Council Community Meeting

Council Holds June 22nd Community Meeting at Centennial High School

We are on the move, eager to understand the issues important to residents and discuss opportunities to build strong, safe and healthy neighborhoods.

On Thursday, June 22, Centennial High School, 1441 Bethel Rd., will host the third of the 2017 Columbus City Council Community Meetings. The event gives residents a chance to talk about diverse subject matter in an informal, one-on-one setting with councilmembers, staff and department leadership. 

Council President Zach Klein will welcome guests and provide a brief overview of the event.

The 2017 Columbus City Council Community Meeting schedule:

  • Thursday, September 28th  – Barnett Recreation Center, 1184 Barnett Rd.

All meetings will run from 5:30-7pm.

Indianola Road Work

The city of Columbus anticipates that night-time work on the Indianola Road Diet Project will begin later this week. The city expects to have lane restrictions on an as-needed basis, but two-lanes of traffic will be maintained at all times. The city expects that work will wrap up by Aug. 18, the intention is to have the work wrap up by the start of the 2017-2018 school year.

For more information on this project, please see this Fact Sheet:


Description and benefits:
The departments of Development and Public Service are collaborating to improve the safety for all roadway users on Indianola Avenue. A Federal Highway Administration-recommended safety measure called a Road Diet will convert the current four-lane roadway to three lanes for vehicles and two for bikes, without widening Indianola. Road diets have been successfully implemented on Sullivant Avenue, King Avenue and Karl Road.

To learn more about road diets:

Project includes:
New lane configuration on Indianola Avenue:
One northbound, one southbound, two-way left turn and two bike lanes
An alternate configuration will be used on Indianola at the Cooke Road and Morse Road intersections to accommodate heavy traffic.

Removal of existing pavement markings and installation of markings for crosswalks and new lane configuration

New traffic signs and adjustments to traffic signals


Design: Scheduled for completion in 2016
Construction: 2017, subject to funding approval by City Council and weather conditions

Maintenance of traffic during construction:

Temporary lane closures and delays are planned during construction 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. weekdays and/or 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.weekends. Pedestrians may be detoured but access to properties will be maintained.

Estimated costs:

Design:  $130,000
Construction, materials and inspections:  $375,000

This project is funded by the Columbus Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund. The fund allows older neighborhoods to allocate a portion of the City’s capital improvement funds to specific infrastructure projects.

Contact information:
City of Columbus Project Manager for design: Terry Stewart, P.E.; tel. (614) 645-5671
Designer: Michael Baker International
Construction Contractor: TBD

If you have any questions, please let me know or you may also contact Mr. Kevin Kidder, Community Relations Coordinator, (614) 645-5042.




50 W. Gay St.

Columbus, OH 43215

Direct: 614.645-5181

Fax: 614.645-7805

Mobile: 614.373-1501

CAC Special Meeting Called

At its June 1 meeting The Clintonville Area Commission approved the call for a special meeting to be held on June 15 at 7:00 pm at the Whetstone branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.  The purpose of the meeting will be reorganizing for the 2017-18 year.  It is possible that much of the meeting will be held as an executive session as allowed under the Ohio Revised Code.

City Code Enforcement?

High grass & weeds? Junk cars? Garbage and debris? Received a message of all of these in one location today! These are city code violations. If you’d like to report an issue contact city code inspector department. Andy Baumann is the city code supervisor for Clintonville his number is 614-645-7292. E-mail address is: You can also report code violations at to 311.




Final Agenda for June 1 CAC Meeting

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

Thursday, June 1, 2017, 7-9 pm

Whetstone Library Community Meeting Room

7:00 p.m.             Call to order by Chair & introduction of commissioners

7:01 p.m            Call for Special Meeting, June 15, 7 p.m. Whetstone Branch of                                                 Columbus Metropolitan Library

7:03 p.m.             Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Cull


7:05 p.m.             Community Update — Isom Nivins

7:15 p.m.             Treasurer’s report — Commissioner Meek

7:18 p.m.            Election Committee – Commissioner Allwein

7:22 p.m.            Historic Building Committee – Commissioner Kuhel

7:30 p.m.            Dialogue with Council Member Elizabeth Brown

7:45 p.m.            Zoning & Variance – Chair Stephen Hardwick


  • 420 E. Beaumont:
  • Reduce minimum side yard from 5′ to 3.7′, 3332.26;
  • Reduce total side yard from 12’ to 9.5′, 3332.25.
  • 4615 N. High St.:
  • Reduce building width from 60′ to 39′, 3372.605(B);
  • Reduce sight triangle from 10′ to 5′, 3321.05(z).

