CAC Meeting 6/1/23 at 7 PM

Agenda – DRAFT June 2023 CAC Agenda

Clintonville Area Commission
Thursday, June 1st, 2023 | 7 PM
Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting. A live stream and recording will be made available on Channel Clintonville on YouTube.
7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Agenda – Chair David Vottero
7:05 District Updates – all commissioners
7:20 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Commissioner Mortiz on behalf of Secretary Peifer
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer White
7:35 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance
7:40 Whetstone 5 Year Management Plan Update – Jenny Doan, Natural Resource Analyst, Columbus Recreation and Parks Department
7:55 CAC Elections Committee Update – Chair Melissa Doll
8:10 PM CAC Zoning & Variance Committee – Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. GC23-015, 5300 N. High St. The applicant seeks a variance to allow for a
131 sq. ft. sign on the north side of the building where the applicable overlay requires a sign no larger than 30 sq. ft. CC3372.706(D)(3).
2. BZA 23-050, 185 Brevoort Rd. In order to legitimize and keep the garage in front (240 sq. ft.) and replace the garage in the rear with a new 24′ x 26′
detached garage, the applicant seeks variances to:
1. Increase the maximum square footage of a garage from 720 sq. ft. to 864 sq. ft. (behind the house), CC3332.38(F)(1);
2. Reduce the building setback from the right of way for a garage from 25 ft. to 0 ft (in front of the house). CC3332.38(C).
3. BZA 23-052, 4586 Starret Rd. To raze and rebuild a single-unit dwelling, the applicant asks to reduce the required rear yard from 25% to 14.3% (the yard is
currently 9.6% of the property, but rebuilding the house likely triggered a return to the 25% requirement). CC3332.27.
8:40 CAC Chair Updates – Chair Vottero
● Feedback from City Attorney on communications processes
● City Capital Improvement Budget Process
Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, July 6th, at Whetstone Library.
8:45 Public Comment
8:55 Adjourn

CAC Planning & Development Meeting – Tuesday 5/30 at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Planning & Development Committee 
Tuesday May 30th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  • Status updates on projects
  • Review potential CIP project asks based on existing documents
  • Discuss new projects not yet included in existing documents

Existing documents for previous request items:

Clintonville Neighborhood Plan

CAC Mobility Framework

Columbus – Capital Improvements Plan

CAC Candidate Orientation Meeting 5.23.23

Those interested in running for the Clintonville Area Commissioner seats in Districts 1, 2, and 9 that are up for election in 2023 are encouraged to attend an Orientation Meeting for Candidates at the Whetstone Library, 3909 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43214, this Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Election Committee Chair Melissa Doll will be available to provide an overview of the 2023 Election process and answer any questions you may have. The Orientation Meeting for Candidates is optional but strongly encouraged.

Helpful Links

Edit: Updated Candidate Petition Packet 5.22.23

CAC 2023 Election Timeline

Clintonville Area Commission Election Packets Now Available

Candidate Petition Packets are now available

Districts on the ballot this year for CAC are numbers 1, 2, and 9. If you are interested in running for a seat, please visit download the Candidate Petition Packet.

Printed copies are also available for pick up at the Whetstone Library beginning May 24th. Candidates will have until June 19th to collect the required number of signatures. Election Day is August 26th.

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday May 24th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday May 24th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Note: We have received application CV23-045 for 299 Walhalla Rd., but it will not be on this month’s agenda due to scheduling issues. We anticipate that it will go before the committee on June 28, 2023.
  5. Variance Agenda
    1. GC23-015, 5300 N. High St. Application. The applicant seeks a variance to allow for a 131 sq. ft. sign on the north side of the building where the applicable overlay requires a sign no larger than 30 sq. ft. CC3372.706(D) (3).
    2. BZA 23-052, 4586 Starret Rd. Application. Staff Report. To raze and rebuild a single-unit dwelling, the applicant asks to reduce the required rear yard from 25% to 14.3% (the yard is currently 9.6% of the property, but rebuilding the house likely triggered a return to the 25% requirement). CC3332.27.
  6. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be Thursday June 1, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church

