CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday November 16th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday November 16th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Demolition waiting period waiver agenda: 3810 N. High St.
  4. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  5. Variance agenda:
    1. BZA22-146, 3645 N. High Street. In order to change the use of the middle tenant space (approximately 2,902 square feet) from retail to restaurant and to install an approximately 527 square foot restaurant patio along the North High Street frontage,” the applicant seeks to reduce the required parking from 60 spaces to 40 spaces. CC3312.49(C).
    2. BZA22-147, 3400 N. High Street. In order to put a restaurant on the first floor, the applicant seeks a variance to reduce the requirement of a minimum of 60% of the façade between two feet and ten feet above the nearest sidewalk be clear/non-tinted window glass to 33% along the E. North Broadway façade and to 44% along the N High Street facade. CC3372.605(D).
  6. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be December 1, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library.

CAC – Thursday November 3rd Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Agenda – Clintonville Area Commission

November 3rd, 2022

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214

Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting.

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of AgendaChair Vottero


Commissioner Introductions and District Updates


7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutesCommissioner Garrison


Treasurer’s ReportCommissioner White, Treasurer


7:30 Neighborhood UpdateRebecca Deeds, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council


Zoning and Variance – Committee Chair Stephen Hardwick

1. BZA22-139, 122 W. N. Broadway. To keep a new garage on the same line as other structures on the property, reduce the side-yard setback from 3′ to 0′. CC3332.26E.
2. Demolition waiting period waiver agenda: 3810 N. High St.
3. City inquiry & possible vote about BZA21-162, may need to discuss specific authorization to have a bathroom in the upstairs (which was in the original plan). 181 Glencoe.


8:00 Presentation from Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources CenterStephanie Baker, Executive Director


Presentation on 5300 N. High StreetBill Hadler, The Hadler Company


Olentangy Trail Connector Update Brad Westall, City of Columbus Greenways and Trails

Public Comment


Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday,

December 1st, at Whetstone Library.


8:55 Adjourn



CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday October 26th at 7pm (UPDATED)

**Updated 10/25 with Agenda Addition – Item #6**

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday October 26th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Demolition waiting period waiver agenda: 3810 N. High St.
  4. Consider previous meetings minutes (will be circulated in a revised draft agenda).
  5. Variance agenda: BZA22-139, 122 W. N. Broadway. To keep a new garage on the same line as other structures on the property, reduce the side-yard setback from 3′ to 0′. CC3332.26E.
  6. City inquiry & possible vote about BZA21-162, may need to discuss specific authorization to have a bathroom in the upstairs (which was in the original plan). Application, Email, Staff Review 12/2021, January 2022 Z&V Minutes, Commission approval. The only note about this in the CAC Minutes was “BZA21-162 – 181 Glencoe-Commissioner Garrison asked if plumbing was proposed? – 1 bathroom is desired 5 voted yes, 1 voted no, chair abstained.” I am working to get more information from the city before the meeting.
  7. Discuss next meeting date.
  8. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will beNovember 3, 2022, at the Whetstone Library.

CAC – Thursday October 6th Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Agenda – Clintonville Area Commission

October 6th, 2022

Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214

Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting.

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of AgendaChair Vottero


  Commissioner Introductions and District Updates


7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutesCommissioner Garrison


  Treasurer’s ReportCommissioner White, Treasurer


7:30 Neighborhood UpdateRebecca Deeds, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council


7:40 Zoning and Variance – Committee Chair Stephen Hardwick

1.     BZA22-125, 289 Lenappe Dr. To remedy a public safety problem with a severe sloped residential drive way by lowering the driveway grade and extending the house footprint with a two-car garage (450 sq. ft. and living space (450 sq. ft.), the homeowner seeks a variance to reduce the building line from 25′ to 0′. CC3332.21.

2.     BZA22-113, 3100 N. High St. To split a lot resulting in two buildings each on their own lot, the applicant requests variances to: 1) reduce the width of a shared drive aisle from 20′ to 9′ feet, CC3312.09; and 2) reduce the maneuvering area for parking spaces from 20′ to 10′. CC3312.25.


8:10 Aldrich Road Parking – Resident Diana Miller


  City of Columbus Zoning Code Update – Alex Sauersmith, Planning Manager and Nolan Harshaw, Associate Planner


  Public Comment


  Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday,

November 3rd, at Whetstone Library.


8:55 Adjourn



CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday September 28th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday September 28th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  4. Variance agenda
    1. BZA22-125, 289 Lenappe Dr. To remedy a public safety problem with a severe sloped residential drive way by lowering the driveway grade and extending the house footprint with a two-car garage (450 sq. ft. and living space (450 sq. ft.), the homeowner seeks a variance to reduce the building line from 25′ to 0′. CC3332.21.
    2. BZA22-113, 3100 N. High St. To split a lot resulting in two buildings each on their own lot, the applicant requests variances to: 1) reduce the width of a shared drive aisle from 20′ to 9′ feet, CC3312.09; and 2) reduce the maneuvering area for parking spaces from 20′ to 10′. CC3312.25.
  5. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be October 6, 2022, at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be October 26, 2022

CAC – Thursday September 1st Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – September 1st (IN PERSON)

