Zoning & Variance Meeting- 10/30/17- 7:30 pm


Monday October 10th: 7:30-8:30pm Clinton Heights Lutheran Church

Variance Applications will be heard: 

Application, 381 E. Beaumont Ave., District 8. Variance to:
Reduce the required minimum side yard from 5’ to 4.7’, 3332.26;
Increase the size of a nonconforming structure by more than 50% of the total floor area of the original nonconforming structure, 3391.05.
Application, 5052 Delawanda Ave., District 6. In order to develop a single-family home, a variance to:
Reduce the minimum building line along Delawanda Road from 25′ to 14′, 3332.21(B);
Reduce the minimum building line along Girard Road from 10′ to 5′, 3332.22(a)(1);
Reduce minimum side yard from 25% to 22% of the lot area, 3332.27.
New business.
After consideration by the Committee on October 30, 2017, the application will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission on November 1, 2017. The CAC meeting starts at 7:00 at the Whetstone Library.

Please address any questions about committee proceedings to Stephen Hardwick, Chair, hardwick.zoning@gmail.com.

MORPC Seeking Public Comment on Franklin County Energy Study Draft Report through October 25

MORPC Seeking Public Comment on Franklin County Energy Study Draft Report through October 25

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) is seeking public comment on the Franklin County Energy Study draft report through October 25, 2017 (comments due by 5:00pm).  Let us know your thoughts!  The draft report and more information about how to submit comments can be found at www.morpc.org/EnergyStudy.

The Franklin County Energy Study provides a data-driven assessment of energy use and production across key sectors of the economy.  The report identifies all major forms of energy produced and consumed in Franklin County. Knowing where we are now is necessary to get to where we are going. This study establishes the energy baseline and serves as the starting point from which success is measured. By understanding how energy flows from its source to where we live and work, how we use it, and what this process does to our environment, we can begin to develop ways to increase the beneficial effects it has on our economy and quality of life.

We would like to know what key findings are most interesting to you and how the study can be improved.  Feel free to follow up if you have questions and please share this with your networks.


Brandi Whetstone

Senior Program Manager, Energy & Air Quality | Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
T614.233.4174 | M614.595.8631 | bwhetstone@morpc.org

111 Liberty Street, Suite 100 | Columbus, OH 43215


Neighborhood Update

Four Topics

1. Project Blueprint
I’ve been touch with our area Project BluePrint contact Leslie Westervelt for updates to the Project Blueprint process. Leslie and the project Blueprint staff did the presentation at the Clintonville Women’s Club on August 3rd.

Here is a basic outline of how Project BluePrint plans to handle the next design phase in Clintonville which includes sections of District 3 & 4:

a. Design Review Meeting #1: There will be a design review when the project design phase is 30% complete. This review will likely be held in January or early 2018. Residents will receive notice via door hangers and/or mail from the Department of Public Utilities. The meeting will be a plan review likely held at Whetstone Park or at an area church. The previous phase of Project Blueprint had one advance meeting at the 60% stage of design completion.

b. Design Review Meeting #2: There will be an additional design review when the project design phase is 60% complete. Notification will be given in a similar manner.

c. Objections: It has not yet been determined that rain gardens are to be part of the run-off solution to our part of the neighborhood. If you are vehemently opposed to having a rain garden in the tree lawn or right of way contiguous to your property please contact Leslie Westervelt and provide her with your name and street address. There is no guarantee that this action would prevent an unwanted rain garden but the landscape designers are open to making adjustments whenever possible.

d. Contact: Leslie Westerfelt’s contact information is:
Direct: 614.645.5970
Cell: 614.674.1258
Fax: 614.724.0144
Email: LRwesterfelt@columbus.gov

When I become aware of meetings/ information they will be posted on the CAC Facebook page and at clintonvilleareacommission.org
Meetings have been posted in the past and we will continue to post them in the future, we can’t make you read stuff, but we will post anyway

2. E Dunedin Rd- Parking & Traffic Situation
Earlier this summer I (Judy Minister, Disctrict 4) did a neighborhood survey that was sent to our city liaison. The department was in transition and action was not taken on this item. We have a new city liaison, I made contact with him on October 5th. He followed up with an email today. He will review the survey with appropriate departments. Hoping to reach a workable solution.

3. CPD Sargent Smith Memorial
We discussed possible locations for a memorial tree and/or garden for officer Steven Smith. Some suggested locations were: WNB Memory Lane, Como Park & the Colerain median areas. The topic was sent for input to the CAC Planning and Development Committee.

