E. Weber, garage. Application.
- 476 E. Weber. Application.
- 480 E. Weber, Application.
- Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be April 4, 2024, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be April 24, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.