Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee
Wednesday February 22nd at 8pm (one hour later than usual)
- Call to order.
- Approve agenda.
- Consider minutes from previous meeting.
- Variance Agenda: CV23-012, 201 W. North Broadway. In order to build a duplex with a carriage house, the applicant seeks the following variances:
- To allow for the parking pad to be located 8′ from the east property line along Milton in lieu of the required 10′ parking setback. CC3312.27.
- To allow for a clear vision triangle at the corner of W North Broadway and Milton of 25′ 6″ in lieu of the required 30′. CC3321.05(B)(2).
- To allow for a duplex and a single family residence on a single lot in an R-3 district where only a single family home is permitted. CC3332.035.
- To allow for a lot width of 40′ for the existing lot in lieu of the required 50′. CC3332.05.
- To allow for duplex and a single family residence on a lot of 4800 sf whereas 5000 sf for a single dwelling is permitted in an R-3 district. CC3332.13.
- To allow for a building setback of 6′ in lieu of the required 10′ along Milton. CC3332.21.
- For the required side yard, to allow for a maximum sum of 4′ in lieu of the required 8′ for the rear Milton facing home. CC3332.25.
- To allow for a minimum side-yard setback along the west property line of 3′ and along the east property line of 1′ in lieu of the required 4.29′ for the rear Milton facing home. CC3332.26(F).
- To allow a rear yard of 0 sf lieu of the required 25% for rear Milton facing home and 1193.8 sf or 21% for the home facing W. North Broadway. CC3332.27.
- Announce that the next meeting of the Clintonville Area Commission will be March 2, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be March 29, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.