4. Medical Marijuana
In November applications for site specific Medical Marijuana dispensaries are due. There will be five dispensaries in Franklin County. One location specific inquiry was made for a space across from Graceland Shopping Center. The locations must be at least 500 ft from a school, park, church or addiction treatment facility. CAC has no input on this matter, however we were notified by the applicant that his location met the criteria.

Medical Marijuana

CAC chair, Libby Wetherholt, received a call this morning from a group that is planning a medical marijuana dispensary in a store front on the east side of High Street, north of Morse Rd across from Graceland Shopping Center. They stated they will be sending her their documents today.

The group noted they have already been “approved” by the City of Columbus. Libby has contacted Sandra Lopez, Legislative Analyst, with the city to find out if CAC has any role in the process or if we are simply notified. We hope to have more information today and will discuss at the CAC meeting this evening.

Other details: Dispensary locations would have to comply with the state code and be 500 feet from a school, church, park or addiction treatment centers and nowhere near a Church, school or park.
Dispensaries will be highly regulated with very tight security as required by state law and will cater to those who have doctor’s recommendations for one of 22 state of Ohio approved medical conditions

CAC Monthly Meeting

The CAC October 5th meeting will be held at 7pm at the Whetstone library meeting room. One of the main topics on the agenda is discussion of a possible memorial for Officer Smith. Officer Smith was shot by an arsonist in 2016 on W. California.

Rain Garden Update from the city of Columbus

Rain Garden Update from the city of Columbus. Department of Public Utilites
· Completing final closeout items.
· Bumpouts on Glenmont will have additional plantings added in the spring.
· We are currently coordinating with DPS to identify a different solution for the white reflective delineators that have been installed (have received several comments from residents on that street). We are working to strike a balance between safety requirements and aesthetics.
· Fence barrier around the large basin at Glenmont Place will be installed in the next few weeks.

· Rain gardens that have been installed on Village, Fairlawn, Springs, and Colerain will be planted within the next two weeks.
· Current work is waterline work on Fairoaks, then the crew will continue to move up towards Indianola (street by street).

· Pre-construction meeting was 9/28, schedule is pending final approval.
· They will begin work on Fallis to avoid conflicts with a DPS repaving project.
· Rain garden excavation for all streets in this area will occur next summer, to closer align with the fall planting season. Work prior will be utility work, pipe installations, etc.

Morse-Dominion & Overbrook Chatham:
· Pre-construction meetings are 9/28 and 9/29, final schedules will likely be approved over the next two weeks.
· All residents in these areas (and Blenheim-Glencoe) will receive a 1-week notice of construction and a 48-hour notice (door hangers) will be provided to homes directly impacted by construction.

West Nile Update

We received a press release from the Health department today. Sadly, Columbus has it’s first case of West Nile virus. There will be spraying on the far northern edge of the Clintonville area, the north University District and a few other areas. Here is the basic information received for the Clintonville area:

The first human case of West Nile has been reported in a Columbus resident. The 77-year-old female is currently hospitalized. She does not live in Clintonville.

The primary way to contract the West Nile virus is through the bite of an infected mosquito. Most infected people do not have any symptoms. About one in five people who become infected develop a fever with other symptoms such as a headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or rash.

In addition, a positive mosquito pool for West Nile Virus (WNV) was collected from a trap located at Beechwold Church. The mosquito pool tested from this location was confirmed WNV+, by the Ohio Department of Health on September 14th. Due to this positive West Nile Virus mosquito pool, our Vector Control Program will be spraying in Clintonville on Wednesday, September 20th from 3:30 am-7:15 am, weather permitting.

The boundary for the spray on September 20th is as follows:

Chase Road and Broad Meadows Blvd.to the North

Morse Road and Rathbone Ave. to the South

Indianola Ave. to the East

SR 315 to the West

 The positive West Nile Virus pools and now the human case do serve as a reminder for us to continue protecting ourselves from mosquito bites and to eliminate stagnant water from our properties including places such as gutters, rain barrels, and bird baths. One can also protect themselves from mosquito bites by using insect repellents and by minimizing their time spent outside during the late evening and early morning hours. Please let Ryan Younge, RS, the Vector Control Program Manager, know if you would like to discuss in further detail our mosquito reduction activities planned in Clintonville this week. His e-mail address is rtyounge@columbus.gov and his phone number is 614.645.6153.