CAC Meeting 4/6/23 at 7 PM

Agenda – DRAFT May 2023 Meeting.docx

Agenda – Clintonville Area Commission
May 4, 2023
Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Chair David Vottero
7:05 Public Comment
7:15 District Updates – all commissioners
7:20 Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Secretary Peifer
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer White
7:25 Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, Columbus Fire Department and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance
7:35 Process for Sharing Public Comment Submitted via E-mail – Chair Vottero
7:50 Discussion of Flag Display and Pledge of Allegiance – Chair Vottero
7:55 Zoning & Variance Committee Agenda – Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. BZA23-029, 133 E. Dunedin. To raze and construct a detached garage, the applicant asks to reduce the minimum side yard from 3 feet to 2 feet. CC3332.26(B).
2. BZA23-032, 557 Blenheim Rd. To construct a single-story addition to the front of the primary structure, the applicant asks to reduce the front yard building line setback line from 35 feet to 33 feet. CC3332.21(A).
3. BZA23-044.153 Montrose Way. To replace the existing sunroom with a 2-story addition, the applicant seeks to reduce the minimum required area for maneuverability from 20 feet to 15 feet. CC3312.25.
4. BZA23-045 211 Northridge Rd. To raze and rebuild a detached garage, the applicant seeks asks to increase the height of a detached garage from 15 feet to 21 feet. CC3332.38(G).
8:35 City of Columbus ZoneIn Initiative – Alex Sauersmith, Planning Manager at City of Columbus Department of Development
Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, June 1st, at Whetstone Library.
8:50 Additional Public Comment
8:55 Adjourn

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday April 26th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday April 26th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Note that the CAC approved the proposed rules as submitted and the Committee’s recommendation of Andrew Miller as Vice Chair.
  4. Consider draft minutes from previous meeting.
  5. Variance Agenda:
    1. BZA23-029, 133 E. Dunedin. To raze and construct a detached garage, the applicant asks to reduce the minimum side yard from 3 feet to 2 feet. CC3332.26(B).
    2. BZA23-032, 557 Blenheim Rd. To construct a single-story addition to the front of the primary structure, the applicant asks to reduce the front yard building line setback line from 35 feet to 33 feet. CC3332.21(A).
    3. BZA23-044.153 Montrose Way. To replace the existing sunroom with a 2-story addition, the applicant seeks to reduce the minimum required area for maneuverability from 20 feet to 15 feet. CC3312.25.
    4. BZA23-045 211 Northridge Rd. To raze and rebuild a detached garage, the applicant seeks asks to increase the height of a detached garage from 15 feet to 21 feet. CC3332.38(G).
  6. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be Thursday May 4, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church. (Note: this is NOT the last Wednesday of the month.)

CAC Meeting 4/6/23 at 7 PM

Agenda- DRAFT April 2023 Meeting.docx

Clintonville Area Commission
April 6, 2023

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting.
A live stream and recording will be made available on Channel Clintonville on YouTube.

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Chair David Vottero

Pledge of Allegiance

District Updates – all commissioners

Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – Secretary Peifer

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer White

Update from City of Columbus – Representatives from Department of Neighborhoods, City Council, Columbus Police Department, and City Attorney’s Office may be in attendance

Update from Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano’s Office – Beth Fairman Kinney, Director of Community Outreach

8 PM Zoning & Variance Committee Agenda – Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. BZA23-018, 217 Erie Rd. To construct a second story cold storage attic above an
existing detached garage, the applicant seeks a variance to increase the maximum
allowable height for a detached garage from 15 feet to 24 feet-10
inches. CC3332.38(G).
2. BZA23-019, 3494 N. High St. To expand an existing eating and dining
establishment into a neighboring property, the applicant seeks a variance to reduce
the minimum numbers of parking spaces from 9 to 0. CC3312.49.
3. Proposed Committee Rules

CAC Elections Committee Update – Elections Chair Melissa Doll

CAC Planning + Development Committee Update – Planning + Development Committee Chair Eliza Pendexter

Blueprint Columbus – Tiffany Conn, Community Relations Coordinator for City of Columbus
Department of Public Utilities
● Regarding Districts 1 and 3

Process for Sharing Public Comment Submitted via E-mail – Chair Vottero

Tribute for Beth Stewart Magee – Commissioner Boulton

Public Comment

Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, May 4, at
Whetstone Library.

8:55 Adjourn

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday March 29th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday March 29th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Welcome and introduction of new committee members.
  4. Recommendation to Commission of Vice-Chairperson
    1. Discussion and vote
  5. Consider minutes from previous meeting. (noted correction: The size of the lot is .13 acres- rather than 1.3 acres).
  6. Variance Agenda:
    1. BZA23-018, 217 Erie Rd. To construct a second story cold storage attic above an existing detached garage, the applicant seeks a variance to increase the maximum allowable height for a detached garage from 15 feet to 24 feet-10 inches. CC3332.38(G).
    2. BZA23-019, 3494 N. High St. To expand an existing eating and dining establishment into a neighboring property, the applicant seeks a variance to reduce the minimum numbers of parking spaces from 9 to 0. CC3312.49.
  7.  Proposed committee rules for next year. Discussion and vote to recommend rules to the CAC.
  8. Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be April 6, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be April 26, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.