Agenda – Clintonville Area Commission
September 1st, 2022
Community Room at Whetstone Library Branch, 3909 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
Thanks to Columbus Metropolitan Libraries for hosting this meeting.
7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Chair Vottero
Commissioner Introductions and District Updates
7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Garrison
Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer
August Special Meeting Report – Commissioner Boulton
7:30 Neighborhood Update – Beth Fairman Kinney, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council
Zoning and Variance – Committee Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. Variance agenda (on motion to take off the table): CV21-062, 3013-3021 North High Street. Applicant Brian Higgins on behalf of Attainable Luxury, in order to build a mixed-use, multi-family building, seeks variances to:
a. CC3312.49, Minimum Numbers of Parking Spaces required, to reduce on-site parking from 95 spaces (45 DU @1.5 spaces + 1 per 75 SF restaurant) to 28 spaces for residential use and no spaces for restaurant use.
b. CC3312.21(D), Parking Lot Screening, to allow required parking lot screening west edge of property to not include a 4’ buffer.
2. Demolition Agenda – 155 Graceland Blvd. Request to waive the 60-day waiting period for demolition.
C2P2 Presentation – Mark Dravillas, Planning Administrator and Alex Sauersmith, Planning Manager at City of Columbus
Public Comment
Announcement of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday,
October 6th, at Whetstone Library.

CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday August 24th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday August 24th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  1. Call to order
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meetings minutes.
  4. Variance agenda (on motion to take off the table):
    1. CV21-062, 3013-3021 North High Street. Applicant Brian Higgins on behalf of Attainable Luxury, in order to build a mixed-use, multi-family building, seeks variances to:
      1. A. CC3312.49, Minimum Numbers of Parking Spaces required, to reduce onsite parking from 95 spaces (45 DU @1.5 spaces + 1 per 75 SF restaurant) to 28 spaces for residential use and no spaces for restaurant use.
      2. CC3312.21(D), Parking Lot Screening, to allow required parking lot screening west edge of property to not include a 4’ buffer.
  5. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be Sept. 1, 2022, at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of the Zoning & Variance Committee will be Sept. 28, 2022.

CAC – Special Meeting (7pm 8/9 IN PERSON at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church)

DRAFT August 2022 CAC Agenda – Special Meeting 8.9.22

Meeting is being held in person at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights 43202

7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of AgendaChair Vottero


  CAC Election Announcement for Districts 3, 6, and 8 – Chair Vottero




CAC Discussion of Capital Priorities for Clintonville Chair Vottero will lead a discussin among commissioners and include Planning and Development Committee Chair Andrew Overbeck; no votes or actions


  Public Comment


  Announcement of Next Meeting – The next regular meeting will be at 7pm on Thursday, September 1st at Columbus Metropolitan Library Whetstone Branch.





Election Cancellation for Districts 3, 6, and 8

Elections for the position of CAC Commissioner for Districts 3, 6, and 8 are being cancelled. Each of the districts has one applicant for the position of Commissioner and all of the applicants were certified as qualified. No additional candidates have applied to be a write-in candidate in any of the open districts. Under the CAC rules, if there is only one candidate, that candidate will be declared the winner.

The future Commissioners are:

Donna Leigh-Osbourne – District 3
Mark Moritz – District 6
Joshua Hively – District 8

The candidates will take office at the beginning of 2023.

**City staff will utilize the time reserved on August 27th for elections to instead share information with the community on the CAC and its committees. This will be promoted in the coming weeks.

CAC – Thursday August 4th Meeting Agenda (7pm IN PERSON at Whetstone Library)

Clintonville Area Commission Meeting Agenda – August 4th (IN PERSON)


7:00 Call to order, Welcome, Housekeeping, Approval of Agenda – Chair Vottero
Commissioner Introductions and District Updates
7:15 Consideration of prior meeting minutes – Commissioner Garrison
Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner White, Treasurer
Announcement: Reminder of Commission Vacancies in Districts 3, 6, and 8 – Commissioner Boulton
7:30 Neighborhood Update – Beth Fairman Kinney, Department of Neighborhoods and Harrison Poku-Yeboah, Columbus City Council
7:45 Aldrich Road Parking – Commissioner Motil
Zoning and Variance – Committee Chair Stephen Hardwick
1. BZA22-072, 42 Garden Rd. The homeowner seeks a variance to decrease the side setback from 5′ to 2.2’ for the existing western side setback. CC3332.26.
2. BZA22-084, 64 Overbrook. The homeowners seek a variance to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 24′ 6″. CC3332.38(G).
3. BZA22-085, 233 Erie. The homeowners seek a variance to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 25′ 5″. CC3332.38(G).
4. 4. BZA22-089, 44 W. Torrence. The homeowners seek variance to 1) increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 22′ 3″, CC3332.38(G); and, 2) decrease the required side side yard from 3′ to 1′, to maintain the building line of the original garage. CC3332.26(E).
5. BZA22-092, 130 W. Henderson. The homeowner seeks variances from the rules requiring that:
1. Every “parking and loading space shall have sufficient access and
maneuvering area (and that the) maneuvering area for a parking space may
occur anywhere on a lot except in the area between the street right-of-way
line and the parking setback line.” CC3312.25;
2. “Where a required building setback line is less than 25 feet, the parking
setback line shall follow the building setback line or the established
parking setback, whichever is less, but in no case shall the parking setback
line be less than ten feet from the street right-of-way line,” CC3312.27(3);
3. The building setback be 20′. CC3332.21.
Urban Infrastructure Recovery Funds: Second Consideration of Sidewalk Improvements – Alex Sauersmith, Planning Manager, City of Columbus
Public Comment
Announcement of Special Meeting – The next meeting will be at 7pm on Tuesday,
August 9th, for purposes of discussing Clintonville’s capital needs. No votes or actions will be taken.