You are cordially invited to an
open house for the community on the
High Street Improvements/Short North Phase 1:
Goodale Street to Convention Center Drive
August 23, 2016, 4 – 6 p.m.
Greater Columbus Convention Center
3 Convention Center Drive
Eisenman and Trott Rooms*
The city of Columbus is nearing completion on plans to improve the west side of High Street between Goodale Street and Convention Center Drive. The east side is currently being done in coordination with the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
The project on the west side is scheduled to finish design work in summer 2016. Public comments and suggestions are encouraged during the design phase. The planned improvements include:
· Resurfacing and crosswalks
· Sidewalks, curb ramps and curb extensions
· Traffic signals and signage
· Stormwater facilities and water lines
· Street lights and trees
· Bicycle sharrows and parking
· Plus more improvements for safety and traffic movement
Representatives from the city of Columbus and designer Korda/Nemeth Engineering will be on-hand to answer questions in an open-house format; no formal presentation will be given. Exhibits illustrating roadway features and property impacts will be on display.
Questions regarding project information may be directed to City of Columbus Design Project Manager Richard Ortman, P.E., tel. (614) 645-5465.
Property owners with rental units: Please share this invitation with tenants.
* Directions *
Enter convention center from semi-circular roadway that faces High Street and the Hilton. Turn left once inside the building and look for City of Columbus Public Meeting sign in front of escalators. Eisenman and Trott rooms are immediately to the right.
Invitation on city’s website:—Short-North-Phase-1,-open-house/