Charter Review Committee

Charter Review Committee

Thursday, February 9
Friday, February 17
1 p.m.

Columbus City Hall
90 W. Broad Street

The Charter Review Committee is holding two additional working meetings to deliberate on information presented during its initial six sessions. Members will continue to form recommendations for the full report to be delivered to City Council and Mayor Andrew J. Ginther.

CAC Election Information

Ann Henkener, Chair of the CAC Election Committee, announced at the February meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission, that election petitions will be available at the Whetstone Library by February 25. Commissioner positions from Districts 1, 2 and 9 will be up for election. Any resident of those districts is eligible to run for the position.

Henkener also announced that an orientation for candidates will be held at the Whetstone Recreation Center at 6:30, Tuesday, March 7.

CoGo to Expand to Clintonville

At the February Clintonville Area Commission meeting three students from The Ohio State University Knowlton School for  City and Regional Planning shared information regarding plans to expand the CoGo Bike Share System into parts of
Clintonville. Their group is hoping to field suggestions for spots in Clintonville where having the COGO bikes
would be desirable. Sites under consideration should  be in the city “right of way”.

The commission invites residents to check out the websites below, particularly the“Four Cities” and “Blog” bullets. Please contact the group with any ideas either by email or tweet.


February 2nd 2017, CAC meeting: Zoning & Variance Items

CAC recommendations on Z&V applications 2/2/17
2767 Indianola Ave. – Yes, to residential application
3632 Indianola Ave. – Yes, to sign demo permit
4409 N. High St – No, to parking variance. No, to drive through stacking variance.
231 Orchard Lane (side lot set back variance) Withdrawn, variance determined unneeded by the city of Columbus

Upcoming Meetings

January 31st- Zoning & Variance Committee meets to hear four variance requests. Meeting at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church 7:30 -9pm

February 2nd- CAC February Meeting. CAC meets at 7 pm at the Whetstone Library Community Room. CAC to consider variance requests and other agenda items.

Community Meeting Reminder

The applicant for a variance at 4409 N. High St. (Jimmy John’s) will have a neighborhood meeting tonight, January 24, 2017, at 7 p.m. at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights Ave. This is an informal meeting to get neighborhood input set up at the request of the applicant. No votes will be taken. Randy Ketchum, CAC District 6 Commissioner, facilitated setting up the meeting .

The application will be formally heard by the Zoning and Variance Committee of the Clintonville Area Commission on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, 7:30 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church. The application will also likely be heard by the Clintonville Area Commission on February 2, 2017. That meeting starts at 7:00 pm at the Whetstone Library. 

You can address your questions or concerns to CAC District 6 Commissioner Randy Ketchum,; Stephen Hardwick, Chair, Zoning and Variance Committee,; or your own Commissioner. You can find contact information for all of the elected commissioners on the area commission website.  

Age-Friendly Columbus

CCC Advisory | Age-Friendly Columbus to Release Findings Report

Mayor Andrew J. Ginther
Councilmember Michael Stinziano
MORPC Executive Director William Murdock
AARP State Director Barbara Sykes

Wednesday, February 1

Dodge Community Center
667 Sullivant Ave.


Age-Friendly Columbus will release its Findings Report from a year-long assessment researching age-friendliness in the City of Columbus. Following opening remarks and announcement of the findings, a panel of Age-Friendly Columbus administrators will be available to take questions. 

Age-Friendly Columbus is a city-wide initiative to ensure that individuals of all ages and abilities can remain in their neighborhoods and live a high quality of life independently.

Water Main Break

From Matt Cull:

“There was a water main break on Olentangy River Road that is affecting much of Clintonville.  I spoke to the city and they said there’s a crew working on it, but they could not give me any kind of a time-frame for a fix.”

Solar Power Workshop

Feb. 4, 2017 Solar Workshop & Fair, at Whetstone Library, 3:30 – 5:30 pm.  Learn the basics, meet the experts.

Sponsored by Simply Living’s Central Ohio Local Solar (COLS) Solutions project with support from partnering local installers.

Clintonville Energy Collaborative will be displaying DIY solar generator.

 Go to Facebook event link, for full details and to sign up for free tickets soon. Venue holds 60 total, and about half of the tickets are reserved already.