8:00 p.m.               4217 N. High Street – Jon Stevenson, representative for High                                                             Deland II, LLC


 8:10 p.m.            Request for Quiet Zone Process – Commissioner Vottero

8:15 p.m.            Discussion on Sponsorship of Medians – Commissioner Wetherholt

8:25 p.m.            Discussion of Indianola Road Diet


8:30 p.m.            Car2Go – Chet Ridenour

8:40 p.m.            Presentation on 4004 N. High Street – Tom and Amy Herrington

8:45 p.m.             Salute to Outgoing Commissioners, D Searcy and Nancy Kuhel

8:55 p.m.                         ADJOURN


CAC agenda for June 1st meeting: 7 pm Whetstone Library Community Room

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda

Thursday, June 1, 2017, 7-9 pm

Whetstone Library Community Meeting Room

Commissioners in attendance: David Vottero, Nancy Kuhel, Libby Wetherholt, Judy Minister,  Matthew Cull, Randy Ketcham, Jason Meek, Chris Allwein, D Searcy

Commissioner(s) absent and excused:

7:00 p.m. Call to order by Chair & introduction of commissioners

7:03 p.m. Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Cull


7:05 p.m. Community Update — Isom Nivins

7:15 p.m. Treasurer’s report — Commissioner Meek

7:18 p.m. Election Committee – Commissioner Allwein

7:22 p.m. Zoning & Variance – Chair Stephen Hardwick



7:50 p.m. Discussion on Sponsorship of Medians

8:05 p.m. Discussion of Indianola Road Diet


8:20 p.m. Car2Go – Chet Ridenour

8:30 p.m. Salute to Outgoing Commissioners, D Searcy and Nancy Kuhel

District Reports

8:55 p.m.  ADJOURN


June 7 Historic Buildings Committee, 6:30 p.m.

June 15 CAC Organizational Meeting, 7 p.m.

Whetstone Branch of Columbus Library

The Clintonville Go Public Annual Community Meeting 

6:30 to 7:30 p.m.,

Whetstone High School media center

June 27 Planning & Development

7 pm, Clinton Heights Lutheran Church

Zoning & Variance

7:30 pm, Clinton Heights Lutheran Church

July 6 Next CAC meeting, 7 p.m.

Delicious news for Beechwold? Zoning & Variance Agenda 5/30/17

Please note agenda item 5. B- GD Ritzey’s plans for Clintonville location
Draft Agenda
Zoning & Variance Committee
Clintonville Area Commission
Clinton Heights Lutheran Church

15 Clinton Heights Ave.
Columbus, OH 43202
May 30, 2017, 7:30 p.m.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Previous meetings’ minutes.
  4. Announcement: If needed, the next meeting will be June 27, 2017 (moved up one week to avoid the Independence Day holiday).
  5. Applications:
    1. 420 E. Beaumont: Reduce minimum side yard from 5′ to 3.7′, 3332.26; reduce total side yard from 12’ to 9.5′, 3332.25. Application here. Site plan here. Photos here and here. “Cover and ASB Plans” here. “New Plans” here. “Elevations” here. “New Sections & Roof” here. “New Electric & Details” here. District 8. 
    2. 4615 N. High St.: Reduce building width from 60′ to 39′, 3372.605(B); reduce sight triangle from 10′ to 5′, 3321.05(z). District 6.Application here.
  6. Other business.
  7. Adjournment.

After consideration by the Committee on May 30, 2017, the applications will likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission on June 1, 2017. The CAC meeting starts at 7:00 at the Whetstone Library. 

Please address any questions about committee proceedings to Stephen Hardwick, Chair,hardwick.zoning@gmail.comYou can find contact information for your elected commissioner here.  

Background Information:

The Zoning and Variance Committee receives and reviews all applications for rezoning, variances, graphics and other zoning adjustment appeals and special permits located in the Clintonville area. The Committee then makes a recommendation to the Clintonville Area Commission (“CAC”). The CAC’s members are elected, and the CAC serves as the official voice of the community to the City. Final decisions are made by City Council, the Board of Zoning Adjustments, the Development Commission, or the Graphics Commission.

The official webpage of the Clintonville Area Commission is here.
The Commission’s Bylaws are here and here.
The Clintonville Neighborhood Plan is here and here.
You can find information about the City’s zoning agencies, including agendas, minutes, and pending applications, here.

City of Columbus Neighborhood & Community Grants.

It’s that time of year again, time to apply for the City of Columbus Neighborhood & Community Grants.

The City of Columbus will disburse nearly $20,000 for grants in 2017. The maximum grant amount is $1,000 per application and per organization. All one-day events will be limited to $500.All applicants must attend an information session in order to apply and be eligible for a CNC Grant.  Below are the details about the upcoming information session:


Who:              Anyone interested in applying for a 2017 City of Columbus Neighborhood & Community Grant (CNC)

            What:             Grant Information Session (Required)

            When:            Wednesday, May 24, 2017

            Where:          Jerry Hammond Building (Continental Room), 1111 East Broad Street, Columbus 43205

Time:             4:00pm – 5:00pm and 6:00pm – 7:00pm  (There are 2 sessions to choose from, you will only need to attend one.)  *If you received a grant in 2016 and have not completed the close out process (final report with required documentation), you will not be eligible for a grant in 2017.*

During the information session, attendees will receive the grant application dates, deadline, etc.  Only those attending the May 24th session will receive applications.

If you have questions, please contact Gale Gray at 614-645-1950.

Columbus Neighborhoods & Community Grants

Department of Neighborhoods